their greatest fear.......the abrahamic jew, moslem christtian allah jesus moses afrika europe mideast canada usa americas ppl fear the wrath and potential strength of the antichrist army Thhe anntichrist knows humans very well and has poowers beyond your laws and armed will be a living hell for the humans beginnning wwith ccolonial continents lyk europe afrika mideast canada usa americas in theese times of war thee antichrirst army will come annd wreaa havoc on the humans who initiated cconflict and aa New World on EARTTH will be created.. may deaath be upon ju aas i curs… 阅读更多内容
RICH IN INDIA LOTSA KAMA SUTRA SEX WITH PINK FLOWERS ju hate has made HINDU GREAT......thanks humans ~`;-]… 阅读更多内容
Found the Solution
Learn the The Indian Exotic Asia Brown Body by lifting a few boulders.......sing Hott Sexii Songs in the Tongues.......of course in the natural habitats, the solution is is called no more usa canada, or colonial english jewmoslim culture which promotes anti Sanatan Dharma Beliefs.........Natural Habitat upon the Flights! Om Sex n Love… 阅读更多内容
Love Being an Alien Foreign Pornstar
all ju know of is my cdn bank accounts n dollars (actually lack of dollars) but the best part about it is that ju know N0N3 about the Foreign Bank Account Status... Hindu Sexual Aura, makes human females grow testosterone, less milk in their titts these days, more masculine thoughts and appearance fuelled by material greed! Take it from a Rich humble Man… 阅读更多内容
My Hard Dick after Yrs of Porn
after watching porns and stroking and rubbing and jerking my hard dick off for over 10 roman calendar years, and hitting the age of 30 roman calendar years my BBC Big Brown Cocoa still refuses to lose its will and power and desire for the female flowers in the human realm... after 30 roman calendar years. My Dickk is Hardup and Stronger than ironmin's suit and wulvareens skeletal structure. Thas all that there is to Fuq on......or Fuq Off if juu don't lyk it.....cos it don't matter...still gunna get the fuq outta here to make the Coins Foreign porrnstar style… 阅读更多内容
Mission ॐvolution
Here's my Mission. It is to evolve my balls from ripe fertile seeded Big Brown Fuzzy Indian coconuts filled with lota coconut milk!… 阅读更多内容
Things+ Traits of me I'm Proud of
they are all Traits that non humans possess. Chugging insane amounts of alcohol Getting High off Green Leaves Being Addicted to this Beautiful thing called Sex and Sexual Desire....Masturbation or Pussii is fine how -they- wanted to kill me since the very first day they found out I was sexually active how white women especially and many anglosized Indian women hate me becos I got a Very Unique Design Veiny Strong Muscular Indian Dick All these traits make me ZER0 in canada.........and Successful in Native Lands..Ommmmmmmmmmm… 阅读更多内容
-they- have been planning my death
ever since they seen I became Sexually Active in the roman calendar society, they've been planning my death to the difference in genetic and physiological structure... But the Astral Projection of the Sun Shines in multiple Locations at once..... Ommmmmmmmmmm… 阅读更多内容
Not BiggerMuscles, BIgger VEINS UNLUCKY if juu....
It is Unlucky to not Love an Elephant Trunk........and a 7.77" Indian.....Magic in Nature Dickktates this is unlucky not to love such a Magical Loving Thing in Life... ~`;-D… 阅读更多内容
Frankenstein forehead bitjches
bitjch ju from an inferior frankenstein foreheaded race if juu reading this and I will Always Be Sexier than North merica n their afroeuromideast society standard of wat Hott is Juu Envy Has Showed it...Murder juu all in WW3 and Get a Big Veiny Nuclear Bazooka Boner Out of it in the PRocess… 阅读更多内容
Ju were startle venJu seen its Black Hindu...
