The Generals Wife is a Porn Star
Marine Cadet Daniel Baker was in his second year at the US Naval Academy. He was attending the International Ball and was introduced to Tina Marie Johnson; it was love at first sight for both of them. They were exclusive for the next two years and right after graduation they were married in a beautiful ceremony in the Academy chapel.
Dan was 6’2” with very broad shoulders, very handsome, a tight ass and was nicely hung. He was top in his class in tactics and with the problems in the middle East there was no doubt he would be deployed before long.
Tina was a mere 5’2” maybe 104 lbs., she was beautiful had a body that drove men crazy, her DD boobs were like a man magnet, but the day they were married they were both virgins. What they lacked in experience they rapidly made up for in enthusiasm, and practice. When Don would come home Tina would pull down his pants and underpants and jump up wrapping her legs around his waist, reach down and push his cock in her then hang on and fuck him silly.
Then the dreadful day came, and Dan got his orders to deploy to the middle east. Tina climbed up in his lap and cried for an hour when he told her. As big and brave and hard as Dan was, he cried with her. These two were madly in love it was a love few ever experienced.
A week after Dan had deployed, Tina was going crazy spending day and night without her man. One morning Tina was having coffee with the woman next door Sara and telling her how hard it was without Dan. Sara said what she needed was a job, and the place she worked was looking for a server. She was sure she could get Tina a job. What she didn’t tell her Sara worked at a strip bar and she got a grand for every fresh POA she brought in.
The next thing Tina knew she was working in the bar serving drinks in a costume that her boobs would pop out of at least three times a night. She was making great money in tips but staying fateful to Dan, this was just a job even though she was getting felt up constantly. Then one-night Sara came to her and said the manager was looking for girls to work a special party for a big client and wanted to know if she wanted to work it. She told her she would make at least a grand maybe more. Tina agreed, in the limo ride to the party all the girls were drinking Champagne, Sara slipped a sedative and X in Tina’s drink so by the time they got to the party Tina was woozy and horny as hell.
When the night was over Tina was no longer the innocent bride. In fact, she was a budding porn star she just didn’t know it. Her gang bang was all recorded, she had fucked six men two of which were black, and also had sex with three of the girls from the club.
The next day Tina did not remember a thing, she just knew she was hung over and her ass and pussy was sore. When she got to the club that night the manager called her into his office. He asked her how she was feeling, she said fine, he said you were quite a hit last night and he turned on the tv behind him, Tina was watching her gang bang from the night before. She covered her eyes and said no turn it off. He did, she said why did you do this to me, he said I didn’t do anything it was all you. She asked what do you want, he said like I told you, you were a hit last night, there was a producer there and wants to sign you to a contract to do porn movies for him. Of course, it’s up to you, but it would be a shame for this tape to find its way to your husband and everyone on your contact list in your phone.
Tina’s head was hung down and she was crying, she says this is blackmail. Her boss said well its up to you, sign this contract our go out and go to work and take your chance’s the video gets out. She looked up at him and said give me a pen. She signs the contract; he says see that wasn’t so bad now come over here take off your uniform I have been wanting to get my hand on your body sence I first saw you.
Tina unzipped her uniform let it fall to the floor, he turned in his chair to face her and said down on you knees between my legs, undo my pants and pull out my cock and suck me till I tell you to stop, crying she did, oh god yes that feels so good after about five minutes, he says ok now for the main course, come slide that sweet cunt of yours over my cock. She did as she was told and started fucking him while he sucked her tits. He said enough of this bend over my desk she did, he got between her legs and stuffed his cock in her pussy and savagely fucked her. Sara walked in slid her hand in her pants masturbated watching Tina get the shit fucked out of her. Joe the boss says hold on slut here I cum and filled Tina’s pussy with his cum.
When he pulled out of her he had her turn around and suck and lick his cock clean. He tells Tina you are no longer a server, as of tonight your stripping, doing lap dances and doing specials in the back rooms. Sara take her and get her set up, oh and Tina be here at one tomorrow time for you to make your first well actually second porno!
Over the next two weeks Tina turned into a first-class whore. Making porno films, stripping, giving lap dances and fucking in the back rooms. Oh, and she did one more special party. She was also fucking Joe a few times a week. She woke up one morning sick, then relized she could not remember the last time she had her period. Panicked she rushed to the d**g store and got a pregnancy test kit, it turned out positive. Tina immediately called her OBGYN and was able to get in right away. A quick exam and a test and sonagram and it was confirmed she was pregnet, about two and a half months! That’s when Tina relized it had to be Dan’s baby.
Tina marches into Joe’s office and says I quit, he looks at her and says what brings this on, Tina says I’m pregnet! Joe says that’s fantastic do you have any idea how big pregnet porno films pay we are going to make a bundle. Tina says NO I QUIT, Joe says Tina, Tina, Tina, have you forgot about your contract, and all the films you have made, what are you going to do when your husband gets them and dumps your whore ass, now lets not be stupid. Now get your clothes off and suck my cock. Over the next 7 months, Tina is forced to make sick porno films and the men at the club were all over her she never could understand why men got off fucking a pregnet woman.
Joe called her in to his office and said you have been great, but I think its best you take time off to have the baby and recover. Come see me when you feel up to it and we will talk about where to go from there. I know your husband will be back in a few months and it was never my intention to break up your marrage. He hands her a brief case and says inside is a hundred and eighty thousand dollars, your share of the films you have made, there will be more from residuals. He stands up pulls her into his arms gives her a big hug and says take care of yourself.
Tina is laying in the hospital in labor, her Mom and Dad and Dan’s Mom and Sister are all there, as Tina gives birth to a baby boy. They ask Tina the baby’s name, and she says Dan will name the baby, then tells everyone she was super tired and would like some time alone with the baby. It was 10:00pm Tina was looking at her son in her arms, pulled out her boob and fed the baby the all important first milk with all the protective antibodies. Tina calls the nurse and ask her to take her baby to the nursery.
The next morning when the family came to take Tina and the baby home the hospital staff notified them that Tina had left during the night, leaving the baby and an envelope for Ann Parker, Dan’s sister. The envelope had another envelope addressed to Dan, a letter to Ann and five thousand dollars.
The letter said:
Please forgive me but I am not fit to raise Dan’s son. Please look after the baby until Dan returns in three months. The money is to defer your cost until Dan returns. Please let everyone know I love Dan with all my heart sole and ask them to forgive me.
Tina walked into Joe’s office, he got up and had her sit in his chair, and said my god baby what happened to you, she said I had the baby yesterday, he asked then why in hell are you here. She said I am not fit to raise that in c***d; I need to get away and disappear can you help me. Joe picks up the phone makes a call to a friend out in California, and says Jake you know my girl Tina yes the one with the big tits, well she just had a baby yesterday, and she wants to disappear. No not with the baby, ok thanks pal. Joe says take about ten grand with you go to Smith Airlines take a couple changes of clothes, they will fly you out to California you will be met by a Jake Drake he will take care of you. Once you have recovered, he will get you a professional name and you will be a star, honey I’m going to miss you.
When Tina landed in California Jake took her under his wing, she stayed at his mansion with several other porn starlets, she was taken to a doctor tested for STD’s and checked out as a follow up to giving birth. A personal trainer came to Jake’s three times a week to work with the girls and her before you knew it Tina (now Betty Frost) was back in service literally! She was doing porno’s that actually had scripts, she worked the strip clubs as part of a team of girls, they would work an area for a few weeks then move on to another keeping the clients supplied with fresh meat.
