How are you today Spunky ?. Not good at all Miss. Whys that dare I ask. Well Miss its like this Grannys on the war path she wants my guts for garters. What have you done this time. Well Miss the ginger tabby from number 9 popped round too see me but granny told her I was not cumming out too play today so she went off with that scruffy tom from number 10. Whats wrong with that Spunky. Well Miss I used her litter tray well I thought it was a litter tray. Well what was it Spunky ?. How was I too know it was her prize pot pourri. You did what. Well I watered it Miss it soaked it up ever so well another 5 minutes she would not have known. So where you residing now then Spunky. Im living with Bullseye the dog. Really. Yes Miss I guess thats another story. Amen
11 年 前