"RETIRED" The Big Red X Syndrome
"News: A person I liked opted to "resign," it hurts. She was a good friend, suddenly, unexpectedly gone. Hope she comes back but that's life in the big Habitat, I guess. It still hurts a bit. Words of wisdom?"
I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always difficult and somewhat a bit disturbing when someone we like ends up retired. Coming to terms with it often feels like our best friend has died, as harsh as that seems. There is not many of us who can simply "move on" without some sort of grieving process. This is all completely natural and normal. Due to our anonymity here it always comes as a shock to see that big red X with the words "retired" across a profile of someone we enjoyed...
With that being said there are several valid reasons behind ones "retirement".
It's possible that,
1) The beloved user simply needed a break.
a. Faced a bully, or several bullies. This is especially prevalent for the women of our site.
b. A boyfriend or girlfriend, husband, wife, or other family members intervened on the one that was "addicted to pornography".
2) The user was facing some sort of self righteous guilt over the enjoyment of content or attachment to another member.
3) They experienced bullying. One of the biggest reasons for retiring from XHamster.
4) It's possible that Support has suspended their account temporarily awaiting Moderation or an investigation into why their profile was "flagged" or "reported".
For those of you who don't know or who have thank fully not experienced it (I have three times so far), the system will automatically "RETIRE" you if a troll gets a few more trolls... 8 are required to report you to Support or flag out a piece of your content before it "auto" deletes your account. This is a simple fix and if you have friends that notice you are gone they will usually contact Support for you and request that your profile be re-instated. (This occurred for me this last 4th of July while I was out enjoying time with my family at the lake). So if you find yourself "auto" deleted/retired, immediately go to the bottom of the log in page ('Cause you won't be able to log in after this has happened) click on the Support option and let them know that your account has been deleted for no apparent reason. They are very good about getting it restored quickly, within hours or a day. So don't panic. (I have LOL) There is help for this kind of abuse. And sometimes Support will call it a "Server Issue", but we all know it was an outright attack on our Pro's.
#4 UPDATE 7/12/14[/i]
I have put it out there, to the xHam community, the whole #4 issue of "auto" deletion/retirement of profiles, so that maybe we can get some feedback from those who know for sure on this subject. So far I've gotten concern that the info given here could possibly be used by trolls as "how to" instructions. It is certainly possible. I was given another option on how trolls work the system causing profile deletions, but under the advice of another high profile user, I will not repeat it here. Understandably. I was also told that 8 report or flags are NOT required. Please forgive me while I sort this all out...
*ALERT. If you are a member/user of this site and have any other information on this topic please feel free to post it here and then you're welcome to delete the comment. I will still get it in my news feed. Or PM me. If I can present the info in a non-troll zone way then I will include it in this blog. If you comment then delete, or PM me I will know to keep your identity confidential. It is the integrity of this blog I am committed to adhering to .
5) They came across some big, bad bullies or attackers in comments on content, or to posts. Even a random PM can throw some users into "retirement".
The GOOD news is that all of these reasons for the dreaded big red X can be merely temporary. This person may choose to come back. I recommend that you not delete them from your friends list or subscription for at least 30 days giving them that time to recover their account and refresh their spirit.
I hope this helps...
I'd like to hear from my readers on this topic. Experiences, Advice. We've all been there, and know well how it feels. Will you please add your perspective to this all too fatal topic...
