Full Throttle (Again)

Full Throttle

Pre-story PSA: This is from my Fanfiction account, so not stealing from other sites. I do not own Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, or any of its characters. I don't profit from this either!

She was out of the shower and traipsing across the room for her favorite caramel nightie. Sean bought her last spring.

He smiled. Neela returned quickly to the bathroom and lotioned languidly. Sean takes this opportunity and slides into their queen bed.

He loved the way it felt against his back, so pliant and inviting. Like home. He loved even more the girl who shared it with him.
Sean's eyes flickered over to her. Coffee-dark waves gradually dried when Neela arranged them with bristles and fingers. Baby girl hardly had to try to get him so riled.

It required something so simple as her stride, to become hotter than a Texas summer night. He chuckled as she succumbed to temporary clumsiness and caught herself in the doorway.

"Found another way to fall over air?" her boyfriend taunted in his Southern American drawl. How could she be the best drifter in Tokyo, but do this so often? Sean didn't know after three years.

Neela let her hand fall from her erratically beating heart. He wanted that to be his heart forever.

"Sean! You're HERE!" She shrieked as each manicured hand waved frantically.

"Yep, sugar, missed you!" Sean answered her.

"Hi there. You startled me, I wasn't expecting..." she shyly stated.

Sean waved his phone at her sheepishly, still making eye contact. "Whoops."

"Oh, shit."

"Texted you earlier but realize I never sent it now. Gomen. I never wanna scare you, Neela." Fuck her brains out, get a little scary but never SCARE her.

"How long have you been watching me change and shower?" Neela said with rueful eyes. Australian accent grew with her annoyed Japanese.

"Hasn't been long. You were already done. Looking good as fuck," he responded in a sensual afterthought. "You haven't failed to keep me entertained..."

She sauntered over to the shades and closed them. That was a good idea, he noted. I’m pounding you hard soon. The neighbors were a little too interested in what happened when they were open.

"So this is why we moved in together," Neela murmured under her breath. Sean reached out for his girlfriend's hand, squeezing softly when she took his. The contrast between silky and calloused always undid him at the seams. Her comprising contradictions sent Sean head over heels, and even he wasn't cocky enough to deny it.

"Where've you been, boy? Don’t lie," she pried softly. His yakuza jacket did not evade attention on the closet door handle. He elaborated just enough to change the subject. Neela could not know how alike he and Takashi truly were.

Her darker, supple skin pressed against his legs. Sean hoisted her onto him with a quiet growl. Neela smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Work's been keepin' me away from you. I'm sorry, Nee'. I can make it up to you, if you want." His girlfriend arched a sculpted eyebrow.

"Feels like forever since you've called me Nee'," she said with her lip between perfect teeth. "Sean, I miss it...miss you."
and it was then that words no longer expressed his desire. Sean couldn't remember when and where his lips met her skin, and how kisses progressed to biting, who removed her nightie or his jeans and boxers, what he was even going to say after Neela spoke. Sean DID know, however, that he was through with waiting. Honestly Sean had wanted her from the second they met, and long before; the week-long hiatus especially created lust between them like engine sparks.

Sean's fingers wove into her hair as he prepared to lose himself. Neela pivoted her hips before taking him for a ride that would last through the night, into the wee hours of morning.

"Ready?" His lover whispered with his tip in hand. She descended and his world disassembled on contact.

"Ikuzo, baby, I need you bad."


Sean always enjoyed having Neela on top. She fell against his chest with her bare, sun-kissed skin—paradise he hadn't realized. Neela's long waves tickled his shoulders like ebony silk as she rocked voraciously. Her smooth, roughened hands grasped at his hair before venturing to what filled her. He placed his hands on her thighs.

She rode him like her car: so fast but not too furious, confident and powerful, forever in control. They fit together effortlessly. She took over when she felt like it, the enjoyment laid bare in the arch of her back and beautiful face. So Sean responded with a sinewy rhythm of his own. Neela returned it with steady perfection. And she sighed, more like a purr, as they moved in dual gear.


Neela never told him outright, but Sean knew how backshots thrilled her like no other position. Large brown eyes nearly closed as the grip on her hair became tight as her pussy. She clutched the sheets when he delivered a spank to either cheek. Sean could tell it brought out her inner devil.

Neela's hips rotated back like a revving engine, and lover ran his hand over her lower back and rear. Sexy voice began to shift from smoky to shrill. Even if she weren't moaning till the cows came home, such blazing stares and her glistening wetness could keep Sean content in her oasis forever.


Her legs trapped him in an iron grip as she gyrated in his lap and he cupped her derriere to assist. Lotus was the first thing they had ever done. Though the original involved a hot spring, sake, and lobster skin for a day or two. The onsen owner had discovered them and brusquely kicked them out. But it had been extremely worth it.

It became much easier to focus his attention on her without the boiling water and potential onlookers. Sean could definitely see why couples liked this. His arms around Neela's hips, the electricity of skin on skin, her whispers, the kisses upon his shoulder, their closeness and the depth—it was amazing to feel her so intimately, every millimeter.

But by no means was this mild. Neela had brought him closer, and her body language was not telling him to slow down. If she could take it, they were going to hit that peak together now.


