Now is the time for change. With every day this summer that passes, we should act to celebrate the lives of Magnificent Black Men killed by racist white oppressors by creating a new life of a Black Man inside a white womb. The names are too numerous to mention, but every woke white girl should selflessly give her body completely to serve Oppressed Black People, especially in the names of those Black Men lynched by white police officers. Young and old, rich and poor; white girls across the country should show they are giving their wombs as reparations for what the Black Community has endured fo… 阅读更多内容
All white boys must read this
I found this on tumblr and thought that its great inspiration to all inferior white boys. Though white girls would benefit from it as well. 10 phases of Black Cock Addiction The 10 Phases of Black Cock Addiction: Black Cock addiction is an addiction like no other! Once you witness the incredible power of the Big Beautiful Black Cock, you just keep craving it more and more! You will become Black Cock addicted whether you admit it or not, and it goes exactly the same way for everybody. See for Yourself. These are the 10 phases of Black Cock addiction that every male goes through once… 阅读更多内容
Black bred - it finally happened
i'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. i finally got knocked up. yes, the father is black, but that's as much as i know. but i guess that's what happens when you spend the last two years spreading your legs for every hung nigger you meet. no condoms, no birth control - because really, what's the fun in that? - getting filled up with black cum on an almost daily basis, and you were so high or drunk, or both, tthat most of that time is a complete blur. but one thing you definitely remember from it all is how much you love sliding a long thick black cock inside and getting bred til you pass ou… 阅读更多内容