Quiz time

Quiz Time Everyone!

Quiz Time! Short Answer are awesome! Be brutally

1. Your Name?/ Tommy

2. Age?/ 49

3. Favorite position? / Several

4. Are you OK with my age?/definitely

5. Where are you from?/ Charleston wv

6. Lights on or off?/ Either

7. Would you have to be drunk?/ No

8. Would you take a shower with me?/ Yes 9. Have you ever seen me in public or know me per/ not sure

10. Would you leave after or stay awhile?/ Stay

11. Would you ever let me to post our fun? / Yes

12. Have sex on the first date? / Depends on chemistry

13. Would you kiss during sex? / If I'm really getting into it

14. Do you think I could make you cum? / Definitely

15. How many times would have sex? / Several if we're still horny 16.. Any special kinks? / Dress up/ bra and panties and others

17. Do you like foreplay? Definitely

18. Are you in a relationship? / Passive

19. Bareback or condom?/ Condoms

20. Will share your answers with the world?/ Yes<div>
Copy and paste to your blog and erase my answers to put your own.</div>
发布者 tinymicrocock
2 年 前