Dark Desires
Miriam had dark desires from time to time but she knew that she shouldn't. The lovely blonde wife had been able to repress those feelings and desires before. She was happily married to her husband, Maurice, for fifteen years and had never strayed before. Before now, that is.
It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during high school like so many of her friends but she made up for lost time in college by taking several classmates as lovers. Her English professor really put the make on her until she submitted to his dark desires. He liked watching Miriam having sex with one of the black students. Being away in college from her demanding parents made it easier for her to be on the prowl. Even though she was on her own, Miriam was still very naive and ended up married to one of her classmates who was on his way to law school.
She worked as an English teacher at the high school in order for them to pay the bills while his was in school and beginning his law practice. It took a number of years for them to finally move up the social ladder and buy that house in the suburbs but those feelings of desire returned when her husband tried to spice up their love life. Maurice came home one evening with several porno movies that he wanted his wife to watch with him. They mildly turned her on but one of them especially caught her eye. It was the classic called, 'Behind the Green Door, ' with Marilyn Chambers from the soap detergent commercials.
Miriam could tell that her husband enjoyed the video from the erection he was sporting in his pajamas but it was when the African-American actor, Johnny Keyes, showed up that really got her attention. Miriam related to Marilyn as they looked very similar with their body shape and blonde hair. Miriam imagined that it was herself in that sex swing with Johnny Keyes and his proud African cock between her wide spread legs. Sex with her husband was especially pleasing to her that night.
Maurice enjoyed the lovemaking with his wife that night and afterwards even asked her which video she enjoyed the most. He was somewhat surprised that her answer was 'Behind the Green Door.' Maurice knew his wife wasn't prejudicial but her parents sure were. Her dad still called them 'Niggers' whenever he saw or talked about a black person.
Over the course of several months, Maurice began getting some of the amateur interracial videos instead of the professional ones. Most of these were the ones where the white husband manned the camera and took the video of his wife having sex with a black man. Maurice tried to get the ones where the attractive wife was blonde and had a resemblance to his own wife. While these weren't as slick as the professional interracial porno videos, they seemed much more realistic as well as compelling. Maurice was amazed that the husbands allowed the wife to be with such huge-cocked black men. He considered himself above average in the 'package' department but he couldn't compare to the size that the blacks had swinging between their legs.
Miriam was shocked when her husband suggested that she take on a black lover.
She said, "Maurice, I love you. You know I wouldn't even think about being with another man."
"Miriam," he replied. "You know that's a lie. Several of those videos have made you quite the wildcat in bed. I saw the way that you looked at the Negro studs between the legs of those willing white wives. It's become more than just a fantasy with you."
His wife blushed. She had experienced those dark desires for herself.
It was several more weeks later after a special dinner out on the town and a couple of glasses of her favorite wine that Maurice brought the subject of a black lover up to his wife again. It must have been the wine as she said she would think about it. He told Miriam about a website that specialized in hooking up well-endowed black men with married white couple looking for the 'black' experience.
One afternoon after teaching school, Miriam went to the site her husband had mentioned to her. She was amazed at what she saw. Married white women were actively seeking black lovers with the husband's encouragement and support. There were a number of photo albums on the site that Miriam just couldn't keep herself from opening. Her pulse rate increased as she opened album after album of photos with a number of attractive and several not so attractive white women having sex with well-hung black men. It was hard for her to imagine what those women must feel with those huge black cocks between their widespread legs. Miriam felt the tell-tale tingle between her own thighs and was getting wetter with her own feminine dew. Her slim manicured finger found its way up her dress and down into her dampened panties. Her clitoris was enlarged and very sensitive to her touch as she almost gave herself an orgasm. The lovely blonde wife was breathing hard from the fantasy. Miriam knew that she shouldn't be thinking like this. She loved her husband.
Later that week, Maurice announced to Miriam that he had a surprise on Saturday night for her. He told her to dress up extra special as they would go out to dinner and dancing afterwards. This kind of surprised her in and of itself because while she enjoyed dancing, her husband wasn't much of a dancer.
Maurice went to play golf with some clients like he normally does on a Saturday morning. Miriam slept in before fixing herself an early lunch of chicken salad. She had to fight to maintain her figure and weight. Each and every year had its toll but she had managed to keep the ravages of time at bay. It was most difficult after having their first c***d. Little Tommy was now just 'Tom' and was a freshman this year at the University. Her husband had recently turned forty but she was a couple of years away from that benchmark. Her husband had told her that she got prettier every year. While he might think that, it was a hard-fought battle for her to keep her girlish figure through many hours of swimming and playing in a 4.0 ladies doubles tennis league.
Now her husband lay snoring in their king-sized bed so that he would be alert this evening. Miriam took a soothing bath and shaved her legs and underarms. She even trimmed her pussy hair so that no stray blonde hairs would peek out from her little lace bikini panties.
The lovely blonde wife applied red nail polish to her fingertips and toes. Miriam dried herself and slipped into her tiny black panties. They didn't leave much to the imagination as they had a mesh front which allowed her neatly-trimmed bush to show through. The attractive wife applied only a light makeup as she was a natural beauty. She fixed her should length hair the way her husband liked it with an outward flip at the shoulder.
