37,793 60%
Because Big Western Cock entered Japan only recently after WW2, Jap Boys suffer from Nordic Penis Envy. They should learn from us Paki Boys how to become Happy Gungadins for Blond Westerners!
11 年 前
英語が日本語アクセントではありません。あんたの名前は「ひろし」ではなく、日本人でもなく、パキスタン人ですよね。なぜ日本人を貶めるようなことをするのですか。You speak English not in Japanese accent. Your name is not "Hiroshi" and you're not Japanese. You're Pakistani. Why do you injure Japanese.
I'm passive I have a tiny penis of 5.5 cm - everyone with small penis has a lot of shame and envy of a big penis