最后出现于 13 年 前
5005 天 在 XRMXX 上
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12 个订阅者
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Feel my breath hot on your neck as my hand runs up your thigh, my rock hard cock pushes against you as you say my name with a sigh..
Feel your nipples getting oh so hard as I whisper in your ear, Feel your pussy getting oh so wet as I tell you what you like to hear..
Rip our clothes off body to body, against each other so tight..Pick you up throw me on the bed rock you all thru the night..
Kiss you deep run my tongue all across your lips..Feel the heat from your pussy as I grind against you with your hips..
Run my tongue across your nipples begin to suck and bite.. Hear you moan my name out loud baby take you thru the night..
Move on down with my tongue as you place your legs over my back..Grab your hips taste your sweetness running from your pussy to your crack..
Drive you crazy let you come all over my tongue and lips..Grab my head with both your hands begin to roll your hips..
Arch your back as I pull you closer baby I know what you desire.. you moan my name as you begin to come i always set you on fire..
Coming on up you tell me baby that you want me inside of you too.. you want to me to feel your so wet pussy wrap around every inch of me..
Wrap your legs around my tight grab my ass as I slide into you.. Feels so hot with me inside like it was always meant to be..
Kiss you deep with every thrust feel your hot desire..Dig your nails into my back as I set your body on fire..
Feel your wet pussy wrap around my cock feel my sweat drip down upon you.. Look deep down within your eyes much heat and passion I'll see..
Slam you hard baby make you moan make you call out my name..I always make you feel so damn good you want to make me feel the same..
Bite my shoulder oh so hard as with you and I'm ready to come..Feel you liquid passion all over Hot kisses.
Very sexy pics, i love it!
Greatings from Austria!!
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