I don`t understand what`s going on here, due the fact i do not comsume straight porn, i wasn`t aware it`s possible … a friend of me made me aware of it, and i was honestly saying shocked and angry …

Xhamster … a site who writes by their own … the word RESPECT on his flag …. RESPECT for humans, for women …

Accept women degrading … *A* B *U* S* I* N* G *… discrimination, and not enough, they makes MONEY with …

i cannot understand, when these guys had lost all his sense for Erotic, women grace … class, his empathy, taste … manner or they never had, it makes me angry this sanctimonious double standards, all under the blanket from to be tolerant … tolerant for whom? … for males? … but not for women, that`s clear …

Such content is totally against all my principles … all for what i stand, for what i feel … all for what women stays … we are treated like a piece of flesh … toys …. if that would happen in real life, i would immediatky report by police … and here? … it`s allowed … it`s called PORN … what`s wrong with you guys? … you cannot make hard your little susage without to *A *B *U* S* E * and degrade women? … how lousy and poor from you …

And it`s not depending from my own sexuality, from my own likes … for me that`s a generally matter …

I fight with my own, i`m not sure i can still looking in the mirror with a good conscience, to know such things are accept here … i for my own, i can`t accept such things … in no way, so what does it means? …

Simple and easy … i have to be true to myself, so when i don`t comes back here … you know i made my decision.

Best regards, and lovely greets to all my beloved friends ….

Your Jana

for you know, what i`m talking about ….
发布者 Jana-chen
4 年 前
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
I agree in all with you ... not remarble that your comment was to find in spam folder ... but i make it in public ....
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
*A*M*E*N* .... Happy that at least ONE women here is with me in that ... and do not remain silent ... THANK YOU ....
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
teatea11 : Indeed ... i think it`s a dangerous water you are, in first to use the term ... *abusing* and *consensual* ... in one sentence alone is not correct ... because that`s not possible.
Males use their Power, and thinking they are in the born and natural right, to degrading and discriminate women around the world ... we cannot say how much everyday, and it`s a fact, that no women this planet makes not the experience one day in her life ... the possibles are countless, to discriminate women ... 
You are talking from a different kind of sexuality, may you should try to collect some experiences with BDSM .... and find out your limits and borders .... with experienced teacher ... serious Mistress or Master ....
What makes me angry the most is, that this site here protect such trash ... and makes money with .... they proclaim, to be tolerant, respectful to especially women .... that`s just hypocritical and double standards ... fantasy and imagination either way, in 90% of straight porn, wonen are hurted ... and have not consensual Sex ... but males comes such as dulled, they don`t see it ...
I wish you good luck and more success to find out yourself and comes in balance with you ...
best regards,
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teatea11 4 年 前
Dear Jana .. I may be about to tread into some dangerous water, but I have to say that I sometimes enjoy seeing, reading about and watching women, men or anyone abused in porn. In fantasy of course. I quite like the fantasy of being abused a little myself too. It should of course be consensual. If not it should not happen. This kind of porn does get me off when I'm in the mood for it. Of course its kind of dodgy, and I believe that it does probably lead naive minds into thinking its ok in reality (there seems to be too many people into choking others for my liking right now for instance). In my everyday life I am the opposite entirely, and hate to see bullies or anybody suffering under the emotional or physical weight of another. My sexuality is a very weird thing for me, an ocean I swim in but have no real understanding of.
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
laurent7891 : THANK YOU ... pretty lovely from you ... RESPECT .... 
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laurent7891 4 年 前
i don't knows the profile you talking about....i have see that...and i am shocked too....your anger is totally understandable and i am agree with you...with my bad English language...  Respect is the most important rules in life between people, whatever it is, sexual orientation...and here on this sort of profile, there is just discrimination and  cowardice...nothing else...i am revolted by these pictures...where is love, where is mutual pleasure...nowhere !! on your area dear Jana...i found tolerance, humor, artistic pictures, and sensuality and it's great !!! i give you my support as a man who appreciate your personality.
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
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BGNHRD9X6 4 年 前
Jana-chen : XOXO
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
BGNHRD9X6 : THANK YOU .... couldn`t say more THANK YOU .... now i know it wasn`t for nothings .... oh my ...
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BGNHRD9X6 4 年 前
I couldn't agree more ! And as a woman , I assure you ..I got you're back bra-strap .
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
letusbe123 : Pretty thanks for your attention to .... i know, it will change nothings here ... but it must from my heart and soul and i have to be clear with myself ....
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letusbe123 4 年 前
Jana-chen : Beautiful conquers all.....yes?  When you post an erotic set of photos or the videos you share, they're not just "porn", they are stories of for the physical form of our bodies (perfect or not), love for the erotic feelings we are blessed to have, love for the freedom of CHOICE...much like the island nation of Themyscira, home and birthplace of Wonder Woman. Certainly, what we can tolerate is tested always, but our hearts are not the hearts of those that pervert sex and abuse women. We have loving hearts...and, in the end, we will remain close to each other, encourage each other, and enjoy the purity of human sexuality ???
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
putje : In first thank you for your attention and expression ... your meaning to my post ...
for sure i`m not such as naive and blind, for not to know that here are published things i don`t like, is against my taste and style ... out of all erotic ... but the core of it ... the reason why especially this makes me so angry is ... that this site here, support, allows ... and make money, with background stories, forcing fantasies ... where women are forced and blackmailed to sex from MALES, that`s the big different, this site here have the responsibility, to keep clean from such things and NOT to show here, or give the permisson to show.
it makes me angry the lack of respect, of lack to respect the own rules .... women are forced, degraded, A B U S E D in every second in real life .... why to the hell that must be show here ????? ... SEX, PORN ... is A B U S I N G ????? .... degrading? ....where are the borders .... where are the guidelines? .... If it were an amateur publisher, no problem ... no can report and eventually it`s removed soon ... but ni, it made from a studiot who especcialy create such distingish things .... so it`s on me ... to show understanding? ... NEVER ... EVER...
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putje 4 年 前
Well, I have some mixed feelings.
Obviously I don't want woman, nor man, to be humiliated against their free will.

