(This blog is not heavy on sex or sex acts at all) Sunday morning, long before the sun came up, my man woke me up with sex. Sort of. The sex was quite real, however I don't think I woke up. My body mostly non-responsive. My eyes were glued shut. That works for us - in a pinch. He knows that he can do that, and I don't mind. I'm the one that suggested using lube when, in my sleepy state, I don't welcome him with open pussy. That early morning moment knocked us both out for the r… 阅读更多内容
Without me
How does he touch his body when I'm not there to watch? Does he forget himself? His eyes rolling back in his head, putting on a show for no one and nothing. Is he consumed only with pleasure and feeling more intensely than before? Do his toes curl? Do his heels press into the bed? Does his head thrash back and forth? Or is that only me? A man's self-pleasure is a natural thing, so accepted as fact that we make jokes of it. Of course they masturbate. How could they not? Exactly. How could he not stroke his length, squeeze his body, cradle his balls? Those firm hands and long fingers… 阅读更多内容