Misty Chapter 5 - Misty

„Don`t get dressed,“ Mistress Marion says to Linda. „I`m not finished with your yet. Since you and Misty seem to know each other, I`d like you to help with her scene. It will be her first time, after all.“
Linda agrees, after which she and Dory bring Dalene from the wall rack and attach her to the overhead chain.
„Don`t be afraid, Dalene,“ says Linda, whispering encouragement to her friend. „Just let yourself go. Stop thinking and just feel. You`re gonna love this.“
Now, as Mistress Marion is pacing `round and `round the standing girl, she is blistering Dalene with the cat-o`-nine. Sometimes, she slows to hug the girl from behind, but then she resumes with a particularly sadistic stroke. At one point, Marion lashes with an underhand movement, catching the blonde`s pussy from behind.
„What about when Misty was suspended?“ Marion asks the girl after a time. „Remember that little paragraph? Take her up!“
Whatever Dalene was thinking when she keyboarded that at her computer work station, she is now experiencing for real. Legs spread, ankles chained to a pair of vorners of the leather-covered pallet, she is hoisted into the air.
„And wasn`t she whipped also?“ the sadistic bitch asks Dalene, reminding her again of her bondage novel. As if to answer the question herself, Marion lashes out repeatedly with the multi-lashed whip.
„Finally, she calls a halt.
„I think she`s had enough,“ Marion states, though she has more treatment – of a very different kind – in mind for the girl. „Bring her down.“
As Dalene is lowered, her ordeal over, the audience of knowing gentlemen applauds loudly. They know a good slavegirl when they see one, especially a girl who`s never done it before.. Dalene has taken her beatings well.
„I want you girls to make Dalene feel good,“ Mistress Marion states and, at her direction, each babe begins to suck on one of the blonde`s nipples. „Now, Linda, I want you to very slowly work your tongue down Misty`s body. Make her feel good.“
It happens. Gradually, a wet trail reaches below Dalene`s waistline.
„Can you feel it?“ Marion asks Dalene cryptically. „Can you feel the change? You`re not that drudge any longer. What was her name? Dalene Harvey. Remember her? Who are you now?“
In ecstasy, Dalene gives the answer.
„Misty,“ she replies.
„Say it again!“
And then she explodes in a wild orgasm.

The End
11 年 前
Victor-Bruno 11 年 前
very good ending.
mrburger 11 年 前
Yes very good the girl is finally broken and is now a true slave to the whip
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