When Dan returned from deployment he was met by his Mom, Tina’s pairents and his sister Ann with the baby. Dan still did not understand what had happened with Tina. When they got to Dan’s house Ann gave him the letter addressed to him from Tina. He opened it there was her engagement and wedding rings, a key in it along with a letter which read:
First let me tell you there is nothing you have done wrong. I will always love you with all my heart and soul. I was going crazy when you left, so Sara next door got me a job serving drinks at the club where she works. We were invited to serve at an after-hours party for a thousand dollars each. I remember getting into a limo and being given a glass of champagne, the next thing I remember was waking up home and I was very sore in places I should not be sore. When I got to work that night, the manager called me into his office showed me a video of the night before. I did disgusting things with many men and a few women. The manager blackmailed me into sighing a contract to make porn movies, strip in the bar and entertain men in the private rooms. I no longer am fit to be your wife or the mother of your beautiful baby boy. Enclosed is a key for a safe deposit box at our bank, it contains money to help raise your son. I will send what I can as c***d support. Please believe me when I tell you I love you with all my heart and soul and I will till the day I die. Please do not try and find me I have gone far away.
After Dan read the letter, he handed it to Ann after she read it, she said when I see Tina again I am going to slap her as hard as I can. Why couldn’t she relize she was d**ged and blackmailed, how could she not understand you would understand. Dan and Ann had their Mom watch baby Tom (they named the baby after Dan’s Dad who had been killed in the first gulf war) and they went to the bank got access to the safe-deposit box and were surprised to find one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. They looked at each other in astonishment, they were farther astonished at the end of the month a package from Tina containing nine thousand and nine hundred, and ninety, nine dollars. Just about every month there after they would receive another package containing money from Tina.
As the years went on Dan was the perfect father to Tommy as his Dad had been to him. Dan coached Tom’s little league baseball, soccer and lacrosse teams. Dan also went to all of his high school games. In his Junior year Tommy sat down with Dan and they talked about Tommy’s appointment to the Naval Academy, it had been settled for years that Tommy would go but he was asking his Dad if he could get an appointment for his best friend Pete. They had grown up together were teammates on all the ball teams , Pete had trained beside Tommy as Dan trained him for the Academy. Dan was always a hard charger, through his many deployments and several wounds, and metals for his heroism Dan had grown to the rank of three star general. So it was no issue to get Pete an appointment.
Tina and her team had rotated to a town close to where she had grown up. She took off the afternoon and drove over to the club where she had started her porn career. When she walked in the office Joe had some young girl bent over his desk fucking her for all he was worth. When he saw Tina, he came in the girl and told her to get out. He pulled up his pants and gave Tina a hug and kiss. They sat and talked as two old friends will, then Joe got a phone call he looked at Tina and smiled and said I have just the woman for you and hung up. He asked Tina would you like to make twenty-five hundred, she says sure, what do I have to do. He said a special party at the Hilton a boy has turned twenty-one and needs his V Card Punched. She smiles and says sounds like fun.
Tina went to room 203 at the Hilton at 6:00 pm, she hoped they would be good and drunk before she got there, and they were. She knocked on the door and Pete answered it, pulled her inside, and yelled out hey Tommy your birthday present is here. This handsome young man stumbled towards her hardly able to walk or see as far as that goes. Pete and the guys say take her back in the bedroom unwrap your present! Tina helps him to the bedroom strips, then strips him and started to suck his cock to get him hard so he could fuck her, he came after only a few seconds and screams OH GOD YES BABY. All the guys were in the other room cheering him on. He was still hard and he lifted her onto the bed spread her legs kneeled between them and she reached down grabbed his cock knowing all his buddies were listening she says damn boy your hung, take it easy on my pussy, just then there is a knock on the door.
Pete answered the door and said tens hut, all the guys turns to look at the door and a Three Star Marine General walks in, in full dress uniform. All the guys stand at attention and salute. Dan returns the salute and says at ease. Dan looks at Pete and asks where is my son? Then from the bedroom you can hear sex. Then Tommy yells here I cum baby OH GOD YES!
It gets quiet in the back and a womans voice says at least put your pants on, ok let me help you back to your friends. As they walk in Dan says happy birthday son, Tommy looks up and says sorry Dad. It dawns on Tina at that she has just sucked off and fucked her son! She lets go of him and he falls to the floor as she runs to the bathroom and starts to throw up. Dan said Pete you guys take care of Tommy I’ll see to the woman.
Dan says Tina are you ok she looks up at him and said I didn’t know he was your son; Dan says no he is our son. She looks up at him and says I’m so sorry Dan. He tells her get your face cleaned up put on some makeup, straighten up your clothes, oh and put these back on he reaches up pulls out the chain with dog tags and her wedding and engagement rings. He says when we walk out of this hotel we are walking out with our heads held high as man and wife! She says but we are divorced, Dan says I never got a notice did you divorced me, she says no surely you have divorced me by now. Dan said no Tina I love you with all my heart and soul there is no way I would ever divorce you. He says I’ll give you a few minutes, while I clear out this bunch of boys, Tina says Dan will you bring me my suitcase by the door, and he did.
Dan walked out and said you all have 15 minutes to get this place ship shape and go home, TAKE TAXIES, Pete, your keeping Tommy at your place, I don’t need him throwing up all over my house tonight.
Dan walked into the bathroom, Tina had changed into a little black dress, taken off her dark wig and was fixing her long blond hair in a bun on her head. Her make up had gone from slutty to classy. She was dressed to go to any formal event (little did she know).
Tina has him hold a hunk of hair in place while she pins another piece to it, when she is done, she looked as if she had spent the day at the salon. A tear runs down Dan’s cheek before him is the Tina he married. He says are you ready she says what about the guys out there. Dan says they are all gone. Just leave your overnight bag they will send it to us. They walked out of the room her arm thru his and down the elevator. As they walked out of the elevator, Tina started towards the door, Dan said I hate to spring this on you but we have a little thing we have to attend, and he walked her towards the ball room. As they approach the doors to the ball room is manned by two marines and two plain closed men with ear wigs, the Marines salute the General and he returns their Salute.
The Marines open the door and as they walk in it is pack full of tables all full of people in formal dress and dress uniforms like Dan. A big sign says Congratulations General Baker. As they walk down the isle Dan is constantly being greeted, people she recognized as Congress Men and Women, Senators and she even recognized a Supreme Court Justice. Tina hears two women talking and says my god she is stunning who is she. As they got about half way to the front the speaker of the house stands up and says congratulations General, Dan says thank you Madam Speaker, he then said Speaker Poleis, please let me interduce my wife Tina, she just got in from an extended sabbatical two hours ago. Tina please meet Sp she says Nancy to you dear, taking her hand with both of her hands, and says you must be very proud of your husband, She leans over and whispers into Tina’s ear he doesn’t know it but he is getting the CMH tonight.
When they finally made it to the head table Tina noticed there four empty chairs. As it turned two were for them. They had been seated for about ten minutes when the band started to play Hail to the Chief, everyone in the room stood up and walking up the isle towards them was the President and the First Lady. They walk up to our table Don Salutes him he returns the Salute, then they shake hands and Dan says Don, Melania I am proud to interduce my wife Tina, they shake hands, Melania bends over and says you really have no idea how much Dan has missed you, you are all he ever talks about, and now meeting you I can see why, you are beautiful, I do hope we can become close friends.