Every woman has a slinky little black number and Miriam was no exception. Hers was form-fitting and showed off her fabulous form to its best advantage. The thin half-demi bra pushed up her cleavage to her husband's delight. He liked to call it her 'Round-up' bra as in 'round'em up and head'em out, rawhide.' The thin spaghetti straps were to make sure that nothing fell out unintentionally.
Her designer dress was simple but elegant at the same time. The hem came to mid-thigh which allowed a lot of her trim legs to show. Miriam stepped into a pair of Jimmy Choo 'peep-toe' black high heels which showed her freshly lacquered red toes. She put on the golden serpentine bracelet and matching necklace her husband had given her for their fifteenth wedding anniversary a few years back. Her golden hoop earrings completed her jewelry. While her golden wedding band was the one her husband placed on her finger when they were married, the diamond engagement ring had been upgraded to a brilliant two-carat empire diamond. It sparkled now on her finger.
Miriam completed dressing a little before it was time to leave for their dinner reservation at a fancy Italian restaurant in downtown Birmingham. Just before they left, she sprayed some of her favorite perfume, Elizabeth Taylor's White Shoulders, behind each ear and on her slim wrists. Miriam hesitated a moment before spraying some between her breasts and then she wickedly lifted the hem of her dress and sprayed some of the fragrant perfume between her legs to go along with her own natural feminine perfume.
Her husband had dressed in tan chinos with a white sport short. A navy blazer made it a little more formal but he was wearing his signature Gucci oxblood loafers. Her husband could still strike an imposing figure of power and wealth when he wanted to.
Dinner was lovely and romantic as usual. They finished two bottles of pinot grigio with dinner and then split one tiramisu between them for dessert. Miriam was enjoying herself even when the young black valet ogled her bare legs a little too long when he was helping her into her husband's new black Mercedes.
"We're going to the Zebra Lounge over at the Holiday Inn for dancing," Maurice said as he started the car. Miriam didn't say anything.
Maurice pulled the car into the entrance of the downtown Holiday Inn and another valet opened the door for his wife. By this time, Miriam's dress had ridden up her shapely thighs and gave the black attendant quite a show. The black valet could almost she her panties hidden in the darkness between her legs. He could easily see the attractive blonde woman's other womanly charms because the swell of her breast and the cleavage between them made his cock rise to attention in his tight pants. The young black attendant knew why white couples came here to dance at the Zebra Club. He just wished that he had the opportunity to get between her sexy-looking legs even if she was probably old enough to be his mother. The good-looking blonde woman was quite the MILF, a 'Mother I'd Like to Fuck.'
Maurice enjoyed having his attractive blonde wife on his arm as he strolled through the entrance of the formerly-grand ballroom to the Zebra Lounge. The demographics of the hotel were such that it was no longer the preferred convention hotel that the new Westin was but it was still stately in all of its old-world elegance. The times had changed and the hotel was now used primarily for the 'swinging' crowd. Heads had turned in the lobby as they went through. Maurice was proud of his wife that she could still turn the heads not only of men but also of women. He wondered if his wife ever had a lesbian relationship, none that he was ever aware of.
The Zebra Lounge was fairly large. The lounge had a safari-type theme with several big game trophy heads on the walls. The cute little waitresses were dressed as jungle natives wearing a bikini top and a grass skirt. They were probably local college k**s making some extra money that their daddies wouldn't send them. It added to the mystique.
Miriam didn't care for the cigarette smoke but she also smell a more pungent aroma that she guessed was marijuana. She had been to enough concerts in her younger like where marijuana was very prevalent but she had never tried any before.
There was a small five-piece band playing some slow jazz as several couples swayed to the music on the dance floor. They were guided to a small little booth towards the rear of the nightclub. Miriam's eyes adjusted to the dim lighting as she saw a number of white couples sitting with black men. She became instantly aroused and suspicious at the same time. "What's this all about?" she wondered.
Maurice slipped into the booth against the wall so he could look out at the crowd. Miriam sat across from him on the other side of the small table. The cute waitress can by and Maurice ordered a glass of white wine for his wife and a shot of Scotch on the rocks for himself.
After a while, Maurice glanced over at the bar where several black men were drinking. They had noticed when Maurice and Miriam came in to the lounge. They couldn't help to as Maurice walked Miriam right past them.
Maurice recognized one of the black guys and motioned him over. Miriam looked up and saw a tall Negro talking to her husband.
"Miriam, I'd like you to meet Marcus," Maurice said to his wife. "Marcus, this is my wife, Miriam, who I was telling you about."
Miriam extended her hand and Marcus took it and kissed her trembling fingertips before sliding into the tight booth next to her.
The attractive white wife could feel the lustful heat emanating from the black man sitting next to her. Their thighs touched.
"Marcus is from Memphis. He came down for the weekend after I contacted him through www.MWF4BM.com and sent him several of your photos. I got him a room upstairs for the night."
Miriam felt a little more than just uncomfortable sitting next to this strange black man. She jumped when she felt his hand on her bare thigh. He kept it there while he produced a baggie from his black silk shirt. There were several hand-rolled cigarettes in the plastic bag or at least she thought they were cigarette.
