The Big One

This is another random story, and it involves a man with whom I've had an off-and-on sexual relationship for several years. There is an alternate bar not far from me which once a month has a Girls Night Out, and it's a pretty big deal for the Transgender community in this area. I haven't attended for a few years because of other commitments, but I used to go to the GNO three or four times a year, and the Christmas and Valentine's Day parties are usually pretty extravagant with live entertainment, drink specials, and of course dancing. I met my friend Ed at one of the GNO, he was an Admi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StarrSluttCD 6 年 前 15

My Problem with How Some Trans Gurls Think...

One thing I will never ever understand is why some transgurls have a hard time progressing into life as a female and how they think theyhave to change ther personality. For me I amthe gurl I always wanted to be, a heavy metal/bker gurl. Why do some, a lot of gurls feel they haveto change their personalites, likes, loves and dislikes to fit into their mold of what a woman SHOULD be and not to who they REALLY are in life. For example, a transgurl sometimes will change the music they listen to or other hobbies they enjoy. What is worse I see and talk tosome gurls who never ever were into rap or b… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MissStrutter420 5 年 前 2