Being a convincing woman

Here are a few tips for guys who wish to be women and wish to have the confidence to go out in public. I went out often as the woman I wished to be, I don't know how many people realised that I was a guy in drag, but nevertheless I felt confident enough to get out and about. 1) Height. Guys on average are taller than girls so it helps if you're not too tall. I am lucky as I'm a mere 5ft 8 inches. We all want to feel sexy in outrageously tall stilettos, but for realism you need to wear shoes with a kitten heel, say no more than 1 1/2 inches. Even flats or sandals will work in many situations.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Annabelthornton 4 年 前 10


Sue is my wife, she it just sixty-year-old but she tries to keep in shape, and I love the way she is always smooth-shaven it makes it easy to see her clit hood piercing and lovely smooth very large lips. I enjoy taking photos and watching her, especially using a long lens when she is having one of her meetings. I will sit quietly in the corner of the room as the guy or sometimes guys meet her, I love taking in the horny atmosphere as they French kiss and grope. It really turns me on as they get closer, a little fingering and y… 阅读更多内容

发表者 maturelady60 5 年 前 94

Fijne Logé

Ik was er redelijk vroeg bij met mijn eerste vriendinnetje 15 jaar en het was onze grootste hobby! Met een jongen kwam pas 5 jaar later, volledig onverwacht met een vriend die vaker bleef slapen toen ik op kamers woonde. We waren wezen stappen en dan sliep hij bij mij in bed, zoals we al heel vaak hadden gedaan. Alleen deze keer kwam hij zonder dat ik het wist naakt bij me liggen. We lagen bijna te slapen toen hij tegen mij aankroop, ik voelde zijn pik tussen mijn billen wrijven. Ik hield me eerst even stil verbaast, maar nieuwsgierig hoe dat verder zou gaan. Zijn pik werd alleen maar harder e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RADAR-LOVE 2 年 前 16

Fake pictures of me

I have recently started making fake pictures of myself, here are some examples of some of my fake pictures Would you be interested in seeing more?? Please let me know… 阅读更多内容

发表者 FUN1205-2 2 年 前 11

Boerin laat zich neuken

Als jochie van 10 jaar uit de stad ging ik vaak logeren op de boerderij. Dat was voor mij een heel andere wereld. Oom Geert en tante Martha hebben zelf geen kinderen. Ze vinden het heerlijk als ik er ben en proberen het zo leuk mogelijk te maken voor mij. Ik genoot van de dieren en mocht meehelpen met voeren en alle andere werkzaamheden die moeten gebeuren. Ik verveelde me nooit en vond het heerlijk. Op een ochtend tijdens de koffie zei oom Geert: straks om 11 uur komt Teun. Verder niets. Ik was benieuwd wat die opmerking betekende en wat er ging gebeuren. Wat me opviel was dat tante Martha be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 arie95 6 年 前 1

Thank you!

Thanks everyone for the nice comments on my vids,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Squirtmesarah 4 年 前 13

Tribute from a fan!

So hard ......for me.......... ps: Do the same for me please guys. I will post if you give me permission to.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 roxy_valentine 5 年 前 3



发表者 Butt5212 4 年 前 34

sie ist eine ehehure

man kan sie ficken auch AO sie ist berhart hat euter gröse 95D… 阅读更多内容

发表者 walliserchrigu 4 年 前 219

Dangerous Bikini

I could show you more of this new bikini, but I don't want you to go blind. I am just thinking of your health... #milfstella #milf #altmilf #mature #cougar #girlnextdoor #hotmom #hotwife #bikini #swimsuit #ddds #mintgreen #summertime #hot… 阅读更多内容

发表者 SexWithMilfStella 2 年 前 28


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发表者 samanthacross 11 年 前

Krissy Sweets loves BBF

Sweets here wanting to get some BBC yummy hmmm… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KrissySweets 2 年 前 7

What's up with all these masked men?

I'm getting really tired of seeing videos of a beautiful trans girl getting fucked by a guy wearing a mask! What the hell are they ashamed of? This trend seem to be becoming more common - or at least I've been seeing it more lately, and it's a big turn off. It ruins any enjoyment I might have otherwise gotten from the scene. I refuse to post any such video. If you're lucky enough for a gorgeous woman to not only have sex with you but to film the act, why wouldn't you want everyone to know you're the man? Wouldn't you want everyone to see? Shit, you should be out there showing it to strangers o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 TrickyDick13 5 年 前 18


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发表者 leepoc 7 年 前

Naked Play Day

I normally masturbate at least once a day. An average nub rub usually begins as soon as Hubby’s truck pulls out of the driveway in the morning, and generally lasts between ten to thirty minutes. But when I have time, and Hubby is not home, I love to have what I call a Naked Play Day. These mastrubatory events can be elaborate. I often begin by preparing myself for a hot date: I take a bubble bath, shave my underarms, legs and pussy, then fix my hair and make up before I even break out the toys. I might even get a little drunk and flirt outrageously with strange men online as I lounge naked, to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 WetWife999 4 年 前 246

Back from school

My parents live in an old house and sometimes, something needs to be done about it right? This time the tiles had to be replaced and my dad let this company do it that specialised in putting tiles on floors. So one day two men came at my home, I think it was around March or April because it was about a month I think before my final high school exams. I came home from school and when I saw the two men working it was as normal as you can get. Nothing sexual about it. I went upstairs and did my homework. After an hour I went back down to get something to drink and the two men were sitting, proba… 阅读更多内容