"Want one?" he asked.
Maurice answered for them both. "Yes, it might relax my wife a little bit. This is her first time."
The black man had to remove his hand from Miriam's thigh so he could light up one of the reefers. Marcus took a deep drag on the funny smelling cigarette before passing it over to Miriam. She tried to imitate what she just saw Marcus do but she just gagged on the acrid smoke. Marcus and Maurice just laughed.
"Take it slow, Honey," Marcus whispered in the frightened blonde's ear.
Miriam held the marijuana joint between her finely manicured fingertips and slowly inhaled this time. The effect was powerful as well as immediate. Her whole body seemed to relax. She took and drag, this time a little deeper before passing it back to the black man. Marcus took another long drag on the joint before passing it over the table to Maurice.
The black hand went back to Miriam's bare thigh. This time his strong black fingers massaged the inside of her firm thigh before moving higher up under her dress. Her left hand went down to stop his further advancement. Marcus and Miriam looked down at her hand on top of his. They could both see the coveted wedding band and diamond ring on her slim finger. Miriam looked over at her husband and he just nodded, "Yes."
Miriam took her hand away from his and put it on the table top. Maurice reached over and took her hand in his and squeezed it tenderly. She smiled timidly at her loving husband. Miriam gasped as the searching fingers found her innermost feminine being. The black man was casually stroking her blood-engorged clitoris to erection while her own husband held her hand and was smiling at her.
Another slow tune was being played by the band.
"Baby, let's dance," is all that Marcus said.
The black man took the lovely blonde wife's hand and led Miriam out to the crowded dance floor. She wasn't the only white woman in the arms of a black man while the husbands watched.
Maurice watched his lovely wife dancing slowly with Marcus. They danced as one. Miriam's husband was envious of Marcus as he wished that he could dance like that.
One of the black arms held her close while the other hand roamed over her firm buttocks. Miriam could feel his huge bulge pushing against her firm tummy. She knew he was at least as large, maybe bigger, as most of the black men in the amateur interracial videos that her husband had been showing her lately.
"Let's go up to my room," he whispered into her ear. She trembled in fear of what lay ahead but could only nod her lovely blonde head, "Yes."
The dance finished. They came back to the booth.
"The honey wants to go up to my room," Marcus said nonchalantly to her husband.
"Is this what you want, Maurice?" she whispered hoarsely to her husband.
"Yes, but let me go up first," was all that he said.
Maurice left to go to the designated room. Miriam and Marcus sat back down in the dark booth. His hand went to her heated loins that were already wet with anticipation. His head went down to her bare white shoulder as he kissed his way up to her waiting red lips.
Miriam just about melted in his arms right then and there. She had never been kissed so passionately before. His probing tongue slow danced with hers as his fingers worked their way deep inside her feminine center.
Miriam was panting when their lips parted.
"It's time, Sugar," he whispered in her ear. "Let's go upstairs."
Marcus led the trembling wife back through the hotel's lobby to the elevator. There were the knowing stares coming from the hotel staff. They had seen many white women being led upstairs by black men. While this would be Miriam's first black lover, it would probably not be her last.
The black man held the beautiful blonde wife in his arms and unlocked room number 469. He had to laugh at the room number. How apropos? He was going to do more than just '69' this little white honey.
Her husband was already inside the room and had a video camera on a tripod pointing towards them as the entered.
"Maurice," she said. "We had to talk. Are you really sure that you want me to do this? Will you still love me as much?
"Yes, Dear," her husband replied. "I'll love you even more and I promise I won't let him hurt you."
Miriam could just nod and smile at her loving husband. She couldn't believe that her black fantasy was about to be fulfilled. Filled with more dark desires than she had bargained for.
Marcus closed the door with his foot and locked it all while still locked in an embrace with the beautiful blonde wife. His own cock had been hard and swollen thinking about bedding this attractive white wife. Marcus didn't even mind if her husband filmed them having sex. This wasn't the first white wife that he had fucked while the cuckolded husband watched and filmed them. They usually pulled out their pathetic little white penis and jerked off while watching their wife get boned by a big black cock.
Maurice watched in awe as the black man expertly unzipped her dress and let it fall useless on the floor around her trim ankles. The black man quickly undid the bra releasing her beautiful twin orbs. His greedy tongue found one of her erect nipples. He playfully bit down on the tender bud. Miriam yelped in pleasure pain. There would be plenty more pleasure and pain where that came from.
The black man turned the lovely blonde wife around so that she now faced her husband. Marcus bent her head backwards towards him so he could still kiss her while one hand massage her bare breasts while the other hand dipped into her panties in search of his target. Miriam moaned into his mouth when his dark fingers found her excited clitoris. Her husband zoomed in to catch the black finger diddling the 'man in the boat.'
Miriam's knees felt weak and it was just the strong arms of her soon-to-be-lover that still held her up.
They finally broke the kiss and Marcus set Miriam on the edge of the bed.
"I want you to go down on me first," the black man whispered in her ear loud enough for the camera to pick up his voice.
Miriam didn't understand at first but she was mesmerized as Marcus quickly shucked his clothes. She gasped at the sight of his huge black manhood. It was bigger in real life than any of those interracial porno movies. There is no way that something that large would fit between her own legs.
