Why should this come down when his is still up... Date night, straight from the stylist all dressed up with no one to blow Welcome to the Muppet Show! Here is some of what the self procla… 阅读更多内容
Petition to have sabinchen and angeloastor removed
This is a petition to have sabinchen and angeloastor removed from XRMXX. Here is just a short list of the many reasons why we feel they should be deleted: Posting 1000’s of meaningless “copy and paste” spam a day Accusing other members of being “Nazis” or using “Nazi” tactics Disrespecting members that are main contributors of vids The inability to communicate intelligently with other members Degrading members for voicing their own opinions Attacking members that want to be left alone, for example: sabinchen posts a "hihi" on a member's profile, that member deletes… 阅读更多内容