The President walks up to the podium the room becomes quiet, we are here to honor a man among men, General Donald Baker. General Baker please come up here and stand beside me, and please bring your lovely wife Tina. What most of you don’t know due to the top-secret nature of the mission Dan led a team that destroyed the nuclear capabilities of an unnamed country. During this action the General’s Humvee was struck by rocket. The General while wounded himself pulled four wounded Marines out of the Humvee to safety. He then manned the fifty-caliber machine gun on his damaged Humvee and fought off over one hundred and fifty enemy combatants for three hours before evacuation. While doing so he received three additional wounds and killed sixty-five enemy in defense of his wounded men.
General Baker by unanimous vote of the United States Congress for heroism above and beyond the call of duty I do here by present you with the Congressional Medal of Honor. As the General bowed his head and the President hung the metal around his neck, everyone in the hall stood and applauded.
The President says General the podium is yours, Dan put his arm around Tina’s waist and pulled her to the podium with him. Dan says first my wife Tina and I thank you for this honor. With a tear in his eye he said as most people who have received this honor will say I do not feel I deserve this, but as you all have seen fit to award to me I will say I will accept this in conjunction with the brave men who followed me on that mission. Now how about we eat and dance and enjoy this evening together, again thank you all.
They returned to their table as dinner is served. Don looks at Tina and says your husband is my most trusted advisor, I worry about him at times leading the solitary life he has, especially with Tommy in the Academy now but from the time I walked in the room I could tell by the look on his face with you by his side he is a far more contented man. I can tell that man really loves you. Melania asks Don where is Tommy why is he not here, Don says he is a bit under the weather, but I’m sure in a day or two he will be much better. Tina blushes and says I am so looking forward to reuniting with him.
For the rest of the evening they ate, mingled, Tina met people she had only seen on TV and in the papers. She danced with the President and Majority Leader of the Senate, and of course Dan. She asked Dan are you forgiving me for everything I have done and asking to move back in with you and live as husband and wife? Dan says of course unless you don’t love me anymore. Tina says Dan please believe me I have loved you with all my heart and soul sence the day we met, but what are we going to do about what I did with Tommy. Dan says he and the rest of the guys at that party were so drunk they won’t remember a thing, besides with your dark wig and heavy makeup none of them will recognize you least of all Tommy.
As they left the Party and walked out front a Town Car with flags with three stars on the front fenders met them, he says it’s our ride, the Marine driving the car gets out and opens the door for them. They get in Dan pulls her to him kisses her a long loving kiss and proceeds to cry his eyes out saying I have missed you so much Tina my love for you is deeper than the Grand Canyon, I am never letting go of you again. She holds him tight and says Dan I am so sorry for being so dumb and letting myself be conned into leaving you and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
When they got home, Tina started to cry again and says it’s so good to be home, Dan lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom, then put her on her feet and kisses her again. Tina stands back and unbuttons Dan’s blazer and hangs it up in the closet, takes his shirt off, he says hamper, she kneels down, takes his shoes and socks off, then undoes his belt and his pants lowers then, and smiles still going commando, she kisses his cock and it jumps and starts to grow she says looks like someone has missed me! She stands up pulls off his tee shirt, then gasps and says ether your girl friend needs to get her nails cut, or you need to learn to duck. He holds her in his arms and says no woman has touched me sence we have been apart they are bullet and shrapnel wounds.
Dan slides her zipper down and her dress pools at her feet, and she is only wearing a garter belt and thigh highs. He says you went to that party commando. She looks at him and says I didn’t know I was going to a party I thought we were going home. She says some of those Politician’s are very handsy, Dan says they are all a bunch of degenerate leaches, I forgot to warn you not to go in the head with the Speaker! Tina says NO damn someone grabbed my ass and when I turned around no one was there but her! Dan looks at her nude body, he says just as I remembered it perfect, but I see you have added some jewelry, her nipples, navel and clit are pierced. She says actually my tongue is also, but I took that one out when I changed in the hotel.
Dan says are you wearing the nylons in the shower, she strips them off when they walked into the en suit, she says wow this has grown and look at that shower the whole team can shower in here. There is a big bench in the shower Dan has her sit down on it, kneels before her spreads her legs and gently kisses her pussy, then licks it from bottom to top. Dan says damn you taste so good. She grabs his head pulls his face tight against her pussy and says drive me crazy baby like you always do. Dan dove in tongue first lapping her pussy and sucking her clit, she wrapped her legs around his head and screamed in pleasure, she couldn’t count the number of orgasms she had, he knew her body and when, where and how to bring Tina to maximum pleasure. Dan felt her body go limp, he looks she has passed out from pleasure, and exhaustion. He picked her up carried her to bed slid her in then got in the bed pulled her into his arms cuddled her to him said good night my love.
Dan woke up to Tina sucking his cock, he looks down and asks what are you doing, she said I woke up it was all hard so I though why not. Dan says well you better be careful that has not gone off in over twenty-one years. Tina crawled up on top of him looked into his eyes and askes you mean you haven’t been with anyone sence I left, he looked at her and said I knew I could never find anyone to take your place so I didn’t even try. She climbed up on top of him wrapped her arms around his neck kissed him pushing her tongue in his mouth and wiggled herself until she had swallowed his cock with her pussy, then started to milk his cock, Dan says damn baby I’m afraid I’m not going to last long, she says buck it up Marine and fill up your wife with your essence of life. A few minutes later he says I’m sorry baby, but I can’t hold out any longer, as Dan exploded in her his hot seed filling her set her off, she dug her nails into his back, her pussy felt like a hand holding his cock tight milking it. She fell on his chest out of breath, kissing him and crying saying oh god Dan I have missed you so much.
Dan looks over at the clock and says oh shit it’s ten forty-five, Tommy is going to be here at noon we need to hustle, she said just wash with your hands, not your tongue! As they shower Tina says Dan how am I going to do this, I don’t have anything to ware, how do I explain abandoning him and my life until now. Dan says Tina when Tommy was sixteen, I explained to him what happened and showed him the letters you left for me and Ann. I think he understands you will have to be patient and I think we could use some family counseling. They got out of the shower, Dan says as far as clothes go Ann packed away your maternity clothes, but all your normal clothes are where you left them. Tina got dressed in a white bra, white button-down blouse, a pair of jeans, and sneakers.
Tina says tell me about Tommy, and you was it difficult without well me here. Dan said breast feeding was a bitch, she smacked his arm and says no please I need to know. Dan said when he was a baby or when I was deployed Ann helped a lot, he was a good boy, let me show you follow me I want to show you something, she followed him to Tommy’s bedroom. When she walked in, she saw a typical boy’s room there were models of fighter jets, hanging from the ceiling, banners for his high school teams and the USNA. She sat on his bed ran her hand over his pillow but what caught her eye was on his desk a framed picture of her. As she reached for it, a voice from behind her says Dad whats going on.
Tina turns towards Tommy and he says MOM! Tina stands with tears in her eyes she says Tommy. He runs to her pulls her in his arms they hug and cry in each other’s arms. He says Mom I never thought I’d get to hold you, oh my god Mom I love you so much. Are you back I mean forever; Tina says yes baby I’m back forever?
