Getting turned out is not something that's easy to talk about. Its not because its such a traumatic event, rather its more the sheer amazement of it happening. My body feels different to me. Its as if I finally reached the goal of doing all that a woman can achieve during an orgasm. The first time I had big black cock, which I talked about on my profile, was incomprehensible and I knew at that time that I had been “sprung” as my Husband describes it. In my words I would call it having my boundaries of sensuality pushed beyond my expectations to the degree that I had an acute sexual inter… 阅读更多内容
My first black cock
Talk about persistent! My husband chased me for two years before I finally gave in to him. The request was always the same, he wanted to put his hands on my ass. I'd never had anyone pay so much attention to my ass before. He was obsessed. He coined so many terms about me and my ass it was way passed crossing the line. I feared he'd get in trouble for harassing me. That's really jumping right into it, there's so much more to the story. I met my eventual husband in college. When I first saw him, I won't lie, I craved his touch and I thought he wouldn't be interested in me. It wasn't b… 阅读更多内容
Lesson for ladies - how to make a guy come loads
In my sexual conquests I've noticed that hard simulation is not always the best way to make a guy come. Sure, you can jerk him off quickly and with a firm grip and have him cum, you can get him to fuck you in the ass or pussy, but sometimes there are better ways to make the guy cum even harder. The key here is teasing. You should move the guy closer to his cum threshold very slow, so when he is edging, the slightest movement or friction makes him cum tons. This might take hours, but the result is worth it, since he will have built up tons of cum. The best way is to find his person… 阅读更多内容