SassyBri ~[/i][/b]
"Bri Thankyou for the thoughts on the big red x . I think we all have lost friends and favourite users to it But maybe worse is the hanging profile ? at least with the x you know somewhere a decision has been made ? whereas a Last activity nnnnn days ago starts the worries going .Take care XX Gaynor"
" And then, NOTHING. I have not received another single response from them for what seems an eternity (it's been perhaps two weeks). I've written to ask what's up and so forth and still got no response. I soon began to realize that I was feeling quite needy and lost, and worse, I was acting like a needy, lost douche bag! This is completely unattractive, so I've decided to bite my tongue, or cross my fingers and wait. I keep wondering if it was me and what I may have conveyed to them, perhaps I became a little too exuberant. As a newbie to this sort of community (I have met up with couples before and had quite enjoyable, if non-conventional encounters) perhaps I got carried away with excitement, something a more seasoned participant know enough to avoid. I don't know, I just wish they would be kind enough to tell me--I think in future I will not wear my heart so prominently upon my sleeve. I thought for sure that I was old enough and had sufficient experience to if not avoid this sort of thing then to at least be able to handle it better. Sheesh, I feel like a young adolescent experiencing his first rebuff. Could you offer me some perspective on this SassiBri? Give it to me straight. Thanks for reading. Yours, lone_wolf_49"
One of the cruelest form of on-line abandonment is
"The Hanging Profile". There is no definitive closure. No goodbye. No rhyme, reason, or consideration as to why the communication failed. This makes us feel even worse than a suddenly retired profile. At least with a retirement there is reasonable explanation as to why our friend or acquaintance may have left. The raw wound one feels when seeing this type of friend disappear is visited over and over again when we go to the profile expecting to see another day has passed by without a word, only to see that they are on-line or even worse, have recently logged out knowing they must have seen your post, message or PM. WTF! How can this be? And what am I supposed to do with that? Well, let me tell you... Messaging again is really out of the question since you'll come off looking desperate. And well we ARE, damnit! This is life to us and a big chunk just up and walked away from it. What the fuck is up with people? How can they just go on and act as if nothing has happened? Well, it could be guilt that they ended the relationship without so much as a word. It could be they are trying to work through some situation without your helpful advice. They may have gotten bored and moved on... But most likely, it's because they have found someone else that isn't quite on board with all this XHamster stuff. So where do you go from here? You send one last message asking for some idea so that you can possibly improve yourself in that area... Then you pick yourself up and you move the fuck on. You suck it up. You stop feeling like shit and mend your wounded pride and bruised heart. Chances are this will only come with time and a few new friends to soothe the pain. Now, there are some that will say, "Are you out of your mind SassyBri? You're making too much of a big deal out of this whole thing." To them, I say, "Fuck you! Go click on another video!" 'Cause if you're not feeling me on this, and you really don't give a shit, you're just in it for the porn... so go masturbate! For the rest of us this is more than a porn site. It's our community, these are our friends. Our extended family so to speak... And most of us give a shit.
Another related topic I'd like to touch on is how to de-friend a friend without causing hurt feelings... You can't. So the best thing to do is give them a simple explanation and hit that box. No sense in hanging onto those that no longer fit your needs. I'll give you an example. The most common reason I have personally, is that I lose touch with that friend. I may go weeks without hearing from them. (Okay two weeks usually, at the most. The exception being a friend that meant so much to me but left me hangin'. Yes I'm human, too)There really is no other way to handle this delicate situation. If there is, I'd love to hear from you below...
Love, light, and happiness always... Oh, and some really good sex!
SassyBri ~
11 年 前
Chickie poo. Yes, I can read but the only portion that was shown to me on Hk55's retirement blog was a screen cap of the tabs showing "Attenicon Police." This was enough to freak him out to the point of closing all porn related accounts and disappearing from us once again.
things can happen beyond control. 'life'. landing peeps in hospital or worse dead.
that's a true hanging profile.
morn the loss, when non return. but do move on.
Heard your advice loud and clear. Thank you for that. Check out G-P. Dream-lover/Rikki-Tikki is openly claiming responsibility for all the profile deletions. I know of the situation that you are speaking of. "Selling my soul" is not my intention. Information and curiosity is however. Hells, Curiosity killed the cat! LOL Is a saying we have here.
SassyBri ~
I have put it out there, to the xHam community, the whole #4 issue of "auto" deletion/retirement of profiles, so that maybe we can get some feedback from those who know for sure on this subject. So far I've gotten concern that the info given here could possibly be used by trolls as "how to" instructions. It is certainly possible. I was given another option on how trolls work the system causing profile deletions, but under the advice of another high profile user, I will not repeat it here. Understandably.
*Please. If you are a member/user of this site and have any other information on this topic please feel free to post it here and then you're welcome to delete the comment. I will still get it in my news feed. Or PM me. If I can present the info in a non-troll zone way then I will include it in this blog. If you comment then delete, or PM me I will know to keep your identity confidential. It is the integrity of this blog I am committed to adhering to .
