You know, I think on some people they work, others not. Piercings and tattoos work well together, but if skin is bare piercings can sometimes look out of place. I like seeing either or both on either gender but do not get hung up about a lack of or an abundance of
Boobs and belly, definitely for girls - a tongue stud can be wonderfully sexy too
Hiya dub92girl...............I had 27 rings before, and have since removed them.................7 in left ear, 4 in right; 3 in left nostril, 1 in right; 2 in lips; 3 in left eyebrow; 1 in each nipple, 1 in belly; 4 on you like the sound of some of those dub92girl?
I like piercings actually, but I don't like exaggerations. Belly, nipples and also clit hood piercings are sexy, but just one per place, not more. I also like a lot the tongue piercing. I don't like so much facial piercings (nose, labret, septum, eyebrown) but all others are ok for me! Everyone has different tastes
could be awkward getting it stuck in your teeth lol
I also like a lot the tongue piercing. I don't like so much facial piercings (nose, labret, septum, eyebrown) but all others are ok for me! Everyone has different tastes