Marcus pointed towards his enormous black cock.
"Suck it, Honey," was all he had to say for her to understand what she was expected to do.
Maurice got a close-up of his lovely blonde wife reaching up to take the giant black cock into her small hands. The black balls hanging down below were the size of golf balls. He should know as he played golf every weekend. Maurice had penis envy. He certainly wasn't gay but if he was, this would be the cock that he would love to have in his mouth if he could even get it all in.
His wife's little pink tongue came out of her red-lip-sticked lips and timidly licked the outside of his huge black uncut cockhead. It was jet black against the pale white of her fingers. Miriam had to open her mouth very wife to get her lips around the entire tip of his African manhood. Marcus looked down at the pretty blonde wife and couldn't believe that his forebears were strung up for just whistling at a pretty white woman. Now here he was with his cock in her lovely mouth and soon to be stretching her wonderfully tight blonde pussy. Integration was finally making its way into the bedroom!
Marcus didn't want to cum in the pretty blonde wife's mouth. He had another location planned for his potent black seed. He reluctantly pulled out of her warm, sweet mouth.
"Now it's your turn, Honey," Marcus whispered in the beautiful white woman's ear.
The black man laid Miriam on her back onto the king-sized bed. She was startled to be looking at herself when she saw the mirror on the ceiling. She could see the black man in the mirror kneel down between her legs to remove her panties. He left her sexy high heels on her dainty little feet. It was almost as if she was watching an interracial porno movie where she was the starring actress.
Marcus kissed the inside of her trim ankle before moving up her shapely legs. As he got closer to her heated loins, he could smell the wonderful aroma of her feminine perfume as well as the White Shoulders perfume that she had so wickedly sprayed down there.
Miriam gasped as his searching tongue found her most intimate of womanly charms. Her clitoris reacted as if it had received an electric shock. The beautiful blonde wife flinched as her body jumped on the bed. She had her first orgasm. Her own husband had wanted to go down on her several times but she thought that it was just too dirty of a thing to do. Now here it was that her husband was filming her with a black man between her widespread legs. Who said that a black man never ate pussy?
The beautiful blonde wife closed her pretty blue eyes but in her mind's eye, she could still see the arousing event that she had just seen in the mirror on the ceiling. Never in the world could she have imagined such pleasure. Her dark desires were finally taking over her own body as she reached down to grab the nappy-haired head between her wanton legs to urge her black lover deeper.
Marcus made the pretty blonde wife come once more before he worked his way up her body over her trim tummy to her swollen breasts. He feasted on one breast before she offered to other one to his thick black lips. He kissed the smooth nape of her neck. She would have to explain to the other teachers at her school about all of the love marks he was leaving on her tender neck or she would have to wear a high-necked dress to cover up the bites.
The black man was still between her legs as he pushed himself up. He wanted to look into her pretty blue eyes as he entered her for the first time. He loved the look in their eyes when they realized how big he really was. Marcus enjoyed introducing a lovely white wife to her first taste of really big, black cock.
"Put it in for me, Honey," he said.
Miriam obediently reached down between his loins for his cock. It was then that she realized just exactly how huge he really was but she couldn't stop herself from her own destiny. Her tight pussy-lips flowered open to allow the tip of his giant cockhead entrance but the rest of her vagina resisted the rest.
"Baby," he whispered in her ear. "Loosen up, Honey, and let me in. I'm a knocking on Heaven's door."
It must have been the combination of the wine and the marijuana but Miriam did relax her cuntal muscles for him to slowly work his big black cock deep inside her womanhood. She had never been so stretched before. Once Marcus got past the 'used' portion, it was like she was a tender virgin. This was the way it always was the first time. His was the new 'high water' mark.
Marcus took his time with this new beautiful blonde wife. He knew if he rushed it too mush that she wouldn't enjoy it and come back to him for seconds. He finally got the full length inside her as she grasped his hips with her calves. He kissed her long and hard. She was one helluva fuck!
Miriam had several orgasms of her own before Marcus rose up and roared his own powerful orgasm. His dark seed was shot deep within her womanhood. It seemed like the flood gates had been opened as wave after wave of his hot cum shot into her womb like a red hot erupting volcano. Her husband had brought extra large condoms for the black man to use in bedding her but the Negro waved him off. Marcus had ridden his beautiful new conquest bareback. Unless she was on the pill, he had successfully impregnated her with his potent black seed.
The night was a long one. Maurice made several videos for his own enjoyment. He even was told by the black man to clean her up with his tongue. Maurice had never eaten his wife's pussy before and now it was here sopping with his dark seed and her own feminine juices. He ate her out like a man possessed. Miriam had yet another orgasm at the tongue of her own husband.
Miriam met with Marcus for several other weekends as well as going to Memphis to see him. She also got hooked up with other black men before she started showing. Nine months after her first black encounter with Marcus, she delivered a very healthy black baby boy. She thought about the baby's daddy as the black baby suckled on her swollen breasts. Maurice and Miriam thought about giving the baby up for adoption but they decided to keep it and raise it as their own. They named the baby, 'Marcus, ' and even gave the baby's father visitation rights.
