Hottest Bet Or Dare

In real life, online, etc.
What's the hottest bet or dare you saw, were in or heard about?
发布者 kendraxgirl
3 年 前
kendraxgirl 出版商 3 年 前
Dangerous is what they were.
lostwalker 3 年 前
Most likely can‘t do this anymore due to everyone having a smart phone. We traveled a lot when I was younger, stayed in a lot of little no name towns along the way from point A to point B. Played this game maybe 10 times with my wife.

Picture dare, and no it isn’t what you are thinking. First, the person takes between 3-to-6 pictures, risk level depending on the person, then print them out at photo quality. We did 3 pictures, front panties, back panties, and boobs. Then go with a friend or two, to a small hole-in-the-wall bar, that isn’t close to where they live or work.
At the bar, chill for a while and get a feel for the place. If/when it seems right, the person will go to the bathroom or outside of the main bar area. Then their friend will pick a group or person for each picture. Checking first if the person is okay with the idea of the game; if so, they get one of the pictures.
When the player comes back, their friend points out each person or group that has one of the pictures. She then has to go to each person and guess which picture they have. If she guesses correct she gets the picture back and a drink, or other reward. If she guesses incorrectly, she has to private flash the picture holder, matching either the picture that person has or what she guessed the picture was; Holder’s choice. Then she got the picture back.
Example: If she guessed front panties and the Holder had back panties; she would have to flash them either front or back. Holder’s choice.   
BradJ1201 3 年 前
Co worker and i bet on a football game years ago and the winner got to fuck a female coworker of ours that we both wamted to hookup with. The game ended in a tie. Lol. She felt we both won so we tag teamed her. Lol. 
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