Maximum Pleasure Taking a Dream and Making it life

I find myself in awe at life. Now I am far from a millionare Not even close but I do live a lifestyle that is driven by pleasure as well as a little bit of pain. My path is not for the light hearted, I have what you say a weak stomach so to speak but for the most part I can take in all in stride. I dont bend over for anyone though, FYI, but I do understand that there are many struggles along the way to Taking a dream and Making it life.

Once the cam rolls its all legal no worries about ducking the law, which is good for the most part. I am finding this drive in me that is rare and strong. I got into this industry because I cut my finger tips at work and they wouldnt pay my unemployment. That simple..... I have made friends along the way who I hope to spends lots of my life time with. I am some place with no family and I am all alone so I have to stand tall and keep my word as a BOND, something so few are capable of doing. In my time so far in this industry I have learned one thing 99 % of the people I have a conversation with well ..... There all on BS. and that 1 % are the ones that living in the moment for just that moment. so screw everyone you can .... Literally and be thankful we are part of the 1 % and never look back for the past only pushes you to the future point blank period..

Max Pleasure
4 年 前