The baby's father also spent some quality time with the baby's mother as she still harbored plenty of dark desires.
It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during high school like so many of her friends but she made up for lost time in college by taking several classmates as lovers. Her English professor really put the make on her until she submitted to his dark desires. He liked watching Miriam having sex with one of the black students. Being away in college from her demanding parents made it easier for her to be on the prowl. Even though she was on her own, Miriam was still very naive and ended up married to one of her classmates who was on his way to law school.
She worked as an English teacher at the high school in order for them to pay the bills while his was in school and beginning his law practice. It took a number of years for them to finally move up the social ladder and buy that house in the suburbs but those feelings of desire returned when her husband tried to spice up their love life. Maurice came home one evening with several porno movies that he wanted his wife to watch with him. They mildly turned her on but one of them especially caught her eye. It was the classic called, 'Behind the Green Door, ' with Marilyn Chambers from the soap detergent commercials.
Miriam could tell that her husband enjoyed the video from the erection he was sporting in his pajamas but it was when the African-American actor, Johnny Keyes, showed up that really got her attention. Miriam related to Marilyn as they looked very similar with their body shape and blonde hair. Miriam imagined that it was herself in that sex swing with Johnny Keyes and his proud African cock between her wide spread legs. Sex with her husband was especially pleasing to her that night.
Maurice enjoyed the lovemaking with his wife that night and afterwards even asked her which video she enjoyed the most. He was somewhat surprised that her answer was 'Behind the Green Door.' Maurice knew his wife wasn't prejudicial but her parents sure were. Her dad still called them 'Niggers' whenever he saw or talked about a black person.
Over the course of several months, Maurice began getting some of the amateur interracial videos instead of the professional ones. Most of these were the ones where the white husband manned the camera and took the video of his wife having sex with a black man. Maurice tried to get the ones where the attractive wife was blonde and had a resemblance to his own wife. While these weren't as slick as the professional interracial porno videos, they seemed much more realistic as well as compelling. Maurice was amazed that the husbands allowed the wife to be with such huge-cocked black men. He considered himself above average in the 'package' department but he couldn't compare to the size that the blacks had swinging between their legs.
Miriam was shocked when her husband suggested that she take on a black lover.
She said, "Maurice, I love you. You know I wouldn't even think about being with another man."
"Miriam," he replied. "You know that's a lie. Several of those videos have made you quite the wildcat in bed. I saw the way that you looked at the Negro studs between the legs of those willing white wives. It's become more than just a fantasy with you."
His wife blushed. She had experienced those dark desires for herself.
It was several more weeks later after a special dinner out on the town and a couple of glasses of her favorite wine that Maurice brought the subject of a black lover up to his wife again. It must have been the wine as she said she would think about it. He told Miriam about a website that specialized in hooking up well-endowed black men with married white couple looking for the 'black' experience.
One afternoon after teaching school, Miriam went to the site her husband had mentioned to her. She was amazed at what she saw. Married white women were actively seeking black lovers with the husband's encouragement and support. There were a number of photo albums on the site that Miriam just couldn't keep herself from opening. Her pulse rate increased as she opened album after album of photos with a number of attractive and several not so attractive white women having sex with well-hung black men. It was hard for her to imagine what those women must feel with those huge black cocks between their widespread legs. Miriam felt the tell-tale tingle between her own thighs and was getting wetter with her own feminine dew. Her slim manicured finger found its way up her dress and down into her dampened panties. Her clitoris was enlarged and very sensitive to her touch as she almost gave herself an orgasm. The lovely blonde wife was breathing hard from the fantasy. Miriam knew that she shouldn't be thinking like this. She loved her husband.
Later that week, Maurice announced to Miriam that he had a surprise on Saturday night for her. He told her to dress up extra special as they would go out to dinner and dancing afterwards. This kind of surprised her in and of itself because while she enjoyed dancing, her husband wasn't much of a dancer.
Maurice went to play golf with some clients like he normally does on a Saturday morning. Miriam slept in before fixing herself an early lunch of chicken salad. She had to fight to maintain her figure and weight. Each and every year had its toll but she had managed to keep the ravages of time at bay. It was most difficult after having their first c***d. Little Tommy was now just 'Tom' and was a freshman this year at the University. Her husband had recently turned forty but she was a couple of years away from that benchmark. Her husband had told her that she got prettier every year. While he might think that, it was a hard-fought battle for her to keep her girlish figure through many hours of swimming and playing in a 4.0 ladies doubles tennis league.
Now her husband lay snoring in their king-sized bed so that he would be alert this evening. Miriam took a soothing bath and shaved her legs and underarms. She even trimmed her pussy hair so that no stray blonde hairs would peek out from her little lace bikini panties.
The lovely blonde wife applied red nail polish to her fingertips and toes. Miriam dried herself and slipped into her tiny black panties. They didn't leave much to the imagination as they had a mesh front which allowed her neatly-trimmed bush to show through. The attractive wife applied only a light makeup as she was a natural beauty. She fixed her should length hair the way her husband liked it with an outward flip at the shoulder.
