Dr. Seuss's Purity Test

Have you done it on a boat?
Have you done it while afloat?
Have you done it in a car?
Have you done it in a bar?
Have you done it on the beach?
Have you done it with the teach?
Have you done it on your back?
Have you done it strapped to a rack?
Have you done it in a box?
Have you done it with multiple cocks?
Have you done it in a tree?
Have you done it with more than three?
Have you done it in the rain?
Have you done it for the pain?
Have you done it packed in rubber?
Have you done it undercover?
Have you done it in the dark?
Have you done it in a park?
Have you done it in a rage?
Have you done it in a cage?
Have you done it on a whim?
Have you done it in a gym?
Have you done it & then said "EEK"?
Have You done it with a freak?
Have you done it with ropes & chains?
Have you done it while insane?
Have you done it on the stage?
Have you done it u******e?
Have you done it with your friends?
Have you done it in both ends?
Have you done on either (N or S) poles?
Have you done it in all your holes?
Have you done it with your dog?
Have you done it while on a log?
Have you done it for all to see?
Have you done it & got VD?
Have you done it while on tape?
Have you done it out of shape?
Have you done it while at sea?
Have you done it in an orgy?
Have you done it with your tongue?
Have you done it while the fire bell rung?
Have you done it in the rear?
Have you done it with a queer?
Have you done it on a train?
Have you done it on a plane?
Have you done it on a dare?
Have you done it in a chair?
Have you done it with your pee?
Have you done it under a Christmas tree?

Answer these & count your "no"s,
pray this number never grows;
Fifty questions I ask of thee,
score times two is your Purity.
发布者 need2try
10 年 前
woolf woolf <thought about it>
Gaycrossdresser 9 年 前
Ha ha, funny! I used to have sex with girls until the first time I spread my legs for a guy. I won't count the girls but, I racked up a score of sixteen in the yes column with guys and a few that weren't listed. What's that make me?

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