Guys Point of View Part 3

I feel like this has been a really cool summer so far (kind of pretty amazing when I stopped to think about it today) in so many ways and maybe that's something that has to do with external things having to do with me in my life overall so that may have to do with other areas but that has helped me too. Maybe I feel even better with you all when I feel like things are great and I'm more relaxed and maybe it's also in part from other people who are really good to me and we've gotten to learn and grow together doing what we love in every way. So, I want to thank you for being here, doing what you do, and seeing me, and giving me your cum and your sexual energy when we meet. I thrive on it.

So my first conversation starter has to do with what makes you feel good? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about us and what we do that makes you feel good about it, like coming over and getting ready to spend our day together I guess.

1. What detail makes you feel good about when we meet? What's the first thought that comes to your mind about it?

And then I was also thinking about this specific summer in general. It's kind of similar but a little bit different every time but what is one thing that sticks out about this summer?

2. What makes this particular summer special for us in our meetings and what is one small sexy detail that happened this summer that maybe you first think about?

I can't put my finger on it because there's been so many great moments we've shared in all the ways including the very sexual side of it and the fun side of it as well. I think about it a lot and it makes me feel closer to you all in my life and I feel very connected and loved with you all and sometimes I struggle to put it into words it's so much, so I wanted to know if any of you guys out there are thinking things on your own about it.

To all my new and old guys and visitors, I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me.

