Hi there, Valvas. Greetings from a Reviewer in Paris and Welcome to Xhamster! I hope you are doing well. I encourage everyone to add some stuff to his favorites. It’s very easy to add a favorite to your profile page, just click the Favorite button, with the shape of a heart. Your profile page will look more appealing, and will help you meet friends here. Any questions, just ask me, I love to chat am I am happy to help. Thx for your contribution. Be brave. Be strong!
I am deeply sorry, but I add only people who have a shared collection of favourited videos. You have too few videos in your favourites so I could add you. Hope to see you again when you have something to share x
For my hundredth day here, I will offer A FREE GAME to each new gamer (people that start my game on the 6st february). It means that you will receive two galleries the same day instead of one! So play with me
Just watch my avatar gif and vote for the picture you want as my next avatar by putting the name of the picture as a comment on my profile. End of the votes : monday 13 february 2017 at midnight. I will send the picture to all the guys that voted for the winning picture !
Sorry, I don't add people with (almost) empty profiles.
Hello, Thanks for the invite and welcome on my profile I invite you to visit my blog where you can see some pics of me : http://xhamster.com/users/SuicideGirl94/blog For the other pictures, you can easily gain access to them. For that, please read my profile. See u, kisses.
Only the 6st february 2017
For my hundredth day here, I will offer A FREE GAME to each new gamer (people that start my game on the 6st february). It means that you will receive two galleries the same day instead of one!
So play with me
Just watch my avatar gif and vote for the picture you want as my next avatar by putting the name of the picture as a comment on my profile.
End of the votes : monday 13 february 2017 at midnight.
I will send the picture to all the guys that voted for the winning picture !
Thanks for the invite and welcome on my profile
I invite you to visit my blog where you can see some pics of me : http://xhamster.com/users/SuicideGirl94/blog
For the other pictures, you can easily gain access to them. For that, please read my profile.
See u, kisses.