最后出现于 3 年 前
3649 天 在 XRMXX 上
2.4K 个人资料浏览次数
73 个订阅者
26 条评论
I am 100% bisexual, means I can swing between a tasty pussy to a hard dick and pound both and I can rim manhole like a champ, no preference in race but oversize people are not my thing, neither pain or dirty holes.
I try my best to please what you enjoy while I do it also.
Open to explore so ask me anything, I prefer local contacts in Toronto but small chats with far away people are welcome
I try my best to please what you enjoy while I do it also.
Open to explore so ask me anything, I prefer local contacts in Toronto but small chats with far away people are welcome
Take care and enjoy the site.