Every woman has a slinky little black number and Miriam was no exception. Hers was form-fitting and showed off her fabulous form to its best advantage. The thin half-demi bra pushed up her cleavage to her husband's delight. He liked to call it her 'Round-up' bra as in 'round'em up and head'em out, rawhide.' The thin spaghetti straps were to make sure that nothing fell out unintentionally.
Her designer dress was simple but elegant at the same time. The hem came to mid-thigh which allowed a lot of her trim legs to show. Miriam stepped into a pair of Jimmy Choo 'peep-toe' black high heels which showed her freshly lacquered red toes. She put on the golden serpentine bracelet and matching necklace her husband had given her for their fifteenth wedding anniversary a few years back. Her golden hoop earrings completed her jewelry. While her golden wedding band was the one her husband placed on her finger when they were married, the diamond engagement ring had been upgraded to a brilliant two-carat empire diamond. It sparkled now on her finger.
Miriam completed dressing a little before it was time to leave for their dinner reservation at a fancy Italian restaurant in downtown Birmingham. Just before they left, she sprayed some of her favorite perfume, Elizabeth Taylor's White Shoulders, behind each ear and on her slim wrists. Miriam hesitated a moment before spraying some between her breasts and then she wickedly lifted the hem of her dress and sprayed some of the fragrant perfume between her legs to go along with her own natural feminine perfume.
Her husband had dressed in tan chinos with a white sport short. A navy blazer made it a little more formal but he was wearing his signature Gucci oxblood loafers. Her husband could still strike an imposing figure of power and wealth when he wanted to.
Dinner was lovely and romantic as usual. They finished two bottles of pinot grigio with dinner and then split one tiramisu between them for dessert. Miriam was enjoying herself even when the young black valet ogled her bare legs a little too long when he was helping her into her husband's new black Mercedes.
"We're going to the Zebra Lounge over at the Holiday Inn for dancing," Maurice said as he started the car. Miriam didn't say anything.
Maurice pulled the car into the entrance of the downtown Holiday Inn and another valet opened the door for his wife. By this time, Miriam's dress had ridden up her shapely thighs and gave the black attendant quite a show. The black valet could almost she her panties hidden in the darkness between her legs. He could easily see the attractive blonde woman's other womanly charms because the swell of her breast and the cleavage between them made his cock rise to attention in his tight pants. The young black attendant knew why white couples came here to dance at the Zebra Club. He just wished that he had the opportunity to get between her sexy-looking legs even if she was probably old enough to be his mother. The good-looking blonde woman was quite the MILF, a 'Mother I'd Like to Fuck.'
Maurice enjoyed having his attractive blonde wife on his arm as he strolled through the entrance of the formerly-grand ballroom to the Zebra Lounge. The demographics of the hotel were such that it was no longer the preferred convention hotel that the new Westin was but it was still stately in all of its old-world elegance. The times had changed and the hotel was now used primarily for the 'swinging' crowd. Heads had turned in the lobby as they went through. Maurice was proud of his wife that she could still turn the heads not only of men but also of women. He wondered if his wife ever had a lesbian relationship, none that he was ever aware of.
The Zebra Lounge was fairly large. The lounge had a safari-type theme with several big game trophy heads on the walls. The cute little waitresses were dressed as jungle natives wearing a bikini top and a grass skirt. They were probably local college k**s making some extra money that their daddies wouldn't send them. It added to the mystique.
Miriam didn't care for the cigarette smoke but she also smell a more pungent aroma that she guessed was marijuana. She had been to enough concerts in her younger like where marijuana was very prevalent but she had never tried any before.
There was a small five-piece band playing some slow jazz as several couples swayed to the music on the dance floor. They were guided to a small little booth towards the rear of the nightclub. Miriam's eyes adjusted to the dim lighting as she saw a number of white couples sitting with black men. She became instantly aroused and suspicious at the same time. "What's this all about?" she wondered.
Maurice slipped into the booth against the wall so he could look out at the crowd. Miriam sat across from him on the other side of the small table. The cute waitress can by and Maurice ordered a glass of white wine for his wife and a shot of Scotch on the rocks for himself.
After a while, Maurice glanced over at the bar where several black men were drinking. They had noticed when Maurice and Miriam came in to the lounge. They couldn't help to as Maurice walked Miriam right past them.
Maurice recognized one of the black guys and motioned him over. Miriam looked up and saw a tall Negro talking to her husband.
"Miriam, I'd like you to meet Marcus," Maurice said to his wife. "Marcus, this is my wife, Miriam, who I was telling you about."
Miriam extended her hand and Marcus took it and kissed her trembling fingertips before sliding into the tight booth next to her.
The attractive white wife could feel the lustful heat emanating from the black man sitting next to her. Their thighs touched.
"Marcus is from Memphis. He came down for the weekend after I contacted him through www.MWF4BM.com and sent him several of your photos. I got him a room upstairs for the night."
Miriam felt a little more than just uncomfortable sitting next to this strange black man. She jumped when she felt his hand on her bare thigh. He kept it there while he produced a baggie from his black silk shirt. There were several hand-rolled cigarettes in the plastic bag or at least she thought they were cigarette.
"Want one?" he asked.
Maurice answered for them both. "Yes, it might relax my wife a little bit. This is her first time."
