Rudeness - Cheffan
A member who goes by Cheffan contacts me on June 4th telling me that I have a nice piercing. I reply and tell him thanks. Immediately, he goes on this idiotic train of sexual talk, mostly with his incoherent and shitty spelling and grammar that I cannot make out half the time. So each time, I tell him to stick to writing to me for what my profile says I am here for. Each time, shitty spelling and grammar comes back that is incoherent and vague, meaningless comments and answers. Again, I kindly ask him what's relevant, to stick to profile criteria for writing to me and asked his purpose of writing to me was for. And yet again, shitty incoherent comments. At times, I'm ignored upward to a week or so at a time, as I see him signed in and out regularly here and I repeatedly reply and encourage him to respond. Finally, he does, and like clockwork, shitty incoherency. Finally he tells me that he "doesn't know what to say" when I ask him why he's written, where this conversation is going or for what's relevant to my profile. I reply, telling him that if he never knows what to talk about with me or cannot keep balanced and coherent conversation, then why did he write to me from the start if my profile criteria is contrary to everything he's doing? In the same message, I give him a very FRIENDLY forewarning and I tell him that if I'm blocked, ignored or otherwise retorted on in any way, I'll post him on public exposure to the WAMIA community for his behavior. He overrode my warning (see pic below), so here he is now on my post and is being mirrored to WAMIA for everyone to see. This is what happens when nice women exist here, then are mistreated, profiles not read, ignored replies to and now blocked by someone....all for being a genuinely nice person from the start to open his message, read it and to respond and accept his offer to chat. Go figure!
I thank the group for help in composing this and photo edits. Many thanks! Please mirror.
I thank the group for help in composing this and photo edits. Many thanks! Please mirror.
5 年 前
I still disagree, mental retardation is a disability, being that someone was born with this permanent condition, whereas an illness is something that evolves throughout the course of someone's life.
Disability: A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
Illness: A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.
Nevertheless, I'm glad you can relate to it in a certain sense and I appreciate you being respectful in the matter.
And by the way, it's NOT at all cool that you use "fucktard" in your every day vocabulary. That's not boosting your level of intelligence up any by needlessly implementing or implying 'retard' or 'retarded' into your language in the year 2019. This is a degrading word when used in a derogatory manner against the mentally disabled, so please show respect and refrain from that kind of hate speech.