Pete was standing in the hall with his mouth open, Dan says Pete why don’t you run home for now give us some time (Pete lived next door), Tommy will call you in a bit, but we are all going out to dinner and your invited. Dan thinks to himself good nether Tommy or Pete recognized Tina from last night.
Tina and Tommy sat on the bed, Dan sat in the desk chair, she brushed his hair out of his face and says you’re so handsome, I bet you drive all the girls crazy, he says gee Mom, well I did meet someone last night, Tina says tell me about her, he says I think she might be a bit younger she has black hair, Tina says yes and whats her name, Tommy blushes and says well It was a brief meeting, but I’ll know her if I ever see her again.
Tommy asks when did you get home, she said about two hours before your Dad’s party, Tommy looks at Dan and says damn Dad I forgot all about it, I’m sorry, Dan said that’s ok son I know celebrating your 21st birthday with your classmates was important. Tommy says this has been the best birthday, my Mom came home, I got to drink legally I got la (he suddenly relized what he was about to say and shut up) Tina asked what were you about to say, he says oh nothing, I’m just glad your home Mom.
From downstairs there is a racket, Ann yelled up where is everyone Dan says up in Tommy’s room, as she walks towards Tommy’s room, she is saying why is everyone in he OH MY GOD TINA! She says come here and give me a hug you dumb blond, they hug and cry in each other’s arms. Ann says one day we are going to have a long talk. Tina says thank you so much for taking care of Tommy for me, she said oh that was no problem except breast feeding was a bitch! Tommy says AUNT ANN please!
The phone rings Dan says Tina there is an extension in our room answer it please. She comes back a few minutes later, Dan asks who was it, she says Melania I hope your both free Friday night, because we are going to a reception at the White House and Tommy you have to bring a plus one. Tommy says oh shit where am I going to find a girl, they don’t exactly grow on trees. Tina says let me talk to your Dad, Ann gives her a funny look and Tina says what I know some nice girls! Ann just laughs, Tommy asks do you really know a girl that would go out with me, I’m not good talking with girls. Tina says don’t worry Aunt Ann and I can whip you in shape in no time.
Dan says Ok Sunset good for you all for dinner, Ann says what are we celebrating, Dan says Tina coming home, Tommy’s Birthday and Tina says and Dan’s CMH. Tommy says OH MY GOD DAD YOU GOT THE CONGRESSIONAL METAL of HONOR! Ann says really we are standing in the mists of greatness. Oh, Dan Melania said to tell you, you have to wear your Metal Friday night too, and I’m
supposed to spend Wednesday with Melania at the White House. Dan says I’ll take you to work with me I work in the White House.
Dan said ok Ann go change we will meet you there. Tommy call Pete and tell him to be here at six, Tina you come with me, Tommy says Dad close your door! Dan just gives him a look. When they get in the bedroom Dan asks so tell me about this girl you know. Tina says do you know Senator James, Don says of course, well his daugther is going to Johns Hopkins, she partied the first semester and got into a major fight with her Mom over her grades and her Mom cut her off financially. They haven’t talked in two years, Shelly moved out and to the dorms. She serves and strips only, she makes about five thousand a week, so over the past two years she has plenty of money stashed to pay her tuition and live for years, she is ready to quit the club.
Tommy calls in and says Pete said he is going out with his pairents, Tina says good no distractions. Dan asks think she can join us tonight, Tina grabs her cell phone, Shelly, Tina do you know General Baker, she says I know who he is, I went to school with his son Tommy what a hunk. Tina says can you get free tonight, to have dinner with him, his Dad and Mom and his Aunt. She says sure, Shelly asks why are you arranging this, Tina says because I’m Tommy’s Mom, I’ll explain it all to you tonight, listen Tommy is very shy I need you to latch on to him I’m sure he will come around, Shelly says no problem, just between you and me when I masturbate it’s to him. Tina says just between you and me he has a lot to masturbate to! Tina says we will pick you up in the Generals car at seven at your dorm, OH classy LBD. Tina says to Dan are you and Tommy wearing your uniforms.
Dan calls Senator James and says Stan this is Dan Baker, yes thank you I really did not expect that, listen I would suggest you take your wife to dinner tonight at the Sunset, Oh and bring at least two extra handkerchiefs. I would suggest around seven thirty. Ok Stan see you later.
When they got in the car Tommy says we are going the wrong way, Tina says Tommy do you know Shelly James, he says yes I went to High School with her I still dream of her, why do you ask, Tina says Shelly and her Mom have been on the outs for two years. Well Shelly and her Mom don’t know it, but we are going to try and get them back together tonight, so we need you to be friendly with Shelly and act like you two are an item. Oh, look we are here, now go in and get your date. When he gets out of the car Dan says damn your devious, Tina says yes hopefully we will kill two birds with one stone tonight, just remember you’re the one that set up her Mom. Dan says oh my god she is gorgeous and damn what a body, Tina says, she is smart, and your old enough to be her father! Dan says don’t worry your all I’ll ever need. Tina says look he has his arm around her waist. When they got close to the car Dan got out, Tommy said Shelly this is my Dad General Baker, Dan says please call me Dan, Shelly, says it’s a pleasure to meet you sir.
Dan had arranged to have a table for eight, when they got to the Sunset the band was already playing and Tina said why don’t you two k**s go check out the dance floor, Shelly says please Tom, he says how could I turn you down and off they went. Ann came in and said where is Tommy, Tina said dancing with a Senators daugther. Just then Senator Stan James and his wife Mary walked in Dan got up and said Stan, Mary, how nice to see you, Stan said congratulations on your CMH, Dan says thank you, Stan, Mary I’d like to interduce my wife Tina, and my Sister Ann, and I’d like to have you join us for dinner, Stan looks at Mary and says if it’s not an imposition, Tina says no not at all please sit with us.
Stan asks how is your son doing, Dan says he is in his third year at the Academy, he is out on the dance floor with his date they should join us shortly. Stan looks at Dan and Dan smiles and nods. Tina and Mary are getting to know each other, when Shelly came back to the table with Tommy in tow, her Mon and Dad had their backs to her, Shelly says excitedly Tina, Tommy has invited me to be his date for a reception at the White House. Mary turns around looks up and says Shelly, Shelly says Mom, Mary stands up takes Shelly in her arms and they cry hugging each other. Mary says sorry everyone Shelly and I need to run to the lady’s room. Stan gave both of them a handkerchief when they walked away he looked at Dan and Tina and said thank you both, he said I don’t know how or why you did this but thank you for putting my family back together.
When Mary and Shelly came back the men all stood up, Shelly walked up to Tommy stood up on her tip toes and gave him a peck on the lips and said sorry, take me out and dance, and yes I would love to be your date Friday night. They walked out on the dance floor. Mary went over and hugged Tina and Dan and said thank you both for giving me back my daugther. Mary sat down and said, to her husband she has grown up, has a four-point o grade point average, she is moving back home, and she has a bad or maybe good crush on Tommy.
Six months after Tina came home Dan found a small box with his name on it, when he opened it, it contained a pacifier, Ann told Tina she was raising this one and said she was handcuffing her to her hospital bed when she was in labor.
