My Gay Friend
I had a good friend in school. He was flaming like a whooper. He developed a crush on me early in school. Somewhere, Somehow it got into his head that my dick was along the same measurements as John Holmes. He get on these kicks of trying to get a chance to "look at, touch, fondle or play with it" His words. Of course I never let him see it. Not because I'm straight, but because he was about 6" wrong in his guess. Not only that, but he would use his gayness to tell his GF's how cute I was, how nice I was and how I had a baby arm sized cock. He got me laid a lot more than I can count. So anyway, we graduated and the day before I left for college, I stopped over his house and just whipped it out for him. Made him feel good about himself. He talked about how it took him 4 years, but I gave him a gander. He never did say anything about it not being an anaconda either. He passed away way *********. I miss him and think about that story and giggle. Thanks for the laughs, Ron
1 年 前