发表者 carla-mature 3 年 前 60

My POT dream

My dream is to be completely naked and tied up on a bed without being able to move. Then a cruel girl starts jerking me off until I cum, then instead of stopping she grabs the base of my penis and starts jerking me right on my sensitive and exposed cock-head. I scream and beg her to stop but she laughs and keeps jerking me off for a long time with no mercy.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mc250 4 年 前 1

New sexy clothes

New sexy clothesNew sexy clothesNew sexy clothesNew sexy clothesNew sexy clothesNew sexy clothes
发表者 jongeman1961 2 年 前 55


What a gorgeous sight, a true spectacle and one of its kinds. With her legs spread apart, a cordial invitation to explore the heavens that lay in between. Her gentle tease of a clitoris, follow by exposing the gates of her mystical labyrinth. Her labia pink and velvet like the petals of a wild rose. The sound of her moist cavern penetrated by her fingers is a symphony to my ears and stimulate an arousal of my phallus. The thought of penetrating her chalice fills me with anticipation and bliss, as I am vivified by her thick, meaty… 阅读更多内容

发表者 euphoria123 12 年 前 3

EROTIC FUN FOR EVERYONE Erotic Videos from me and others We are looking for videos and photos of amateurs that we can post on our blog, the intention is to develop a wonderfully horny blog together with you. Legal and Free. Success can come by following and liking so we know to keep going. XXX KINKYCAROLINE One can send videos and photos to Wij zoeken video's en foto's van amateurs die we op onze blog kunnen plaatsen, samen met jullie een heerlijk geile blog ontwikkelen is de bedoeling. Leg… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kinkycaroline 3 年 前 14

At 24 I Seduced Mom's 60-Year-Old Friend

A few years ago I was a 24-year-old in the US Marine Corp on a 30 day leave from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I returned home to visit my mom (who was divorced from my dad) and see some of my old high school buddies, but most were gone so I didn’t really have anyone to hang out with. I’d been hoping to meet up with an old girlfriend so I could fuck her for old time sake, it turned out she was engaged. That meant that I had no one to fuck during my stay. Anyway, my mom made a friend in the neighborhood who had just moved into the neighborhood. The neighbor lady, Susan, lived just down the s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 henrywallace 5 年 前 21

Meine Stiefmutter Teil3

"Bevor Du auf eine andere Idee kommst. Das gerade mit dem kleinen Mädchen hat mir sooo gut gefallen." "Haben wir denn noch soviel Zeit?" "Ja, ja. Fast zwei Stündchen," antwortete sie. Ich mag es wenn jemand spontan ist, aber so spontan... Na, gut. Lass dir jetzt schnell was einfallen. Bei ihr angekommen, trug ich den Wasserkasten direkt in den Keller. Was war das? Da stand noch ein voller Kasten. Na warte, du kleines Biest. Ich ging nach oben. Die Eingangstür war nur angelehnt. Ich trat ein und sie hüpfte mir entgegen. "Schau mal was ich bekommen habe," sagte sie in diesem leic… 阅读更多内容

发表者 NylonfanDD 13 年 前 7

Meine Stiefmutter Teil2

Sie erhob sich vom Tisch und wir setzten uns wieder beide gegenüber. Immer noch über ihre Muschi streichelnd sagte sie: "Das müssen wir unbedingt noch mal machen. Oder?". "Immer wieder. Aber vielleicht möchtest Du noch was Anderes ausprobieren." "Wie hast Du gesagt, Rollenspiele? Vielleicht wäre das was. Erzähl mal." "Es gibt da verschiedene Arten. Zum Beispiel Doktorspielchen, oder Lehrer und Schüler, oder Sekretärin. Was Du möchtest." Nach kurzer Überlegung fragte sie: "Wie wäre es mit einem Überfall? So als Einbrecher? Gibt's das?" "Na, klar. Aber dann darfst Du nicht zimperlich… 阅读更多内容

发表者 NylonfanDD 13 年 前 2

Meine Stiefmutter Teil 1

Einige Jahre nachdem meine Eltern sich scheiden ließen, ging mein Vater eine neue Beziehung ein. Kurz darauf folgte auch die Hochzeit mit meiner neuen 'Stiefmutter'. Der Kontakt war nicht sehr innig zwischen uns, da ich sie immer noch als Konkurrentin meiner Mutter ansah. Ehrlich gesagt, gab sie sich jedoch alle Mühe mir gegenüber immer korrekt und freundlich zu sein. Während eines unserer ersten Gespräche sagte sie mir, dass sie nicht vorhabe, die Stelle einer Mutter einzunehmen. Schließlich sei ich mit meinen 35 Jahren selbstständig und alt genug, als dass ich eine Mutter bräuchte. In der al… 阅读更多内容

发表者 NylonfanDD 13 年 前 25

Wie bin ich an Oma Lieselotte gekommen

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发表者 franknrw06 4 年 前

My story

Hello, I am Saskia. I am on Xhamster since last year. I am 55 years old and if you want to know how I look, you can view my photos here. I am on XRMXX because I want to chat with other women about everything I have experienced with my young neighbour and his friends. Also, I like to chat with boys off course. And occasionally I meet up with them. This is not always possible because although I live alone in my appartment in the Hollandia-building, I have a lat-relation and sometimes my friend will be at the door without warning. And it is not that I don’t like that because he knows exactly w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Saskia1959 4 年 前 12

My introduction to dogging

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发表者 slutmum 3 年 前

What do I want and what is my story?

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发表者 Lou-in-law 3 年 前

Read first please

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发表者 Lou-in-law 3 年 前


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发表者 Lou-in-law 3 年 前
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