Obviously I like the erotic pictures you post much more than this porno you refer to.

You are on my “my news” list and they’re not.
At the other time we all use the platform, we all do our cherry picking from it.

We all (at least I) come here for the choice we have, and I have never seen elsewhere. Probably I like just 5% of what is posted on this site, but I’m aware those other things exist. I can hardly believe that after +7 years on Xhamster, you realized just now that there is some stuff on this site you dislike or even hate.

Maybe I’m naïve, but I don’t think that every time I see “amateurs” it does mean that it is spontaneously. The vast majority on this site is scripted. I think (hope?) also the movies you refer to are scripted. Just as most of your movies are probably (as a male I’m not supposed to see them) scripted too.

I hope the movies you refer to are fiction and I don’t disregard the actors who wants to play in it. It is sad that there’s a ‘market’ (number of views) for it, but I’ve seen a lot worse in the BDSM categorie.
Please keep posting your beautiful photos on this site. Be pleased whit the cheerful reactions you get from us fans. But don’t be angry on the stuff you don’t like. Ignore them. On this vast site you can easily do so. They’re not worth you time.
mscotton12 4 年 前
I'm sorry that they have pushed you to the edge. I hope you don't leave us with one less provider of beauty and sensuality but support an decision you make. Be well my friend ! 
Mildmint1 4 年 前
To Jana,  I hear you and support you on this issue. It will be very to see you leave, If it’s the case. You will be sorely missed. A big fan of your style. Cheers Mild
dievollstrecker 4 年 前 this is forced sex and women discrimination at the highest level
These are serious human rights violations rooted in a patriarchal understanding of masculinity and femininity. As long as this world view persists, there can be no peaceful societies based on equality, mutual recognition and respect. But conservative forces see changes in gender order as a massive threat, because they cause their own position to totter. Discrimination is thus intended to maintain the existing order and secure one's own privileges. Under these circumstances, women and men are forced into roles and behavioural patterns that severely restrict their decision-making and development opportunities.
Gender discrimination can only be overcome if women and men break away from familiar role models and work together for gender justice. For a long time, development cooperation has mainly addressed women. However, it is women and men who must change their attitudes and question patriarchal power relations, ways of thinking and behaviour in order to reduce discrimination and achieve equality. In addition, the legislator must take strong action against all forms of violence against women and combat discrimination against them in society, politics and the economy.
The world is far from equal rights, although they are the fundamental right of every human being.
letusbe123 4 年 前
Jana, I feel your pain...honestly, my little "circle" of "friends" is comprised of individuals who have the highest regard for women...and men...and transgenders, all of which may be straight or choose an alternative lifestyle, all of which I will not judge, demean, condemn....even as a joke. Paul McCartney wrote "live and let live". John Lennon wrote............... Woman I can hardly express