6 月 前
MoreSpunkPleez 出版商 1 月 前
NWSugarDaddy : That's very sweet. Thank you for commenting. Like I said, I really care. I did enjoy it, too. I think that I should be careful with it and I like that we connect that way. It's always a special moment to me even if it doesn't always seem like it. I think your cum is very special, which is why I used to eat it all the time. I can always tell there's a lot of yours in there if you're over and I like that. I like how nice you are too but you're also naughty and it's very funny.
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NWSugarDaddy 1 月 前
(1. What detail makes you feel good about when we meet?) - Relieving my balls into a pretty, wanting mouth.  (2. What's the first thought that comes to your mind about it?) - The image of your young, pretty, naked body sitting indian style. Me walking my cock toward your face. You opening your mouth and looking up at me. Me groaning as I lob ropes down your throat. (2. What makes this particular summer special for us in our meetings and what is one small sexy detail that happened this summer that maybe you first think about?) Wasn't around this summer unfortunately but I always appreciated how you played with my load before you ate it. Very inspiring. A small sexy detail is the way you held my thick load in your mouth the other night. You looked like you were very careful with it. You looked like you enjoyed it. And even though there were so many guys, you seemed so nice about it every time.
MoreSpunkPleez 出版商 3 月 前
InYourMouth : Aww. Look. You definitely are one of my trusted closest friends and guys for that.
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MoreSpunkPleez 出版商 3 月 前
GulpItBitch : Nope. No gags here.
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InYourMouth 4 月 前
Just to add on to our conversation, I thought I'd post it here if that's okay... I definitely do think of it as romantic in our own special way. It's second nature now but it's still the main thing I look forward to after edging and in between abstaining from cumming. It's not romantic in any way that causes problems for your relationship but I think of it as highly romantic on many different levels since knowing you for so long plays into that. It's very romantic how you plan and dress up and look so incredibly hot when planned. It's very romantic how we interact. It's very romantic how open you are about it. I even think saving my cum up for you as romantic. When I'm up late the night before or up early in the morning edging, I might watch porn but I'm really thinking of you and trying to do my best to give you the most cum possible and have the best orgasms with you. So I think of that as romantic and I think probably a lot of guys would think of it as romantic too. I think it's romantic to be able to freely blow loads in your mouth. I personally think it's romantic feeding you my cum in a way. And it's romantic that you eat my sperm and that you like my balls. All around, those are really romantic things to me, honestly. It's just romantic in that way which is how we are when I'm with you. But I still definitely feel romantic about it.
SkeetBang 4 月 前
You look so inviting and it's encouraging seeing other guys do it. But I mainly like that any time I can just go over to you and dump a load on your tongue. I enjoy aiming my cock in your mouth and just letting my nuts go. And you're pretty and it feels like we really connect during it. I like mixing it up and seeing how hard I can cum. It's an incredible feeling pumping out a big load of thick white goo all over your pretty tongue and seeing you like it and seeing you actually eat it. I've been cumming more a bit lately and it even feels better but it helps knowing you actually swallow all of it. So, it's pretty amazing going over there and especially how it goes the first few times like omg my cock is drooling and I'm about to blow. It's really big loads that feel good and you eat that and I set a new high score this weekend. My first thought is I can just walk over to you and you face me and show me your tongue then you look up at me so it's like it's automatic so I love that. So that's the first thing I think about is walking over to you and aiming my cock at you and just seeing what your reaction to me is. Sometimes if I've edged for a really long time it feels so over the top incredible just letting that first load spew in your mouth. And I love that you like it. It's sexy how you hold my load in your mouth sometimes and it's really naughty the way you look at me sometimes and then you eat it. 
MoreSpunkPleez 出版商 4 月 前
GulpItBitch : Wow. That's nice and kind of sexy. Thank you!
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GulpItBitch 4 月 前
I was thinking about it again the other day because I missed this weekend, sorry about that by the way. But I was remembering how we first met for that and I was just happy to be invited at the time to be honest but it escalated more and more after doing it a few times. I didn't expect you'd be so into it and yet so cool and laid back about it at the same time. You just have this always up for it and pretty nice attitude about it. But now it's like I don't care about what's going on or who else is there, I love nothing more than going over to your place and just firing load after load of jizz into your sexy mouth. I LOVE that you swallow. It was one of the main reasons I wanted to be included not to mention that you're hot even if you're a goofy little cumslut, it's a perfect fit because I love shooting cum for you and this whole thing has given me even more reason to work on cumming more and enjoy a sex life how I want to. I even love how you just own it whenever your boyfriend is around. You definitely stay locked in and focused on my balls. I'm supportive of your relationship but I also get extra sexually motivated whenever he happens to see us with you on your knees choking down my load or just with my cock next to your face, and you just smile. I have never seen a girl take as much cum as you do. You're incredible at just holding it in your mouth calmly and in a sexy way. The thing about this year Question Number 2 again I'd say is maybe me getting more used to / into it but it just seems even more chill and laid back than ever. It's not really a matter of if I'm doing it right or if it's my turn or whatever, it's just more of a smooth organic thing than ever before and it just makes me feel like I can go FULL ON nut busting however I want to and just dump it in your mouth. Your outfits and theme styles have been better than ever and I've gotten gooning and supplements totally sorted out so it's never been easier getting to empty when I go over there. Sometimes it takes a long time but I usually like that because it typically means I just have more nut to dump down your throat and it's really been awesome staying up late with you those few times. I might not be the biggest cummer in the group but I'm cumming more now than ever before and I love filling up your mouth and you definitely treat me like you appreciate my cum I'm glad it tastes good to you. Anyways, I was just up late thinking about it. I really hope I can be back in town for the next one. I'd usually send this as a PM but you mentioned you liked my comments last time.
GulpItBitch 5 月 前
My favorite feel good part about it is actually throwing thick enough shots hard enough to make that loud 'skeet' sound as my jizz slaps into the roof of your mouth and throat. I love it when it makes fucking sound like that. And I love how you stay still and it doesn't make you gag. Haven't made you gag yet. Pretty amazing.
GulpItBitch : that sounds amazing and me really hard.  Need to get my ass to Portland soon. 
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GulpItBitch 6 月 前
1. What makes it feel good? What, beyond ejaculating in your mouth? Lol. I think about the first time we met and how nice you were about it and that's basically how it tends to be whenever I go over and see you. You always seem down for it and really nice and cool about it. It's a bonus to be able to go over and see you happy and open and nice. I like that I can get close to cumming and walk over to you and you either instinctively blow on my balls or you open your mouth and look up at me. The first thing that comes to my mind is dumping thick loads of gooey sperm all over your tongue and seeing your pretty eyes looking up at me as I slop down the last drops of my nut on your beautiful tongue. 2. Fourth of July when you gargled really deep before you swallowed. I love knowing one of my loads is in there when you do that. It was also an enormous amount of thick white semen punctuated by how it sounded when you gargled and gulped it down.
MoreSpunkPleez 出版商 6 月 前
InYourMouth : Aww. It feels like home to me too, babe.
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duecetwo 6 月 前
I guess I need to figure a way and a time so I can comment on this subject 😘
InYourMouth 6 月 前
#2: This summer I'm inclined to think that most guys would say 4th of July was the highlight which it kind of always is but even moreso this year. For me, personally, there were a couple of details. One detail was one time I came back and you were talking about my cum specifically and describing it in detail and it was great to hear that and hear you get into the detail with describing what you like about my cum to other guys. It was also a blast to be the example to show new guys what to do and that was very fun because I knew everyone was watching but you were also nice to me and nice to them and so accommodating. It made me feel like I'm your closest most trusted guy for that which I try to be. This whole counting loads in a month thing is also interesting. It was hot seeing you with old friends too. It was kind of great to meet them. It's great because we're all cumming in your mouth of course. I also enjoy showing other guys and having them see you swallow mine. All very good things in my opinion.
InYourMouth 6 月 前
#1: One of the first things I'm thinking about as I'm dying to cum is getting it going. We usually have our routine so I go in there, I like how you get down pretty fast, but I know that I really made it when I start slappin my pre-cum on your tongue. When I think about cumming, I think about you, so a detail that sticks out when I think about it is our moment where I fling all my pre-cum on your tongue, I watch you eat it, and then I feel like I can really be ready to start building up my load. I hate to get sentimental about it but it feels like home. It feels good because at that point in the process I know for sure I'm gonna get to dump another load in your mouth for you to swallow. That feels like home too. I love feeding you my sperm.