This is a plain text explanation of the traditional christian 7 deadly sins, with normal explanations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each of the seven deadly sins are normal emotions and everyone experiences them in daily life. They are also motives that when taken too far lead to Bad Stuff. This is an old list; it is commonly known, but I decided to put an explanation on my site here because I couldn't find many other websites with normal plain-talk explanations for what they are. I should caution that I’m Methodist, so if yo… 阅读更多内容
Excerpts from The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Nut, the Sky, swallows the sun each evening and brings it forth into the world again at dawn. GIVING BREATH TO OSIRIS I am the blue egg of the Great Cackler. I am the egg of the world. I was asleep inside a mound of dirt, now I rise from a buried egg. I live, I say, I live. I smell the air. I sniff the air. I walk with my toes in the dirt. I give my family duck meat to eat. I guard the fledgling in the nest. What food there is for man in the sk… 阅读更多内容