最后出现于 1 年 前
4381 天 在 XRMXX 上
20.4K 个人资料浏览次数
500 个订阅者
6 条评论
Blocked, out!!!
С удоволствие ще ви изпратя покана , след като видя коментари по съдържанието в профилът ми и сте поставили мой клипове в вашите любими.
but we have so many friendship request that we have to select a little: we accept only
people who participate and encourage us by vote and comments.
So could you comment and vote at least these 3 links first?
when it's done send us your request again and we will be glad to accept you!!
Maybe some faves???
Then please ask again.
for now i can't accept your friendship request
try to upload some interesting thing
then it will be my big pleasure to be your friend