R.I.P August Ames & Yurizan Beltran

Let's face it: we all are human. As is in our nature, we all love sex. Hetero, homo, young, old, black, white, male, female, democrat, republican, religious, or non-religious: WE ALL LOVE SEX. Sometimes, we're made to be ashamed of that, but it's human nature. Since we all love sex then it should go without saying, we all love porn. Whether people choose to watch it or not, we love still love it because we love sex. With that said, the porn industry lost two very prominent names this month: August Ames (23) and Yurizan Beltran (31). What's really sad about the deaths of these young women is that they could've been avoided. August was found dead after an apparent suicide and Yurizan was found dead after an apparent overdose. So how could these sad turn of events been avoided? Let's dig a little deeper.

First, I'll start by saying I never really knew much about August. She's obviously a big name in porn, as she has a pretty big fanbase, but I personally have never heard of her until the unfortunate and tragic news of her death. However, Yurizan was one of my first favorite pornstars ever. I can remember her pics: that wonderful bright smile, beautiful eyes, sexy lips, big breast, and curvy waist. She was a beautiful baby-faced doll and I fell for her and became a fan really quick. The news of her death shocked me and I didn't even want to believe it at first. The perfect woman had passed away and there was nothing I could do about it. Both August and Yurizan were very young and their deaths hit the porn industry and their fans pretty hard. It's also how their deaths came about that irks or bothers their fans, including myself.

I won't place blame or pass judgement, but as it seems, August made a comment on Twitter that a lot of people, including some fellow pornstars I won't name, disagreed with. That's fine; nothing new there, but some people (as a lot of people on the internet like to do) bullied her and said some very nasty and hurtful things. What a lot of us didn't know was August suffered from depression and the bullying seemed to have played a role in triggering a bout. I don't know what her personal life was like, but I do know she had a husband, who I send my deepest condolences to. No two people on Earth have the same exact opinion on everything. So it's a shame that in our society today, it has become the norm to bully or "troll" someone who does not agree with you on something. Some are able to shake the bullying off and move on, but people who suffer from depression already have a fragile psyche and even self esteem issues so they may take being judged and criticized more personally. She even left a suicide note for her parents, apologizing. This wasn't just a pornstar, but somebody's wife, c***d, friend, and family and I find that saddening.

Yuri's death by overdose is something that is becoming quite common and is disturbingly being accepted. If you looked at her, you'd see a beautiful radiant young woman who seems to be in perfect spirits and health, but looks can be deceiving. Yurizan had a huge fanbase and was very popular, even creating her own successful website. From her complexion to her body to her face, she was so flawless and I have no shame in admitting that use to picture Yuri as my GF/wife. Maybe the beauty on the outside really is to cover up the ugliness felt on the inside. I looked at some pics of her today and stared in awe of her beauty, while also mourning the fact that she is no longer with us. Such an angel who brought pleasure to those lucky enough to get a glimpse at her, even through a laptop, phone or computer screen.

What also bothers me about their deaths is nobody will truly care. Pornstars aren't considered "good enough" to be covered by mainstream media. The only reason August got coverage was because of the "cyberbullying" headline the media likes to parade around to get eyes and ears on them, but do they truly care about August? They definitely don't care about poor Yurizan. Depression and Overdose go with Hollywood like movies and music. People hear about it so much that they are now desensitized to it. The difference is Hollywood celebs are always covered by media and remembered fondly by fans when they die no matter what they did in life, so why don't pornstars get the same treatment? Are they too "immoral" to be covered just because they dare to sell sex? Hollywood stars do just as many, if not more, immoral acts as pornstars do. It's a goddamn shame that August and Yurizan's lives, legacies, memories, struggles, and deaths will be swept under the rug like a dirty little secret, just because they were pornstars.

It's up to us, the porn fans, to keep these women's memories alive. It's up to us to care about them because nobody else will. It's up to us to be proud of them and proud for them. I just hope that all the porn companies, magazines, websites, directors, and casters that make money off the bodies of these men and women learn from these deaths. Learn to take care of them and get them the help that they need. Try to avoid these types of situations by engaging with the pornstars to find out what's going on in their lives. Being a pornstar has to be difficult and stressful enough, so just try to make them feel valued and appericated as a person and not just a pornstar. Watch for signs and get them the help that they obviously need to cope and make it through life. Remember that these are human beings who need just as much love, help and care as anybody. Please learn from these tragedies and try to prevent as many as we can. Don't let August and Yurizan's deaths be in vain. Let's open our eyes and help these people. Their deaths could've been prevented with a kind word, a helping hand, a watchful eye, and a sympathetic ear. Let's get them the help that the mainstream world is too embarrassed and ashamed to give them. And if we can't do that, then in the words of August Ames' last tweet to the world:

"Fuck y'all"

R.I.P August Ames (August 23, 1994 - December 5, 2017)

R.I.P Yurizan Beltran (November 2 1986 - December 13, 2017)

发布者 lil441000
7 年 前
prime-frank 2 年 前
So Wonderfully Put.