The Gift Some Men can have Multiple Orgasms

Just encase your wondering, YES!!!!! I Can. I'm One of the Rare One's that can have multiple orgasms. I can go and I do nightly with or without my wife for the past 30 years.

As I'm sure you know, women can do this quite easily, but most men find it harder to learn. It is, however, not that uncommon and quite well documented in laboratory settings.

The loss of erection after orgasm appears to be the result of a jolt of prolactin being released in the bloodstream when ejaculation occurs. Men who, by some genetic quirk or training, don't produce prolactin when they ejaculate do not lose their erections and can have multiple ejaculatory orgasms in a row. This has been demonstrated in the lab with recorders running and continuous blood sampling to determine prolactin levels.

This is the least common kind of male multiple orgasm. The most common way to maintain the erection is to have orgasms without ejaculating, and that's where kegel exercises and "edging" practice come in.

The easiest way to learn to do this is to start having multiple orgasms as a boy before semenarche (first ejaculation). It's not uncommon for young boys to masturbate to orgasm several times in a row, [1] but when they hit semenarche, most of them stop doing it and either they never figure out how to voluntarily choose between dry and wet orgasms, or they forget how to do it in their pursuit of the "juicier" pleasures of ejaculation.

However, those who do figure out how to keep on having both dry and wet orgasms can retain that ability into adulthood without any extra effort.

Learning (or re-learning) this trick as an adult is usually a lot harder, and many men try and give up without ever figuring it out. My partner tried occasionally and made no progress until finally, after 10 years of half-hearted attempts, he got serious about it and learned how. He's now quite good at it, and can usually have around four "drygasms" prior to a normal ejaculatory orgasm.

I've also interviewed a couple of dozen men who can do it, and all but one used the kegel/edging technique exclusively. (The one exception is described here: Jack & Lita: Male Orgasm Control.)

Depending on your source, about 4-12% of the adult male population in the U.S. appears to be multi-orgasmic:

Hartman and Fithian were among the most respected sex researchers of their era. They recorded extraordinary amounts of data during more than 10,000 hours of observation of more than 750 subjects masturbating and having sex in their Los Angeles lab, still a record in the field.

Among their 282 male subjects, they found 33 (about 12%) who could have anywhere from 2 to 16 orgasms in a row without losing their erections. (Orgasms were defined and determined by recording and measuring the rapid increases in the heart rate and the involuntary contractions of the anal sphincter and pelvic muscles.) These 33 men averaged four orgasms per session, which was typically 20-30 minutes, with the record held by a young man who had 16 consecutive orgasms in less than an hour, an average of less than 4 minutes for each one. The subjects also included one man who could have multiple ejaculations in a row without loss of erection.

Clearly, these subjects were volunteers, not a random sample, and a man who was proud of his abilities might well be more inclined to volunteer to participate in a sex research project, so it is safe to assume that the 12% figure is a ceiling. My hunch is that the real number is more like 4-5%.

发布者 425olds
8 年 前
425olds 出版商 8 年 前
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