So much happened when I was 15. That was also the year I started my near lifelong panty fetish. My mate had asked me to feed and walk their dog for the weekend as he and his family were going away for the weekend. The first time round there after feeding her and letting her out I was in his mother's room. I stripped off and was turned on being naked in her bedroom that I couldn't believe how hard I was. I just had this idea to try some of her clothes on. I thought that I would have to be very careful as I didn't want to be found out. I went through her underwear first, fondling her knickers, i… 阅读更多内容
My Ex Wife's Bestie
Can't believe it is so long ago now, 22 years, that my ex wife's best friend came to stay with us for a few months after she was made to leave her rented house. She was in her very early 40s and a divorced mum of 2 older teenagers who didn't live with her. I had fancied her from the moment I met her 2 years earlier, a gorgeous red headed Irish woman. One Friday evening we all went out to a 60s tribute night at a local club. It was a really good night and the drinks flowed and at the end we weaved our way home slightly the worse for wear but wife's friend apparently the worst for wear of all of… 阅读更多内容
caught wearing my friends sisters bra and panties
so i had a best friend when i was fifteen and we used to drink and smoke pot in his basement and watch porn when his family was out. we would usually drink till we got horny enough and jerk off together. this one night we were in the basement drinking and watching some porn and my friend past out on the couch before he came. so about ten minutes later i went upstairs to use the bathrom and when i came out i saw one of his sisters white bras on her bedroom floor across the hall. my cock got so excited, his sisters was 17 and so cute. so i went into the room and picked up her bra and stuck it in… 阅读更多内容
Как начинала я I
Произошел этот случай давно, но для меня тогда он был на столько ярким, что надолго остался в моей памяти. Не назову это опытом, тем более первым, но именно так всё и произошло. Училась я тогда в 9-ом классе, была уже довольно созревшей девушкой. И вот как-то выпало нашему классу участвовать в КВНе, а мне, по сюжету, досталась роль Золушки на балу. Для этого из местного театра даже достали мне платье какой-то принцессы. По случаю мероприятия, почти вся школа собралась в актовом зале, поэтому в коридорах не было никого. Одной облачиться в платье у меня никогда не получилось бы, поэтому на под… 阅读更多内容
"My Bra and Panties are Missing!" by blu
“My Bra and Panties are Missing!” I’m Jan, and my favorite low cut sexy bra, and sexy panties both were missing. I wondered if my mom found them and chucked them out? I told my boyfriend Trav of the mystery. He checked his car and….nothing. It nagged at me how could this be? That night we were watching porn in my room and he was flipping around porn pictures and stopped at a site to view some. It was young guys cross dressing. We giggled at some of the guys wearing women’s clothes. We clicked around and that’s when I saw them. The same bra and panties I couldn’t find. I stopped and carefu… 阅读更多内容