SassyBri ~
It should be recommended reading for anyone joining up here
Always yours ♥
Ronald, I'm going to add this to the above blog, so that people know in more detail what can happen and what they can do when it does. Thank you for bring it to my attention.
SassyBri ~
"I get fifteen trolls every day,
Since I'm stuck in the mire,
I might just retire,
And go skipping merrily away!"
Sassy posted a blog on retiring
Which was read by so many minds inquiring
Like Al-anon it's a forum
That could produce more decorum
I've certainly found it inspiring
1. Retirement - It would be considerate to inform good friends before taking this step but, at least, there's some closure.
2. Not officially retiring but not logging on for an extended period of time (at least 2 weeks, but, possibly more). This can produce worry/concern about health issues or injury as I'm only too aware of, having overreacted to just such a situation myself. A considerate person would, at least post a status of "Taking a break, I'm fine. Or I will be. LOL" or some such but that's not always possible.
3. Continuing to log on and do various update things but leave a PM-versation hanging. This is the "cold shoulder" and, in my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse for a decent person to do this to someone else. Ever. Send a PM saying that for whatever reason, you want to end the relationship, explain that reason if you wish, and say goodbye.
If I were intending to unilaterally end a PM-verastion, I would send a PM explaining why and wishing my partner-in-talk a happy life. And, if I were going to retire, I'd PM any active friends to explain why (write a goodbye letter, copy and paste, click send, rinse and repeat.)
This blog/forum is like an al-anon meeting - a place to vent among others who have suffered a similar emotional event. Thank you, SassyBri for providing the space and opportunity.
I do always prefer it if it's a profile I had a lot of interaction with, that they let me know in some way before they bail. Sometimes that's not always possible in a heated moment... So what can you do. Just go on doing what you do, and know you're not the only one out their that feels a void by the retiring of a friend.
SassyBri ~
The only reason to "voluntarily" retire could be my wife, if some day knows about xHam.
In that case I would continue my relation with my true friends here. The person who wants to contact me can ask some of them for my address, I don't want to keep it a secret.
Up to now no person really close to me has retired or hanged, it would cause a pain on me.
This is such a well-written and helpful comment. It is a comment like this, not to mention this entire blog were we can have this conversation, that makes being on XH worth it. Anna, your idea of the alter e-mail route is sound and I've used that for a long time. People have to be careful if they want explicit e-mail but Handled well it's great and can help people be closer, I think. I'm sure many people here have thrown caution to the wind and just posted their mobile phone number to someone in a PM. I'd strongly advise against anyone doing that. People in BDSM circles many people commonly use 'scene' names. Jobs and families need to be protected and so there's a mutual acceptance of the need for it. So, the "fake" e-mail is not "fake" it's wise and appropriately circumspect and, while I'm sure this applies more to the women than the men, it does hold true for all.
Again, thank you for a very good and helpful comment.
Now, while I'm still rather new to XH and have not had the kinds of loves and losses some have, I do know the general theme very well. I have had admixtures of network and real-life (RL) relationships for many years. XH has probably one of the best overall systems for using powerful video and photography for cyber-extened sexual relationships is about the best I've ever seen.
I've also had some terrible losses and some of those did leave a mark. There is a tremendous amount of goodness and warmth here. That's my focus. There's too much hate, fear, conflict, discrimination, prejudices of all kinds in the world. If someone is showing me their intimate, sexual life in some way. I'm going to treat that as a great gift. And, in different ways, I feel that way about the hard work so many people have put into building their profiles. From the top uploaders, to the gallery experts, to the excellent writers, we're all very lucky to have built this site together. It's very deep.
I'm going to just end here since I've had a hard week and I'm beat but there's more to say.
To be continued... Anthony
Oh BTW, I haven't changed my avatar yet, I'm looking for photos of wolves. I found an astonishing photo of an Aghori Tantrik; I love this photo but decided it's not appropriate here and could easily be misconstrued. I did change my status to kind of play off the avatar. Check it out and please tell me if I'm base in thinking that this is just a little bit cute.
If you read the following you will see that perhaps I should change my moniker from from Lone-Wolf to just plain: )*( Because that's just what I showed...
