I think we all need to grow up. I mean let's face it. We'er all not supermodels. Some are most aren't. If you don't have thoes beautifle features but you can fake it then congrats you weren't screwed like the most. I'm in the most I can't fake it. I cant be in that group but Its fine.… 阅读更多内容
working progress
Hello readers, I have to ask you a question. 1 that cant be answered. A question that only time can provide an answer to. I dont write horror stories. I Just write what i'm feeling and you dont have to believe what I say or take me serious; And thats alright. You are more then welcomed to your opinion as am I to mine. I feel as if This world is changing but not for the better. My series of question that cant be answered are merely meant to intrigue. It's not my intention to alarm or scare anyone. I'm just talking out loud(rather typing). Could somthing bigger be going on in our world. Co… 阅读更多内容
bbw squirter
she took off her silk red shape fitting thong sexy as can be then said its a shame you came here for the bbw post cause I havent had that experince yet yes the universr tricked you but i know i wont trick a lot of people so because we guys much prefer to acknowledge women more then our on brother there use to be a time where we looked out for each other but now we would wrather laugh and poke fun at each other in stead of pushing and helping each other as an individual thats when we should be at our weakest not our stongest stay not awesome bbw comers… 阅读更多内容
sucky 11
its over with me and tori I dont know what happend maybe im to freaky for her or somthing or maybe my penis is to small I dont know but truth be told if she didnt i would had guys lets just stay talking to dumb girls cause the smart one have too much stuff on there plates already so lets be smart thank the universe for all the fun girls and may they bless our beds and rooms with there sweet moans of pleasure estatic faces boy the universe was kind to me in 2010 now it sucky 11 and im striking out every where so i would like for everyone to say this next line out loud I HAVE NO BITCHES!!! how d… 阅读更多内容
remember 3 syllables
I honestly dont remember how its been since i last poseted and guys no girls have posted boob pics for me so im doing me again this blog I have also recently met a girl i mean maybe 2011 isnt all bad shawn miachels is being inducted into wwe hall of fame i mean unless tori can suck a mean u know then its bad70% good 30% yeah if anyone wants to share how there 2011 has been im intrested cause if im the only one having a bad year then i think im upset about that no im k**ding then congrats O you know i was courious what did every one do new years cause mine blew more on that next time dont be af… 阅读更多内容
my first Blog
Welcom to the first installment of What Captan Brandon Thinks. No its not a perfect title, but i will work on it. After all rome wasnt built in a day. just so we all are on the same page this Blog isnt about punctuation/capitalization its I don't know what its about yet but its definitely not about grammer so this is the last punctuation, you will see here on my blog. You know i'll do a entire Blog with pefect grammer for a woman who requests it But she has to give me a pic of her boobs 1picture of 2BooBs= 200 words but im not sure if my fans would read that many words so we may have to discus… 阅读更多内容