最后出现于 2 年 前
4205 天 在 XRMXX 上
467 个人资料浏览次数
23 个订阅者
16 条评论
Showman by trade, Seducer by birth, and Go Getter by choice....
Ladies and Gentlemen...Daven Fitzhume at your service. I've designed my life towards maintaining a full social calendar for entertaining the ladies in my small town. I enjoy sourcing videos on xhamster to inspire my weekend excursion with the ladies in my life, both current and future. When you have questions on why I choose to live the way I do, reach out with your inquiries and I'll respond with guidance.
Ladies and Gentlemen...Daven Fitzhume at your service. I've designed my life towards maintaining a full social calendar for entertaining the ladies in my small town. I enjoy sourcing videos on xhamster to inspire my weekend excursion with the ladies in my life, both current and future. When you have questions on why I choose to live the way I do, reach out with your inquiries and I'll respond with guidance.