If you're not careful and you're here not just for porn and you find yourself falling for someone, or two, or a wonderful couple as in my case, you may not realize that you've entered into a Hall of Mirrors and that all is not always what it seems. It is all to easy to find yourself in a stunning reversal and find yourself displaying, for all to see, those despicable attributes you may have just accused a good friend of possessing.
It started a few nights after I had responded to your blog. I visited my couple's blog and posted an enthusiastic comment (at this time I had not heard from them in some time and I was clinging to the hope that I could elicit a response). Hours later, no response; I'm beginning to work myself into a fit of self-righteousness (this state does not always bode well dear reader). So I then fired off a letter asking why I haven't heard from them, described my turmoil and managed to work in a couple of oblique "zingers." I didn't stop there and I should've know that my behavior was not only out of character, but getting out of hand. Now I'm not the stalker type--more of a douche-bag type and I've never considered myself a bully type either. But after reading some of this blog and comments and so on this may be a painful possibility that I will have to take a hard look at. What I did was post a statement on their public comments section. It went something like this: "I'm going to do what apparently you don't have the class to do. I'm UN-friending you. you." And then I did the deed. Now this is just ugly, but please understand that in the midst of a fit of self-righteousness, it felt quite satisfying. Dusting my hands off, I smugly think to myself, "That'll show'em!"
The next morning, I log in (obsessiveness is not attractive in others and I can only imagine that my dear readers must be cringing if you've read this far). My heart leaps when I see an email with my couple's address, then my brain treats me to a vivid reliving of last night's little episode. Suddenly I find myself for the first time with a sense of dread to open their letter. I find that J. is the author (J., the male component of this lovely/sexy single entity with two bodies (C. being the female component)J.'s letter's have always been long, thoughtful, intelligent and Fun. C.'s letters, often brief, to the point but certainly no less Fun and never fail to get me "Sprung!").
Ahem, back to the letter. What I read broke my heart. J. described his current circumstances, explained how they were surprised I'm hurt and never intended such. The letter closed with a choice: I could either believe them, Or not. "But I hope that you do." This letter was typical of J. in that it was well composed and thoughtful. I choose to believe them, because a)I fervently want to, and b)the letter had a ring of truth to it. The letter certainly displayed some class a virtue I was completely devoid of last night.
Now some among you reading this may be tempted to warn me engaging in "Wishful thinking" and others things we see all the time in people in relationships. I would say "that you may have a point, but I want to stick around to know for sure and time will tell."
So I set about writing my response. The subject line of my first letter, "I owe you this much" as in, can't we at at least say "good bye", or "cool your jets", "not now" or the ever reliable "go have intercourse with yourself"? You may recall this nasty letter from above.
My next letter was "I owe you a good deal more.." Three or four paragraphs and a half day later, I clicked Send. I didn't want to write a book, but I took the time to put everything I had to say in a relatively brief put powerful letter.
Later that day I got a response, from the male component J. who, I learned earlier, to my shame, that he has been very ill, in which he said in what he described as "a necessarily brief note, that my apology is accepted." And that he'll get back to me when he's better.
That occurred yesterday and I'm exercising patience now, to wait and see. Well I've certainly been on an emotional roller coaster ride, and I must lack the wisdom to learn from experience, for again, I'm happy and (I hope) a very Lucky Man!
I've got to close dear reader as I'm exhausted as you may well be if you've stuck with me.
What the future holds, good or bad, I'll be sure to follow up on with y'all...
Bye for now,
With regards to the big red cross, I just hope it's temporary but if not, I just move on. It happens in the "real" world, it happens on here.
Finally, with regards to the friend, I had a little bit of a cull recently. If someone sends me a friend request but then doesn't ever follow that up, I usually end up deleting them; unless they have some particularly fantastic content in which case I'll keep them lol; otherwise why do they bother?
As anyone else who has spent any time here, I have had friends suddenly "retire". I do not remove them from my Friends list. If I have been PMing with them, I may delete them from my recent PMs. And if/when I finally do delete them from my Friends list, I make sure they are still on my Favorite Users list. That way, if/when they do come back, I can more easily see that.
As for bullies and those who would attack in comments and posts, there is always the "block" button. I do understand it can be much worse for the ladies among us. Especially those who are very open in their profiles. And that does bother me, not understanding why some people seem to enjoy harrassing others. And this venue is not the only one for that.