The black man had to remove his hand from Miriam's thigh so he could light up one of the reefers. Marcus took a deep drag on the funny smelling cigarette before passing it over to Miriam. She tried to imitate what she just saw Marcus do but she just gagged on the acrid smoke. Marcus and Maurice just laughed.
"Take it slow, Honey," Marcus whispered in the frightened blonde's ear.
Miriam held the marijuana joint between her finely manicured fingertips and slowly inhaled this time. The effect was powerful as well as immediate. Her whole body seemed to relax. She took and drag, this time a little deeper before passing it back to the black man. Marcus took another long drag on the joint before passing it over the table to Maurice.
The black hand went back to Miriam's bare thigh. This time his strong black fingers massaged the inside of her firm thigh before moving higher up under her dress. Her left hand went down to stop his further advancement. Marcus and Miriam looked down at her hand on top of his. They could both see the coveted wedding band and diamond ring on her slim finger. Miriam looked over at her husband and he just nodded, "Yes."
Miriam took her hand away from his and put it on the table top. Maurice reached over and took her hand in his and squeezed it tenderly. She smiled timidly at her loving husband. Miriam gasped as the searching fingers found her innermost feminine being. The black man was casually stroking her blood-engorged clitoris to erection while her own husband held her hand and was smiling at her.
Another slow tune was being played by the band.
"Baby, let's dance," is all that Marcus said.
The black man took the lovely blonde wife's hand and led Miriam out to the crowded dance floor. She wasn't the only white woman in the arms of a black man while the husbands watched.
Maurice watched his lovely wife dancing slowly with Marcus. They danced as one. Miriam's husband was envious of Marcus as he wished that he could dance like that.
One of the black arms held her close while the other hand roamed over her firm buttocks. Miriam could feel his huge bulge pushing against her firm tummy. She knew he was at least as large, maybe bigger, as most of the black men in the amateur interracial videos that her husband had been showing her lately.
"Let's go up to my room," he whispered into her ear. She trembled in fear of what lay ahead but could only nod her lovely blonde head, "Yes."
The dance finished. They came back to the booth.
"The honey wants to go up to my room," Marcus said nonchalantly to her husband.
"Is this what you want, Maurice?" she whispered hoarsely to her husband.
"Yes, but let me go up first," was all that he said.
Maurice left to go to the designated room. Miriam and Marcus sat back down in the dark booth. His hand went to her heated loins that were already wet with anticipation. His head went down to her bare white shoulder as he kissed his way up to her waiting red lips.
Miriam just about melted in his arms right then and there. She had never been kissed so passionately before. His probing tongue slow danced with hers as his fingers worked their way deep inside her feminine center.
Miriam was panting when their lips parted.
"It's time, Sugar," he whispered in her ear. "Let's go upstairs."
Marcus led the trembling wife back through the hotel's lobby to the elevator. There were the knowing stares coming from the hotel staff. They had seen many white women being led upstairs by black men. While this would be Miriam's first black lover, it would probably not be her last.
The black man held the beautiful blonde wife in his arms and unlocked room number 469. He had to laugh at the room number. How apropos? He was going to do more than just '69' this little white honey.
Her husband was already inside the room and had a video camera on a tripod pointing towards them as the entered.
"Maurice," she said. "We had to talk. Are you really sure that you want me to do this? Will you still love me as much?
"Yes, Dear," her husband replied. "I'll love you even more and I promise I won't let him hurt you."
Miriam could just nod and smile at her loving husband. She couldn't believe that her black fantasy was about to be fulfilled. Filled with more dark desires than she had bargained for.
Marcus closed the door with his foot and locked it all while still locked in an embrace with the beautiful blonde wife. His own cock had been hard and swollen thinking about bedding this attractive white wife. Marcus didn't even mind if her husband filmed them having sex. This wasn't the first white wife that he had fucked while the cuckolded husband watched and filmed them. They usually pulled out their pathetic little white penis and jerked off while watching their wife get boned by a big black cock.
Maurice watched in awe as the black man expertly unzipped her dress and let it fall useless on the floor around her trim ankles. The black man quickly undid the bra releasing her beautiful twin orbs. His greedy tongue found one of her erect nipples. He playfully bit down on the tender bud. Miriam yelped in pleasure pain. There would be plenty more pleasure and pain where that came from.
The black man turned the lovely blonde wife around so that she now faced her husband. Marcus bent her head backwards towards him so he could still kiss her while one hand massage her bare breasts while the other hand dipped into her panties in search of his target. Miriam moaned into his mouth when his dark fingers found her excited clitoris. Her husband zoomed in to catch the black finger diddling the 'man in the boat.'
Miriam's knees felt weak and it was just the strong arms of her soon-to-be-lover that still held her up.
They finally broke the kiss and Marcus set Miriam on the edge of the bed.
"I want you to go down on me first," the black man whispered in her ear loud enough for the camera to pick up his voice.
Miriam didn't understand at first but she was mesmerized as Marcus quickly shucked his clothes. She gasped at the sight of his huge black manhood. It was bigger in real life than any of those interracial porno movies. There is no way that something that large would fit between her own legs.
Marcus pointed towards his enormous black cock.
