Calling All FEMALE Porn Addicts
As Porn - fueled by the Internet - continues to spread its deliciously wicked tentacles to every sector of society worldwide, without precedent enslaving more humanoids than ever before to its many rich rewards, the phenomenon of the Female Porn Addict CUMS to mind. (See corresponding Female Porn Addicts GIF gallery
Then again, is it a real phenomenon or merely the fantasy of many a male porn addict?
The notion tums me the fuck on, that's for sure. (Last year, I had a pre-arranged mutual internet goon-fest with an XHam member who contended "she" was female, and well, I THINK she actually was. First we'd goon to a scene of her choosing, then one of mine, back and forth, back and forth. Forget that she loved anonymous eastern European LegalPorno whores with imperfect looks and brownish teeth and actually said when I tried to turn her on to an Asa Akira/Evil Angel scene, "Well, at least she's not ugly." Needless to say, our little bate party didn't end well).
(I mean, this?)
(Or this? Get real for Fuck's Sake)
But back to the subject at, uh hum, HAND. FEMALE porn addicts! Are you out there? Let us hear from you on this here blog. Tell us about yourselves. How long have you been addicts? What age did you start? What kind of porn are you into? Do you prefer porn to flesh and blood dick? Etc., etc. (Guys pretending to be females - please, don't waste our time)
Male porn addicts: You too of course can comment on the phenomenon of Female Porn Addicts. Myth or reality?
Then again, is it a real phenomenon or merely the fantasy of many a male porn addict?
The notion tums me the fuck on, that's for sure. (Last year, I had a pre-arranged mutual internet goon-fest with an XHam member who contended "she" was female, and well, I THINK she actually was. First we'd goon to a scene of her choosing, then one of mine, back and forth, back and forth. Forget that she loved anonymous eastern European LegalPorno whores with imperfect looks and brownish teeth and actually said when I tried to turn her on to an Asa Akira/Evil Angel scene, "Well, at least she's not ugly." Needless to say, our little bate party didn't end well).
(I mean, this?)
(Or this? Get real for Fuck's Sake)
But back to the subject at, uh hum, HAND. FEMALE porn addicts! Are you out there? Let us hear from you on this here blog. Tell us about yourselves. How long have you been addicts? What age did you start? What kind of porn are you into? Do you prefer porn to flesh and blood dick? Etc., etc. (Guys pretending to be females - please, don't waste our time)
Male porn addicts: You too of course can comment on the phenomenon of Female Porn Addicts. Myth or reality?
8 年 前
Hey dude, April Fools Day isn't for another couple of months. But nice try anyway.
>>>>I assume the search for female ones is even more questionable. Nice idea but not very promising.
Not up on current demographics, are you?
Ps loved the, "Katie, can I get an amen"? Very funny!
But yes, many women I think ARE into that couples crap.
The ones I'm interested in are like my friends nasti_fun_pervert (a hetero couple who comment on this blog below); from what I know of them, the woman, Katie, is most definitely a super-perv most definitely NOT into anything remotely vanilla.
Katie, can I get an amen?
The idea of super female pervs into the ultra nasty shit is a real turn on for this perv. Ancedotally, I get the feeling that younger females, millennials, are probably the demographic that most is.
I must admit that I am slightly torn on the subject. Part of me thinks all things porn should be the domain of men only - porn sites, porn stores, porn cinemas etc. My fear is that women try to sanitise porn - "couples porn", vanilla etc. None of us want that interference. BUT at the same time women genuinely into the sort of filth we are into is a turn on too. That young girl in your last pic would be perfect. 18 year old college girl fingering her tight wet cunt watching hard core porn and fantasising about taking dick in her ass. Very hot!!
Until we begin making a different kind of pornography; one which appeals to more women. I fear finding a real one will remain like discovering the wheat from the chaps