Tommy graduated from the Naval Academy and went on to flight school and became fighter pilot, but before that he walked Shelly James down the isle of the Naval Academy Chapel. Tom went on to be an awarded fighter polit along with Pete his wing man. Tom and Shelly made Dan and Tina grandparents six months after his sister Ann was born.
Dan was 6’2” with very broad shoulders, very handsome, a tight ass and was nicely hung. He was top in his class in tactics and with the problems in the middle East there was no doubt he would be deployed before long.
Tina was a mere 5’2” maybe 104 lbs., she was beautiful had a body that drove men crazy, her DD boobs were like a man magnet, but the day they were married they were both virgins. What they lacked in experience they rapidly made up for in enthusiasm, and practice. When Don would come home Tina would pull down his pants and underpants and jump up wrapping her legs around his waist, reach down and push his cock in her then hang on and fuck him silly.
Then the dreadful day came, and Dan got his orders to deploy to the middle east. Tina climbed up in his lap and cried for an hour when he told her. As big and brave and hard as Dan was, he cried with her. These two were madly in love it was a love few ever experienced.
A week after Dan had deployed, Tina was going crazy spending day and night without her man. One morning Tina was having coffee with the woman next door Sara and telling her how hard it was without Dan. Sara said what she needed was a job, and the place she worked was looking for a server. She was sure she could get Tina a job. What she didn’t tell her Sara worked at a strip bar and she got a grand for every fresh POA she brought in.
The next thing Tina knew she was working in the bar serving drinks in a costume that her boobs would pop out of at least three times a night. She was making great money in tips but staying fateful to Dan, this was just a job even though she was getting felt up constantly. Then one-night Sara came to her and said the manager was looking for girls to work a special party for a big client and wanted to know if she wanted to work it. She told her she would make at least a grand maybe more. Tina agreed, in the limo ride to the party all the girls were drinking Champagne, Sara slipped a sedative and X in Tina’s drink so by the time they got to the party Tina was woozy and horny as hell.
When the night was over Tina was no longer the innocent bride. In fact, she was a budding porn star she just didn’t know it. Her gang bang was all recorded, she had fucked six men two of which were black, and also had sex with three of the girls from the club.
The next day Tina did not remember a thing, she just knew she was hung over and her ass and pussy was sore. When she got to the club that night the manager called her into his office. He asked her how she was feeling, she said fine, he said you were quite a hit last night and he turned on the tv behind him, Tina was watching her gang bang from the night before. She covered her eyes and said no turn it off. He did, she said why did you do this to me, he said I didn’t do anything it was all you. She asked what do you want, he said like I told you, you were a hit last night, there was a producer there and wants to sign you to a contract to do porn movies for him. Of course, it’s up to you, but it would be a shame for this tape to find its way to your husband and everyone on your contact list in your phone.
Tina’s head was hung down and she was crying, she says this is blackmail. Her boss said well its up to you, sign this contract our go out and go to work and take your chance’s the video gets out. She looked up at him and said give me a pen. She signs the contract; he says see that wasn’t so bad now come over here take off your uniform I have been wanting to get my hand on your body sence I first saw you.
Tina unzipped her uniform let it fall to the floor, he turned in his chair to face her and said down on you knees between my legs, undo my pants and pull out my cock and suck me till I tell you to stop, crying she did, oh god yes that feels so good after about five minutes, he says ok now for the main course, come slide that sweet cunt of yours over my cock. She did as she was told and started fucking him while he sucked her tits. He said enough of this bend over my desk she did, he got between her legs and stuffed his cock in her pussy and savagely fucked her. Sara walked in slid her hand in her pants masturbated watching Tina get the shit fucked out of her. Joe the boss says hold on slut here I cum and filled Tina’s pussy with his cum.
When he pulled out of her he had her turn around and suck and lick his cock clean. He tells Tina you are no longer a server, as of tonight your stripping, doing lap dances and doing specials in the back rooms. Sara take her and get her set up, oh and Tina be here at one tomorrow time for you to make your first well actually second porno!
Over the next two weeks Tina turned into a first-class whore. Making porno films, stripping, giving lap dances and fucking in the back rooms. Oh, and she did one more special party. She was also fucking Joe a few times a week. She woke up one morning sick, then relized she could not remember the last time she had her period. Panicked she rushed to the d**g store and got a pregnancy test kit, it turned out positive. Tina immediately called her OBGYN and was able to get in right away. A quick exam and a test and sonagram and it was confirmed she was pregnet, about two and a half months! That’s when Tina relized it had to be Dan’s baby.
Tina marches into Joe’s office and says I quit, he looks at her and says what brings this on, Tina says I’m pregnet! Joe says that’s fantastic do you have any idea how big pregnet porno films pay we are going to make a bundle. Tina says NO I QUIT, Joe says Tina, Tina, Tina, have you forgot about your contract, and all the films you have made, what are you going to do when your husband gets them and dumps your whore ass, now lets not be stupid. Now get your clothes off and suck my cock. Over the next 7 months, Tina is forced to make sick porno films and the men at the club were all over her she never could understand why men got off fucking a pregnet woman.
Joe called her in to his office and said you have been great, but I think its best you take time off to have the baby and recover. Come see me when you feel up to it and we will talk about where to go from there. I know your husband will be back in a few months and it was never my intention to break up your marrage. He hands her a brief case and says inside is a hundred and eighty thousand dollars, your share of the films you have made, there will be more from residuals. He stands up pulls her into his arms gives her a big hug and says take care of yourself.
Tina is laying in the hospital in labor, her Mom and Dad and Dan’s Mom and Sister are all there, as Tina gives birth to a baby boy. They ask Tina the baby’s name, and she says Dan will name the baby, then tells everyone she was super tired and would like some time alone with the baby. It was 10:00pm Tina was looking at her son in her arms, pulled out her boob and fed the baby the all important first milk with all the protective antibodies. Tina calls the nurse and ask her to take her baby to the nursery.
The next morning when the family came to take Tina and the baby home the hospital staff notified them that Tina had left during the night, leaving the baby and an envelope for Ann Parker, Dan’s sister. The envelope had another envelope addressed to Dan, a letter to Ann and five thousand dollars.
The letter said:
Please forgive me but I am not fit to raise Dan’s son. Please look after the baby until Dan returns in three months. The money is to defer your cost until Dan returns. Please let everyone know I love Dan with all my heart sole and ask them to forgive me.
Tina walked into Joe’s office, he got up and had her sit in his chair, and said my god baby what happened to you, she said I had the baby yesterday, he asked then why in hell are you here. She said I am not fit to raise that in c***d; I need to get away and disappear can you help me. Joe picks up the phone makes a call to a friend out in California, and says Jake you know my girl Tina yes the one with the big tits, well she just had a baby yesterday, and she wants to disappear. No not with the baby, ok thanks pal. Joe says take about ten grand with you go to Smith Airlines take a couple changes of clothes, they will fly you out to California you will be met by a Jake Drake he will take care of you. Once you have recovered, he will get you a professional name and you will be a star, honey I’m going to miss you.
When Tina landed in California Jake took her under his wing, she stayed at his mansion with several other porn starlets, she was taken to a doctor tested for STD’s and checked out as a follow up to giving birth. A personal trainer came to Jake’s three times a week to work with the girls and her before you knew it Tina (now Betty Frost) was back in service literally! She was doing porno’s that actually had scripts, she worked the strip clubs as part of a team of girls, they would work an area for a few weeks then move on to another keeping the clients supplied with fresh meat.
