Xhamster Help

I'd like to know if anyone out there in Xham Land knows how to get through to a Help Page or User Question Forum. There are some experienced members who have been most helpful and informative whenever I am curious about navigating my way around. However, I don't much like having to bother anyone or interrupt sessions. One of the reviewers had let me know they were opening up a page like that in a few days. Then I got a message from him saying they were introducing a new user/member club. My question is this, 1) How do users access this new feature/club? 2)Do you have to have a Premium Membership to do so? 3) Where would I find it on this site? 4) Is there a way to contact Xhamster regarding FAQ?
I've searched all my available tabs with no luck.

So, if you can help, have a minute to PM me, or just add to comments I would be most grateful...

Sincerest Sexiness,

SassyBri ~
发布者 SassyBri
12 年 前
SassyBri 出版商 12 年 前
Imagine, as many times as I've been to the bottom of these pages I've not even noticed the Help and Support section. So thank you sincerely for pointing out the obvious. Guess I've been distracted by all the amazing porn and pics! Lol. By the way, love yours... SassyBri ~
cumhereoften 12 年 前
At the risk of telling you what you already know,scroll to the bottom of any page here and you will find various contact points.Terms of use,Support(FAQs are there),Contact and Suggestions Board have some of the information you seek.I find support to be unreliable,other members are best!
SassyBri 出版商 12 年 前
A special thanks to 'qknd' for all your advice and readiness to help. You make Xham worth coming back for time and time again.