Vote for Green Eyed in the booty shak
Hey Guys,
I’m participating in the 22nd Booty Shaking Contest. Voting takes place from January 19th through January 25th. One vote per person. Please help spread the word, vote from your phone, work computer, and make sure your friends vote.
To check on the stats:
First Prize: $600
Second Prize: $300
Third Prize: $100
In the 20th Booty Shaking contest I won first place. In the 21st Booty Shaking contest I won second place. I would love to win first place this time!
I’m participating in the 22nd Booty Shaking Contest. Voting takes place from January 19th through January 25th. One vote per person. Please help spread the word, vote from your phone, work computer, and make sure your friends vote.
To check on the stats:
First Prize: $600
Second Prize: $300
Third Prize: $100
In the 20th Booty Shaking contest I won first place. In the 21st Booty Shaking contest I won second place. I would love to win first place this time!
12 年 前