When Dan returned from deployment he was met by his Mom, Tina’s pairents and his sister Ann with the baby. Dan still did not understand what had happened with Tina. When they got to Dan’s house Ann gave him the letter addressed to him from Tina. He opened it there was her engagement and wedding rings, a key in it along with a letter which read:
First let me tell you there is nothing you have done wrong. I will always love you with all my heart and soul. I was going crazy when you left, so Sara next door got me a job serving drinks at the club where she works. We were invited to serve at an after-hours party for a thousand dollars each. I remember getting into a limo and being given a glass of champagne, the next thing I remember was waking up home and I was very sore in places I should not be sore. When I got to work that night, the manager called me into his office showed me a video of the night before. I did disgusting things with many men and a few women. The manager blackmailed me into sighing a contract to make porn movies, strip in the bar and entertain men in the private rooms. I no longer am fit to be your wife or the mother of your beautiful baby boy. Enclosed is a key for a safe deposit box at our bank, it contains money to help raise your son. I will send what I can as c***d support. Please believe me when I tell you I love you with all my heart and soul and I will till the day I die. Please do not try and find me I have gone far away.
After Dan read the letter, he handed it to Ann after she read it, she said when I see Tina again I am going to slap her as hard as I can. Why couldn’t she relize she was d**ged and blackmailed, how could she not understand you would understand. Dan and Ann had their Mom watch baby Tom (they named the baby after Dan’s Dad who had been killed in the first gulf war) and they went to the bank got access to the safe-deposit box and were surprised to find one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. They looked at each other in astonishment, they were farther astonished at the end of the month a package from Tina containing nine thousand and nine hundred, and ninety, nine dollars. Just about every month there after they would receive another package containing money from Tina.
As the years went on Dan was the perfect father to Tommy as his Dad had been to him. Dan coached Tom’s little league baseball, soccer and lacrosse teams. Dan also went to all of his high school games. In his Junior year Tommy sat down with Dan and they talked about Tommy’s appointment to the Naval Academy, it had been settled for years that Tommy would go but he was asking his Dad if he could get an appointment for his best friend Pete. They had grown up together were teammates on all the ball teams , Pete had trained beside Tommy as Dan trained him for the Academy. Dan was always a hard charger, through his many deployments and several wounds, and metals for his heroism Dan had grown to the rank of three star general. So it was no issue to get Pete an appointment.
Tina and her team had rotated to a town close to where she had grown up. She took off the afternoon and drove over to the club where she had started her porn career. When she walked in the office Joe had some young girl bent over his desk fucking her for all he was worth. When he saw Tina, he came in the girl and told her to get out. He pulled up his pants and gave Tina a hug and kiss. They sat and talked as two old friends will, then Joe got a phone call he looked at Tina and smiled and said I have just the woman for you and hung up. He asked Tina would you like to make twenty-five hundred, she says sure, what do I have to do. He said a special party at the Hilton a boy has turned twenty-one and needs his V Card Punched. She smiles and says sounds like fun.
Tina went to room 203 at the Hilton at 6:00 pm, she hoped they would be good and drunk before she got there, and they were. She knocked on the door and Pete answered it, pulled her inside, and yelled out hey Tommy your birthday present is here. This handsome young man stumbled towards her hardly able to walk or see as far as that goes. Pete and the guys say take her back in the bedroom unwrap your present! Tina helps him to the bedroom strips, then strips him and started to suck his cock to get him hard so he could fuck her, he came after only a few seconds and screams OH GOD YES BABY. All the guys were in the other room cheering him on. He was still hard and he lifted her onto the bed spread her legs kneeled between them and she reached down grabbed his cock knowing all his buddies were listening she says damn boy your hung, take it easy on my pussy, just then there is a knock on the door.
Pete answered the door and said tens hut, all the guys turns to look at the door and a Three Star Marine General walks in, in full dress uniform. All the guys stand at attention and salute. Dan returns the salute and says at ease. Dan looks at Pete and asks where is my son? Then from the bedroom you can hear sex. Then Tommy yells here I cum baby OH GOD YES!
It gets quiet in the back and a womans voice says at least put your pants on, ok let me help you back to your friends. As they walk in Dan says happy birthday son, Tommy looks up and says sorry Dad. It dawns on Tina at that she has just sucked off and fucked her son! She lets go of him and he falls to the floor as she runs to the bathroom and starts to throw up. Dan said Pete you guys take care of Tommy I’ll see to the woman.
Dan says Tina are you ok she looks up at him and said I didn’t know he was your son; Dan says no he is our son. She looks up at him and says I’m so sorry Dan. He tells her get your face cleaned up put on some makeup, straighten up your clothes, oh and put these back on he reaches up pulls out the chain with dog tags and her wedding and engagement rings. He says when we walk out of this hotel we are walking out with our heads held high as man and wife! She says but we are divorced, Dan says I never got a notice did you divorced me, she says no surely you have divorced me by now. Dan said no Tina I love you with all my heart and soul there is no way I would ever divorce you. He says I’ll give you a few minutes, while I clear out this bunch of boys, Tina says Dan will you bring me my suitcase by the door, and he did.
Dan walked out and said you all have 15 minutes to get this place ship shape and go home, TAKE TAXIES, Pete, your keeping Tommy at your place, I don’t need him throwing up all over my house tonight.
Dan walked into the bathroom, Tina had changed into a little black dress, taken off her dark wig and was fixing her long blond hair in a bun on her head. Her make up had gone from slutty to classy. She was dressed to go to any formal event (little did she know).
Tina has him hold a hunk of hair in place while she pins another piece to it, when she is done, she looked as if she had spent the day at the salon. A tear runs down Dan’s cheek before him is the Tina he married. He says are you ready she says what about the guys out there. Dan says they are all gone. Just leave your overnight bag they will send it to us. They walked out of the room her arm thru his and down the elevator. As they walked out of the elevator, Tina started towards the door, Dan said I hate to spring this on you but we have a little thing we have to attend, and he walked her towards the ball room. As they approach the doors to the ball room is manned by two marines and two plain closed men with ear wigs, the Marines salute the General and he returns their Salute.
The Marines open the door and as they walk in it is pack full of tables all full of people in formal dress and dress uniforms like Dan. A big sign says Congratulations General Baker. As they walk down the isle Dan is constantly being greeted, people she recognized as Congress Men and Women, Senators and she even recognized a Supreme Court Justice. Tina hears two women talking and says my god she is stunning who is she. As they got about half way to the front the speaker of the house stands up and says congratulations General, Dan says thank you Madam Speaker, he then said Speaker Poleis, please let me interduce my wife Tina, she just got in from an extended sabbatical two hours ago. Tina please meet Sp she says Nancy to you dear, taking her hand with both of her hands, and says you must be very proud of your husband, She leans over and whispers into Tina’s ear he doesn’t know it but he is getting the CMH tonight.
When they finally made it to the head table Tina noticed there four empty chairs. As it turned two were for them. They had been seated for about ten minutes when the band started to play Hail to the Chief, everyone in the room stood up and walking up the isle towards them was the President and the First Lady. They walk up to our table Don Salutes him he returns the Salute, then they shake hands and Dan says Don, Melania I am proud to interduce my wife Tina, they shake hands, Melania bends over and says you really have no idea how much Dan has missed you, you are all he ever talks about, and now meeting you I can see why, you are beautiful, I do hope we can become close friends.
