最后出现于 1 月 前
5180 天 在 XRMXX 上
938 个人资料浏览次数
54 个订阅者
35 条评论
bronson345 12 年 前
1. I can't respond to you PMs because you block messages from Males. So I'm posting my response here: Yeah... I'm a loser. You got me. What can I say. I just run my own business and I'm my own boss. Yeah, the fact that you took the time to find me on a dating website (I don't know why you're looking for guys anyway) is sort of disturbing. You know where I live? So what? Prove what? I don't just have sex with older women who are "overweight". I like curvy women with big asses. And, if they're so old and overweight, why are you wasting your time watching my vids, then? I hook up with all kinds of women. One in particular I'm dating is a hot 32 year old blonde with long legs and super smokin'- so you need to stop the assumptions on your end, too. I'll be the bigger person, and actually apologize to you for assuming you don't get any women. You might be a big ballin' playa- who am I to say you don't? But don't come leaving asshole comments on my page just because I stick up for myself against jealous dudes. It's one thing to criticize me, it's another thing to personally attack someone because one is envious or just a plain hater. Take it or leave it. The only thing I revealed, is that I'm not some dude you can talk shit to on the net and expect me to roll over and take it. If you know where I live, why don't you come tell me how much of a loser I am to my face? I don't give a fuck. Meet me downtown, then. Either that, or come have a beer with me, instead of trying to be my enemy.
loves2show 13 年 前
Thanks for adding me! hope we can have lots of fun together