The Ranch g

Three of us -me Donna 42-Jill 20 and Lilly 33 went to a horse ranch in north Texas - fun came next. Met another girl named Donna (D2) she was a big girl 5'10 maybe 180 pounds and she called out for horses to come. three came to fence....Horse cocks hanging out mmmmmr.... My friend Jill jumped the fence and one ran off but 2 sood still- she jerked ones cock and sucked was huge 2 feet long. I join her and we made it cum we were soaked in horse cum- tasted wonderful. Lilly got on her back on her back as instructed by other donna D2 and D2 stoked big greys cock to hard and put it in h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 2likedonna 7 年 前 12