
1. Your Name? 2. Age? 3. Favorite position(s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. Lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be d.r.u.n.k? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Have sex on the first date? 13. Would you kiss during sex? 14. Do you think I would be good in bed? 15. How many times would you like to cum? 16. Would you have a special way of using us/me?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 earlsmith41 7 年 前 1
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