The President walks up to the podium the room becomes quiet, we are here to honor a man among men, General Donald Baker. General Baker please come up here and stand beside me, and please bring your lovely wife Tina. What most of you don’t know due to the top-secret nature of the mission Dan led a team that destroyed the nuclear capabilities of an unnamed country. During this action the General’s Humvee was struck by rocket. The General while wounded himself pulled four wounded Marines out of the Humvee to safety. He then manned the fifty-caliber machine gun on his damaged Humvee and fought off over one hundred and fifty enemy combatants for three hours before evacuation. While doing so he received three additional wounds and killed sixty-five enemy in defense of his wounded men.
General Baker by unanimous vote of the United States Congress for heroism above and beyond the call of duty I do here by present you with the Congressional Medal of Honor. As the General bowed his head and the President hung the metal around his neck, everyone in the hall stood and applauded.
The President says General the podium is yours, Dan put his arm around Tina’s waist and pulled her to the podium with him. Dan says first my wife Tina and I thank you for this honor. With a tear in his eye he said as most people who have received this honor will say I do not feel I deserve this, but as you all have seen fit to award to me I will say I will accept this in conjunction with the brave men who followed me on that mission. Now how about we eat and dance and enjoy this evening together, again thank you all.
They returned to their table as dinner is served. Don looks at Tina and says your husband is my most trusted advisor, I worry about him at times leading the solitary life he has, especially with Tommy in the Academy now but from the time I walked in the room I could tell by the look on his face with you by his side he is a far more contented man. I can tell that man really loves you. Melania asks Don where is Tommy why is he not here, Don says he is a bit under the weather, but I’m sure in a day or two he will be much better. Tina blushes and says I am so looking forward to reuniting with him.
For the rest of the evening they ate, mingled, Tina met people she had only seen on TV and in the papers. She danced with the President and Majority Leader of the Senate, and of course Dan. She asked Dan are you forgiving me for everything I have done and asking to move back in with you and live as husband and wife? Dan says of course unless you don’t love me anymore. Tina says Dan please believe me I have loved you with all my heart and soul sence the day we met, but what are we going to do about what I did with Tommy. Dan says he and the rest of the guys at that party were so drunk they won’t remember a thing, besides with your dark wig and heavy makeup none of them will recognize you least of all Tommy.
As they left the Party and walked out front a Town Car with flags with three stars on the front fenders met them, he says it’s our ride, the Marine driving the car gets out and opens the door for them. They get in Dan pulls her to him kisses her a long loving kiss and proceeds to cry his eyes out saying I have missed you so much Tina my love for you is deeper than the Grand Canyon, I am never letting go of you again. She holds him tight and says Dan I am so sorry for being so dumb and letting myself be conned into leaving you and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
When they got home, Tina started to cry again and says it’s so good to be home, Dan lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom, then put her on her feet and kisses her again. Tina stands back and unbuttons Dan’s blazer and hangs it up in the closet, takes his shirt off, he says hamper, she kneels down, takes his shoes and socks off, then undoes his belt and his pants lowers then, and smiles still going commando, she kisses his cock and it jumps and starts to grow she says looks like someone has missed me! She stands up pulls off his tee shirt, then gasps and says ether your girl friend needs to get her nails cut, or you need to learn to duck. He holds her in his arms and says no woman has touched me sence we have been apart they are bullet and shrapnel wounds.
Dan slides her zipper down and her dress pools at her feet, and she is only wearing a garter belt and thigh highs. He says you went to that party commando. She looks at him and says I didn’t know I was going to a party I thought we were going home. She says some of those Politician’s are very handsy, Dan says they are all a bunch of degenerate leaches, I forgot to warn you not to go in the head with the Speaker! Tina says NO damn someone grabbed my ass and when I turned around no one was there but her! Dan looks at her nude body, he says just as I remembered it perfect, but I see you have added some jewelry, her nipples, navel and clit are pierced. She says actually my tongue is also, but I took that one out when I changed in the hotel.
Dan says are you wearing the nylons in the shower, she strips them off when they walked into the en suit, she says wow this has grown and look at that shower the whole team can shower in here. There is a big bench in the shower Dan has her sit down on it, kneels before her spreads her legs and gently kisses her pussy, then licks it from bottom to top. Dan says damn you taste so good. She grabs his head pulls his face tight against her pussy and says drive me crazy baby like you always do. Dan dove in tongue first lapping her pussy and sucking her clit, she wrapped her legs around his head and screamed in pleasure, she couldn’t count the number of orgasms she had, he knew her body and when, where and how to bring Tina to maximum pleasure. Dan felt her body go limp, he looks she has passed out from pleasure, and exhaustion. He picked her up carried her to bed slid her in then got in the bed pulled her into his arms cuddled her to him said good night my love.
Dan woke up to Tina sucking his cock, he looks down and asks what are you doing, she said I woke up it was all hard so I though why not. Dan says well you better be careful that has not gone off in over twenty-one years. Tina crawled up on top of him looked into his eyes and askes you mean you haven’t been with anyone sence I left, he looked at her and said I knew I could never find anyone to take your place so I didn’t even try. She climbed up on top of him wrapped her arms around his neck kissed him pushing her tongue in his mouth and wiggled herself until she had swallowed his cock with her pussy, then started to milk his cock, Dan says damn baby I’m afraid I’m not going to last long, she says buck it up Marine and fill up your wife with your essence of life. A few minutes later he says I’m sorry baby, but I can’t hold out any longer, as Dan exploded in her his hot seed filling her set her off, she dug her nails into his back, her pussy felt like a hand holding his cock tight milking it. She fell on his chest out of breath, kissing him and crying saying oh god Dan I have missed you so much.
Dan looks over at the clock and says oh shit it’s ten forty-five, Tommy is going to be here at noon we need to hustle, she said just wash with your hands, not your tongue! As they shower Tina says Dan how am I going to do this, I don’t have anything to ware, how do I explain abandoning him and my life until now. Dan says Tina when Tommy was sixteen, I explained to him what happened and showed him the letters you left for me and Ann. I think he understands you will have to be patient and I think we could use some family counseling. They got out of the shower, Dan says as far as clothes go Ann packed away your maternity clothes, but all your normal clothes are where you left them. Tina got dressed in a white bra, white button-down blouse, a pair of jeans, and sneakers.
Tina says tell me about Tommy, and you was it difficult without well me here. Dan said breast feeding was a bitch, she smacked his arm and says no please I need to know. Dan said when he was a baby or when I was deployed Ann helped a lot, he was a good boy, let me show you follow me I want to show you something, she followed him to Tommy’s bedroom. When she walked in, she saw a typical boy’s room there were models of fighter jets, hanging from the ceiling, banners for his high school teams and the USNA. She sat on his bed ran her hand over his pillow but what caught her eye was on his desk a framed picture of her. As she reached for it, a voice from behind her says Dad whats going on.
Tina turns towards Tommy and he says MOM! Tina stands with tears in her eyes she says Tommy. He runs to her pulls her in his arms they hug and cry in each other’s arms. He says Mom I never thought I’d get to hold you, oh my god Mom I love you so much. Are you back I mean forever; Tina says yes baby I’m back forever?
