Dear Students!
Hopefully it’s been a productive year at university. Now that you’re in the midst of summer break, we’ve got an assignment for you. We need your best porn memes! … 阅读更多内容
Wet Dream Memes!
XRMXX Reveals New Web Design for Public Testing
Based on feedback from users like you, XRMXX is unveiling an entirely new redesign.
XRMXX has always been a social community of individuals and friends. We are powered by huge number of people, from different backgrounds and beliefs, who came together to shape the future of the website. Through it all, our motto remains: “Just porn no bullshit”!
Meet new XRMXX, based entirely on your feedback!
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-...i dont know Rick... looks suspicious... -ur right morty something weird is going on here. -I say we stay and find out what the hell is going on. -ok Rick. /---------------------------------------------/ /-----------Ricks Portal Gun-----------/ /----------------Dimension--------------/ /--7848616d737465722e636f6d--/ /--------------------------------------------/
Social Media Guidelines for Journalists
Social Media Guidelines for Journalists Writing About Porn
Social media plays a vital role in expressing our raunchy, sexual desires. On social platforms, reporters and editors can ogle beautiful breasts, “like” freshly shaved pudendum, flirt with MILFS, and masturbate to freshly cut GIFs.
But social media also presents risks for journalists. Can you accurately report on a transwoman to whom you’ve not only retweeted, but DM’d for customs? If you’ve liked and rubbed one out to a free porn clip, can readers trust you to accurately evaluate Jon Ronson’s Butterfly Effect? If you consist … 阅读更多内容