最后出现于 2 年 前
Kama Sutra Guru
2046 天 在 XRMXX 上
20.8K 个人资料浏览次数
461 个订阅者
702 条评论
Love lesbian videos with good dialogue, plot, believable situations, stating or showing superiority of female-female sex.
More women watch lesbian porn than men do, a little known fact. Straight women also watch it and make themselves orgasm at the sight, lusting for other women. They carry those images in their memories and naturally thinking about lesbian sex often.
More women watch lesbian porn than men do, a little known fact. Straight women also watch it and make themselves orgasm at the sight, lusting for other women. They carry those images in their memories and naturally thinking about lesbian sex often.
I watch these movies because they are the definition of tenderness.
My wife is always looking for contact with women.
If you like, I'll tell you about it.