Pete was standing in the hall with his mouth open, Dan says Pete why don’t you run home for now give us some time (Pete lived next door), Tommy will call you in a bit, but we are all going out to dinner and your invited. Dan thinks to himself good nether Tommy or Pete recognized Tina from last night.
Tina and Tommy sat on the bed, Dan sat in the desk chair, she brushed his hair out of his face and says you’re so handsome, I bet you drive all the girls crazy, he says gee Mom, well I did meet someone last night, Tina says tell me about her, he says I think she might be a bit younger she has black hair, Tina says yes and whats her name, Tommy blushes and says well It was a brief meeting, but I’ll know her if I ever see her again.
Tommy asks when did you get home, she said about two hours before your Dad’s party, Tommy looks at Dan and says damn Dad I forgot all about it, I’m sorry, Dan said that’s ok son I know celebrating your 21st birthday with your classmates was important. Tommy says this has been the best birthday, my Mom came home, I got to drink legally I got la (he suddenly relized what he was about to say and shut up) Tina asked what were you about to say, he says oh nothing, I’m just glad your home Mom.
From downstairs there is a racket, Ann yelled up where is everyone Dan says up in Tommy’s room, as she walks towards Tommy’s room, she is saying why is everyone in he OH MY GOD TINA! She says come here and give me a hug you dumb blond, they hug and cry in each other’s arms. Ann says one day we are going to have a long talk. Tina says thank you so much for taking care of Tommy for me, she said oh that was no problem except breast feeding was a bitch! Tommy says AUNT ANN please!
The phone rings Dan says Tina there is an extension in our room answer it please. She comes back a few minutes later, Dan asks who was it, she says Melania I hope your both free Friday night, because we are going to a reception at the White House and Tommy you have to bring a plus one. Tommy says oh shit where am I going to find a girl, they don’t exactly grow on trees. Tina says let me talk to your Dad, Ann gives her a funny look and Tina says what I know some nice girls! Ann just laughs, Tommy asks do you really know a girl that would go out with me, I’m not good talking with girls. Tina says don’t worry Aunt Ann and I can whip you in shape in no time.
Dan says Ok Sunset good for you all for dinner, Ann says what are we celebrating, Dan says Tina coming home, Tommy’s Birthday and Tina says and Dan’s CMH. Tommy says OH MY GOD DAD YOU GOT THE CONGRESSIONAL METAL of HONOR! Ann says really we are standing in the mists of greatness. Oh, Dan Melania said to tell you, you have to wear your Metal Friday night too, and I’m
supposed to spend Wednesday with Melania at the White House. Dan says I’ll take you to work with me I work in the White House.
Dan said ok Ann go change we will meet you there. Tommy call Pete and tell him to be here at six, Tina you come with me, Tommy says Dad close your door! Dan just gives him a look. When they get in the bedroom Dan asks so tell me about this girl you know. Tina says do you know Senator James, Don says of course, well his daugther is going to Johns Hopkins, she partied the first semester and got into a major fight with her Mom over her grades and her Mom cut her off financially. They haven’t talked in two years, Shelly moved out and to the dorms. She serves and strips only, she makes about five thousand a week, so over the past two years she has plenty of money stashed to pay her tuition and live for years, she is ready to quit the club.
Tommy calls in and says Pete said he is going out with his pairents, Tina says good no distractions. Dan asks think she can join us tonight, Tina grabs her cell phone, Shelly, Tina do you know General Baker, she says I know who he is, I went to school with his son Tommy what a hunk. Tina says can you get free tonight, to have dinner with him, his Dad and Mom and his Aunt. She says sure, Shelly asks why are you arranging this, Tina says because I’m Tommy’s Mom, I’ll explain it all to you tonight, listen Tommy is very shy I need you to latch on to him I’m sure he will come around, Shelly says no problem, just between you and me when I masturbate it’s to him. Tina says just between you and me he has a lot to masturbate to! Tina says we will pick you up in the Generals car at seven at your dorm, OH classy LBD. Tina says to Dan are you and Tommy wearing your uniforms.
Dan calls Senator James and says Stan this is Dan Baker, yes thank you I really did not expect that, listen I would suggest you take your wife to dinner tonight at the Sunset, Oh and bring at least two extra handkerchiefs. I would suggest around seven thirty. Ok Stan see you later.
When they got in the car Tommy says we are going the wrong way, Tina says Tommy do you know Shelly James, he says yes I went to High School with her I still dream of her, why do you ask, Tina says Shelly and her Mom have been on the outs for two years. Well Shelly and her Mom don’t know it, but we are going to try and get them back together tonight, so we need you to be friendly with Shelly and act like you two are an item. Oh, look we are here, now go in and get your date. When he gets out of the car Dan says damn your devious, Tina says yes hopefully we will kill two birds with one stone tonight, just remember you’re the one that set up her Mom. Dan says oh my god she is gorgeous and damn what a body, Tina says, she is smart, and your old enough to be her father! Dan says don’t worry your all I’ll ever need. Tina says look he has his arm around her waist. When they got close to the car Dan got out, Tommy said Shelly this is my Dad General Baker, Dan says please call me Dan, Shelly, says it’s a pleasure to meet you sir.
Dan had arranged to have a table for eight, when they got to the Sunset the band was already playing and Tina said why don’t you two k**s go check out the dance floor, Shelly says please Tom, he says how could I turn you down and off they went. Ann came in and said where is Tommy, Tina said dancing with a Senators daugther. Just then Senator Stan James and his wife Mary walked in Dan got up and said Stan, Mary, how nice to see you, Stan said congratulations on your CMH, Dan says thank you, Stan, Mary I’d like to interduce my wife Tina, and my Sister Ann, and I’d like to have you join us for dinner, Stan looks at Mary and says if it’s not an imposition, Tina says no not at all please sit with us.
Stan asks how is your son doing, Dan says he is in his third year at the Academy, he is out on the dance floor with his date they should join us shortly. Stan looks at Dan and Dan smiles and nods. Tina and Mary are getting to know each other, when Shelly came back to the table with Tommy in tow, her Mon and Dad had their backs to her, Shelly says excitedly Tina, Tommy has invited me to be his date for a reception at the White House. Mary turns around looks up and says Shelly, Shelly says Mom, Mary stands up takes Shelly in her arms and they cry hugging each other. Mary says sorry everyone Shelly and I need to run to the lady’s room. Stan gave both of them a handkerchief when they walked away he looked at Dan and Tina and said thank you both, he said I don’t know how or why you did this but thank you for putting my family back together.
When Mary and Shelly came back the men all stood up, Shelly walked up to Tommy stood up on her tip toes and gave him a peck on the lips and said sorry, take me out and dance, and yes I would love to be your date Friday night. They walked out on the dance floor. Mary went over and hugged Tina and Dan and said thank you both for giving me back my daugther. Mary sat down and said, to her husband she has grown up, has a four-point o grade point average, she is moving back home, and she has a bad or maybe good crush on Tommy.
Six months after Tina came home Dan found a small box with his name on it, when he opened it, it contained a pacifier, Ann told Tina she was raising this one and said she was handcuffing her to her hospital bed when she was in labor.
Tommy graduated from the Naval Academy and went on to flight school and became fighter pilot, but before that he walked Shelly James down the isle of the Naval Academy Chapel. Tom went on to be an awarded fighter polit along with Pete his wing man. Tom and Shelly made Dan and Tina grandparents six months after his sister Ann was born.
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