more idle rambling

Hello everyone, thanks to those that read and commented on my blog as well as my story. If there is more interest in my stuff and you thought it was decent I will write another story, let me know what you think and what might interest you, if I've done something like what you want I'll write about it. thanks… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ceasor1225 9 年 前 1


Hello, I am wondering if people actually read these blogs, I have caught a few here and there and some were very good, others not so good. I thought that if anyone were interested I would relate some adventures I have had, some good and some not so good LOL, hopefully all are good. Let me know and if the response is good I will give it a try. Thanks to everyone that looks and comments on my profile or pics and vids, I love being slutty and love hearing what you think, have a great day.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ceasor1225 9 年 前 6
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