My mixed emotions and my thoughtlessness

After all I'm forever in your debt

And woman I will try to express

My inner feelings and thankfulness

For showing me the meaning of success....
farfallinaJO 4 年 前
Jana-chen..... la tua dolcezza e la tua sensibilità sono due qualità che ti pongono ad un livello alto, e trovo giusto che queste due qualità si trasformino in grinta, e quindi capisco la tua " rabbia ", ma il ptoverbio dice " non ti curar di loro" ciaooooooooooooooooo un sorriso per scaricare la tua rabbia----- A*M*E*N*
Nickyhere 4 年 前
I understand you, Jana-CHEN.  And Of Course, agree. This is just one example of where women are used.  The majority of pornography seems to demean women in some way or another.  'For the pleasure of men', is the ethos.  Sadly, capitalism / moneymaking is the root cause of so many types of exploitation, and degradation. The floodgates are open. Can they be closed?  Thank you for helping to try.
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
MissingAFewBits : I can`t say good enough Thank you, dear Alan, it`s exactely what`s all about ... * the more of us who stand up, and say, enough is enough, the better., but xhamster listen I sincerely doubt it* ... enough is enough ... to make money with forced and blackmailed Sex isn`t just borderline ... peoples who like this, have a serious mentally problem and should looking for professional support and help, it`s not enough that everyday many women souls are hurted and damaged with such things ... no, they must show it in vids too ... making profit and money without all ethically standarts ....
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
214Chance : Thanks for your attention to ... i`m glad to see, not all guys are in the same ... something what give me hope for the future ...
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
hornydevil1963 : Thank you for your attention to, and that you agree ....
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
gayfras : Thank you my dear friends ... i feel much better to see, i`m not alone in this ....
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
pt4utoo : It`s pity and remarkable that i have to reply, especially to a *women*, for explaining what`s about …

it`s not about spanking and rough sex, as far as I am concerned, a woman can have sex in this way 24/7, if she like and love it … and when happen by mutual agreement, but that`s not what happen here, it`s about the story... forced and blackmailed sex, for males entertainment … "If you don`t do what i want … If you don`t have sex with me, you will see what`s happen ..."
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MissingAFewBits 4 年 前
My dear Jana, I'm with you on this, all the way, it's something I like you, would never watch, its degrading, its upsetting, its as you say, purely about, the money, about the profit, its wrong ooh so wrong, the more of us who stand up, and say, enough is enough, the better., but xhamster listen I sincerely doubt it 
214Chance 4 年 前
I agree!  I generally am up for anything as long as it is consensual, but the amount of abuse is bad.  Major turn off.  It's scary how much of it there really is.
hornydevil1963 4 年 前
I agree. There is nothing sexy in degrading someone.
gayfras 4 年 前
I'm with you 100%
Thanks for bringing this up. That behavior and content is such an absolute turn off.
pt4utoo 4 年 前
There is to much slapping and hitting for sure, whats that all about.