最后出现于 4 年 前
3272 天 在 XRMXX 上
6.1K 个人资料浏览次数
299 个订阅者
14 条评论
男女情侣, 双性恋者
爱荷华州, 美国
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There are low-drive men who’d always prefer a good night’s sleep, men for whom sex never rates very highly. Some men start off with normal drives and then lose interest. There are many good reasons for declining libido in men: medical problems such as vascular and endocrine disorders; chronic illness such as liver disease, anaemia or arthritis; alcoholism and the impact of drugs; grief and depression. Medications can also impact on libido, with anti-depressants a major culprit. Then there are broader issues such as obesity, sleep problems, lack of exercise, body image concerns and relationships problems such as loss of attraction, anger and resentment. Add to this list personal circumstances that can impact on sex drive like job loss, a history of sexual or emotional abuse, conflict about sexual orientation.
Best wishes Paul