Ok, you sharp ones figured out something is up, right? How could there be a story if I say two nights from now? Lol. This is just a preview to tell you what's coming. what I have agreed to do. Some of you know about one of the fraternities that I am "friends" with. I spend a ton of time in their house. You may of even read about the special closet they turned into a room just for me.... well, more like for enjoying me. lol. There is plenty of Meg specific graffiti on those walls. Lol. The part that pertains to what is coming has to do with the new pledges. Whenever there is a new year, there… 阅读更多内容
Some Mondays.....
Some Mondays, you just don't know what to do with yourself..am I right? The weekend is over, but you don't want it to be, so you just drink a little too much. And, when you drink too much, you become just a bit more susceptible to ideas. Lol. Sorry it has been so long since I have put an updated entry into my blog here. You guys are really good about asking for it all the time. I mean, there have totally been blog worthy things, but for some reason I just kept deciding to keep them as my memories instead. Even when I started writing about one, I ended up erasing it. Sorry guys. Truly! (Yes,… 阅读更多内容
Sometimes I just get this naughty streak
There is situational naughty, when I am just living life and something pops up, and mmmm, naughty fun. Then there are those times when I get like this really naughty streak and I set out to be naughty. Like I plan it and I make it into reality. Once upon a time our fair haired princess was in Florida. Ok, well actually it was in January before classes started back up, and I am not even close to a Princess, but the story does involve slippers (well heels) so it made me think of a fairy tale. I guess a fairy tale without the happy love ending, so maybe not a fairy tale at all. Anyway, I was in… 阅读更多内容
Christmas Eve
'Twas the night before Christmas, in a married man's house Something was stirring and it wasn't a mouse My stocking were off, but the fire kept me warm As a matter of fact, I was naked, just my bare form His offspring were missing, on a trip with their mom And the daddy, well he was feeling just a little bit Dom He had wrapped me up, from head to toe In a big red ribbon, my tits in a bow When across my bare ass there arose such a clatter Something sprang from his pants, hoping to splatter To the window he took me for a quick flash Up against it he pushed me, cold glass my tits did mash The moo… 阅读更多内容