"Suck it, Honey," was all he had to say for her to understand what she was expected to do.
Maurice got a close-up of his lovely blonde wife reaching up to take the giant black cock into her small hands. The black balls hanging down below were the size of golf balls. He should know as he played golf every weekend. Maurice had penis envy. He certainly wasn't gay but if he was, this would be the cock that he would love to have in his mouth if he could even get it all in.
His wife's little pink tongue came out of her red-lip-sticked lips and timidly licked the outside of his huge black uncut cockhead. It was jet black against the pale white of her fingers. Miriam had to open her mouth very wife to get her lips around the entire tip of his African manhood. Marcus looked down at the pretty blonde wife and couldn't believe that his forebears were strung up for just whistling at a pretty white woman. Now here he was with his cock in her lovely mouth and soon to be stretching her wonderfully tight blonde pussy. Integration was finally making its way into the bedroom!
Marcus didn't want to cum in the pretty blonde wife's mouth. He had another location planned for his potent black seed. He reluctantly pulled out of her warm, sweet mouth.
"Now it's your turn, Honey," Marcus whispered in the beautiful white woman's ear.
The black man laid Miriam on her back onto the king-sized bed. She was startled to be looking at herself when she saw the mirror on the ceiling. She could see the black man in the mirror kneel down between her legs to remove her panties. He left her sexy high heels on her dainty little feet. It was almost as if she was watching an interracial porno movie where she was the starring actress.
Marcus kissed the inside of her trim ankle before moving up her shapely legs. As he got closer to her heated loins, he could smell the wonderful aroma of her feminine perfume as well as the White Shoulders perfume that she had so wickedly sprayed down there.
Miriam gasped as his searching tongue found her most intimate of womanly charms. Her clitoris reacted as if it had received an electric shock. The beautiful blonde wife flinched as her body jumped on the bed. She had her first orgasm. Her own husband had wanted to go down on her several times but she thought that it was just too dirty of a thing to do. Now here it was that her husband was filming her with a black man between her widespread legs. Who said that a black man never ate pussy?
The beautiful blonde wife closed her pretty blue eyes but in her mind's eye, she could still see the arousing event that she had just seen in the mirror on the ceiling. Never in the world could she have imagined such pleasure. Her dark desires were finally taking over her own body as she reached down to grab the nappy-haired head between her wanton legs to urge her black lover deeper.
Marcus made the pretty blonde wife come once more before he worked his way up her body over her trim tummy to her swollen breasts. He feasted on one breast before she offered to other one to his thick black lips. He kissed the smooth nape of her neck. She would have to explain to the other teachers at her school about all of the love marks he was leaving on her tender neck or she would have to wear a high-necked dress to cover up the bites.
The black man was still between her legs as he pushed himself up. He wanted to look into her pretty blue eyes as he entered her for the first time. He loved the look in their eyes when they realized how big he really was. Marcus enjoyed introducing a lovely white wife to her first taste of really big, black cock.
"Put it in for me, Honey," he said.
Miriam obediently reached down between his loins for his cock. It was then that she realized just exactly how huge he really was but she couldn't stop herself from her own destiny. Her tight pussy-lips flowered open to allow the tip of his giant cockhead entrance but the rest of her vagina resisted the rest.
"Baby," he whispered in her ear. "Loosen up, Honey, and let me in. I'm a knocking on Heaven's door."
It must have been the combination of the wine and the marijuana but Miriam did relax her cuntal muscles for him to slowly work his big black cock deep inside her womanhood. She had never been so stretched before. Once Marcus got past the 'used' portion, it was like she was a tender virgin. This was the way it always was the first time. His was the new 'high water' mark.
Marcus took his time with this new beautiful blonde wife. He knew if he rushed it too mush that she wouldn't enjoy it and come back to him for seconds. He finally got the full length inside her as she grasped his hips with her calves. He kissed her long and hard. She was one helluva fuck!
Miriam had several orgasms of her own before Marcus rose up and roared his own powerful orgasm. His dark seed was shot deep within her womanhood. It seemed like the flood gates had been opened as wave after wave of his hot cum shot into her womb like a red hot erupting volcano. Her husband had brought extra large condoms for the black man to use in bedding her but the Negro waved him off. Marcus had ridden his beautiful new conquest bareback. Unless she was on the pill, he had successfully impregnated her with his potent black seed.
The night was a long one. Maurice made several videos for his own enjoyment. He even was told by the black man to clean her up with his tongue. Maurice had never eaten his wife's pussy before and now it was here sopping with his dark seed and her own feminine juices. He ate her out like a man possessed. Miriam had yet another orgasm at the tongue of her own husband.
Miriam met with Marcus for several other weekends as well as going to Memphis to see him. She also got hooked up with other black men before she started showing. Nine months after her first black encounter with Marcus, she delivered a very healthy black baby boy. She thought about the baby's daddy as the black baby suckled on her swollen breasts. Maurice and Miriam thought about giving the baby up for adoption but they decided to keep it and raise it as their own. They named the baby, 'Marcus, ' and even gave the baby's father visitation rights.
The baby's father also spent some quality time with the baby's mother as she still harbored plenty of dark desires.
2 年 前