Sleep Routine

It was her job to stay awake while I went to sleep, gently combing her fingers through my hair until I drifted off. usualy, when music was on it didn't take long.

We had two pillows on the bed, one for me, and one for her. Occasionally though, due to an accident when I was a teenager, I had to use hers and set it between my knees, because they would start to ache with continuous changes in the weather (and with Ohio, the changes were fairly frequent). When this occurred, she was to stay awake until I drifted off, and then for slightly longer so that her movements wouldn't disturb me, and slide under the blankets and sleep beneath them with her head on her pillow.

She wasn't allowed to sleep without the pillow, she knew this, and knew that unless it was hot enough outside for me to not use the blankets, she was in for a warm night.

She didn't protest though, it never crossed her mind.

The entire night she would lie there, curled into a tight ball, with her arms around my legs, head resting on the pillow and against my thighs, only to wake up before me in the morning and begin performing the first of her morning chores, rousing me from sleep with her mouth, thankful for those times she slept under the covers because there was less chance of waking me when she moves to take me inside her full lips...thankful she was so close, and so easily positioned to please me.
发布者 raywhite1
13 年 前