In the edging zone
Fantastic time over night after a rocky day of edging. Friday night was fun edging but saturday was tough at times. The wife was home all day watching TV behind me as I stayed at tne PC. makes it a real challange to edge without getting caught and to keep the game going well. See she don't do perverted sex so I have to be carefull yet I expose myself constantly around her without her catching me by pure chance. But I know she's on to me. I KEEP IT A CONSTANT CLOSE CALL AROUND HER. Every time I leave or she leaves the room I pull it out and jerk, shake it. rub it. flash it almost being caught but not..... but I can tell when she suspected something. Like she left to go get dinner and before the door shut I was already edging and had about 15 near cum eruptions before she got back so it was real hard to stop when she got back and while we were eating I was slill edging right in front of her but she couldn't see for sure. It's all in her eyes and expressions. So this morning I had some freetime before anyone was wakeing and I got a couple of hours of realy really good edging in and I mean like 2 hours of solid climax on the very edge but I went over. damn't. But that was so strong and I got it on my black shirt. So I let it dry till she got up and made some coffie. I fixed us a cup and brought her it and she noticed the dryed cum on me nice clean black shirt and she said what'd you get all over the front of your shirt with her lips curled in disgust. OH WELL back to edging still have a whole day ahed....I need to go to the store.... with me clean black shirt.
3 年 前
And you my friend. Are you still enjoying some fine goons. Are you now in masturbatory bless? I myself still never stop even as of right this second after 8 hrs today and the wife just came home and is downstairs now.