最后出现于 2 年 前
5046 天 在 XRMXX 上
1.1K 个人资料浏览次数
3 个订阅者
3 条评论
Unfortunately I don’t add men without own content (vids, pics, favs, stories) to my friend list!!!
So get some and send me the invite again!!!
In the meantime you can check the following user-links and tell me what you think:
Both are good friends of mine with a colorful content
Have a nice day!!!
What got you interested?
You don't know me. Maybe you won't like my style?
Visit me here and if you like what I do and you like my girls then tell me with a comment.
Then maybe I'll give you the key to my door.
If you don't like it then just shut up and disappear hahaha
Würdest Du mir einen Gefallen tun?
Leg bitte mal die rechte Hand über die linke Schulter!
Und jetzt deine linke Hand über rechte Schulter…
Jetzt willst Du bestimmt wissen was das soll?
Nun... ich habe Dir gerade eine ganz liebe Umarmung geschickt!!!
Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Tag
Thanks for your invite.