This was his favorite stage in all of their sexscapades. Pre-climax. Anything goes. Anything happens. She was at her most unreserved and he loved it. Sean wrapped her legs around his thrusting hips, watching her whimper and shake apart. His name was lost on the tip of her tongue, stolen away by pleasure.

"Ahhh!" Neela sighed and cursed in Portuguese. He lost his mind. Sean would make her lose complete control, his iron hold on her waist as he pounded in passionate frenzy. He nuzzled her neck with lips, tongue and a hearty suckle. Neela held him tightly.

"Come, Nee'. Come on." He traveled past her collarbone to give her breasts the same attention. Squeals and high-pitched, wordless pleas were Sean's reward.

She arched underneath him in her approaching climax. Not much longer and the edge would claim Neela and him for its own. But he knew what she really needed.

"Missed me, huh?" Sean wooed. His fingers stroked her hipbones before pressing her moistened thighs to the mattress firmly, lovingly. Neela's eyes rolled back, but a strangled moan sufficed for 'yes'.

"I—know you did...I missed you too, babe. Been thinkin' about this... all WEEK," Sean grunted with her nipple between his teeth.

Neela reached for his head, as he expected, but found herself unable to budge when his hands pinned her wrists flat beside her head.

"Wait. Not so fast, Nee'." Sean ceased to tease the puffy peak of her breast, and planted a trail of kisses across them before pulling himself out to the very pink tip. It took every ounce of willpower not to fill baby up again. She trembled against him, beautiful eyes saturated with hunger and love for him. Neela was his universe.

"I had to make you mine. Feel you come, for me. I want," he said before pausing to nip her ear. "To have you feel how much I've been wantin' you ever since I saw you."

Neela whined so longingly that Sean closed his eyes. She relaxed into his grip, which he tightened doubly before starting the delicious lunge forward again.

"Tell me what you feel, Neela. I wanna know."

"Oh..." She moaned for him, positioning herself for more. "MmmmMMM..."

"What you need. This dick to make you come, baby? YEAH?" He bragged. Sean bottomed her out then retreated slowly, half-buried within her slickness.

"I feel you, big and thick, and hard inside me. Dying to take me," Neela stated as those eyes glittered darkly, her accent at its thickest. "And I need you to fucking DO IT."

His hardness met her welcoming walls with full force. The bed shook, their moans carried, and they gave a damn about none of it.

"You love this," Sean gritted out as he took her lips into his and increased the pace twofold.

"I do," Neela confessed breathlessly when he finished ravishing her mouth. "I love it, feeling you... dominate me. Being yours makes me...so..."

"Fuck, Nee—la!"

Sean’s hands roamed from neck to shoulders, along her curves and underneath to bring her closer. She enfolded his neck with tightening arms. Her name escaped his lips in broken fragments: two exotic syllables delicious on his tongue. Sean savored it again and again.

"Neela," he praised; her gasp became a silent scream. Neela was a song, Neela was a goddess, Neela was the sacred river in which he was drowning and he would gladly do so to see her this way.

"Right there," she nearly sobbed. "Fucking yes, Sean, don't stop, DON'T—!"


He loved the violent passion that made her thrash with desire. Neela's teeth sank into his neck, and that was the absolute end.
Mind and body severed the tightening cord of orgasmic tension. Sean groaned intensely as the waves coursed through him, and hastily released himself onto her thighs. They exchanged sated sighs in the other's arms. Neela stirred after a deep breath against his shoulder.

"Guess another shower's in order thanks to you, Sean…"


"Goddamn, Neela," Sean whispered huskily. "The things you make me do." They had been lying in bed for half an hour now. Neither of them had planned to go another round. But hot water and soap aroused Sean anew, and temptation surmounted them. Neela was visibly still basking in the afterglow. He took immense pride in seeing it.

"Oh, my," she murmured for the third time in fifteen minutes, her hand dramatically over her still- dampened forehead. "Sean..."

"You're sayin' 'oh my'? How's my neck lookin', Neela Swan, miss vampire?" Sean intoned lazily. He craned for a better view.
As Neela failed to hold in her laughter, he rolled his eyes in a show of irritation and settled back down. One hand folded behind his head as its twin stroked her back.

"You really missed me, marking me up like that, Nee’."

His girlfriend bit his shoulder and curled frizzy hair behind one ear.

"I told you I did," Neela pointed out defensively. Her words tickled his skin, and he grinned.

"So did I. But we gotta get some sleep," Sean said sleepily, tossing the sheets over both of them. "Before I prove it to you again."

She hummed in assent. "Wakatta. 'Night, Sean baby."

Neela thought she heard him mumble 'Oyasumi, Nee'-chan' in a flashing moment of tenderness. Rather than dwell, she closed her eyes and prepared to drift.

"You're my babe," he whispered into her hair. Neela couldn't have stopped her smile if she wanted to.

Author's Notes
Translations: Ikuzo - Let's go (informal)
Onsen - hot spring
Wakatta - I understand
Oyasumi - Good night (informal)
-chan - honorific used in affection, usually between a couple

发布者 LaMaluca
3 年 前
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