South Asia physical Features #TribalFleshVisiblyNotAfroMideastorEuro #ForTheTrueKraavKuthiisWhoLovTheForॐignFlavourSpicॐandSweet #WethॐBrownandBlackHindus #BeItNorthToSouthWeLoveShivShambuBholeNoDoubts #BumBumTrybॐ… 阅读更多内容
May Very Well Be a Figment of Ju Imagination
But the more ju pay attention to it, is the more ju show how distracted ju are and concerned for it... #HariAum #HarHarMahadev #LongLiveOurTrybॐ #beitinanyPartofthisEARTHandUNIVERSE… 阅读更多内容
Tale of Forsaken Hindu with Level ZॐR0 King KkbEgg
grew up an alien in a place where all things felt abstract and peculiar, where it could feel it was out of place. everytthing from its physical to its sexual presence was out of sync from what is considered the proper wavelength in the afroeuromideast society. it is the unknown species.......the Hindu with Level ZॐR0 King Kobra Egg who disrupts the mental+sexual balance of the unnaturals that crawl amongst a spider filled web World Wide.. Origins: Unknown Species: LevelZॐR0 King Kobra Egg Brown-Black Skinnd Hindu Abilities: Defies what Westerncolonialmideasteur… 阅读更多内容
Women with Fake Tits..
now since they have Fake Tits. ExoticIndianChocolat already knows.. ExoticIndianChocolat has fucked a few of these tainted demon type women in this era of Kalyug because he knows that their lust has driven them to want to get what they can't have, by means of defying All Natural Ways. Understanding this all too well, he is still understanding of the fact that they still have female genitalia referred to as the Vagina...sometimes referred to as the Pussii. Yes it is true, he has penetrated many of this whore species type pussy, knowing the fact that they are still women. In a sense, savin… 阅读更多内容
0G Aryans practice of kSk (KamaSutraKult)
Thrive in natural habitats best. Tell the fuqn vermin, who the real ARyan is, and how he & his people come from a lineage of Brown&Black Skin from the range of most blessed Mountain Peaks in all of this earth. and ju better fuqn understand that we r not Caucasian....Ju can Eat the East Indian BBC if ju think otherwise be it sexually or be it with Suxcess in general...the Original Aryan has a presence which disturbs western world societies, along with colours ball hairs and a skull so defiant to their very belief.. The Original Aryan is from the Subcontinent & taught the foolish europ… 阅读更多内容
Juu Too Slow
Juu Too Slow Many Years Too Late Yeah, that's how it crumbles......Hottblooded & Veiny Motherfuqs!… 阅读更多内容
Hindu Dick Fuqn amurrcan afroeuro porn
So fuq you, had italian bitch quivering legs shaking in front of a man who scares their country's mafia and arab isis alliance. had the bitch shaking when bent over, fuqn fat white italian bitch legs&ass shaking after Hard Hindu Dick Pummeled her worthless whore good for nothing pussii. bitch got happy coz she thot money was involved. $$$ cdn currency? Wtf do ju know bout our tribe? White boys italian fuqs tremble in front of our presence tryna make an afro alliance to redeem themselves when they see the BrownBlack men of the FAR EAST (that's nright we the original dreads, we gave the fu… 阅读更多内容
How I last Longer than americaPornstars Many a Tym
so watching porn the vids are typically 30 minutes with foreplay lotta shit talk n don't get it wrong. I'm a Healthcare Professional, so quickies are normal for men. On a horny day a guy can bust a nut very quickly.....but on those days when the b**st from Far East comes out...the hate in a blakwhyt society grows towards the KamaSutraKult. You see, racially we are least desired because we don't got ppl rapping or rocking in hollywood. So we don't get the popularity, but that doesn't stop us strong ones from fuqn on! During My duration in canada (that's right, the future ho… 阅读更多内容
Been Diagnosed with a Dick Hard Disease
Now I never felt sexy just because of the fact that I have an above average sized love making muscle. My voice, my body control, ability to taste & explore a woman, and very sexual feeling itself would compensate for that even if I wasn't packing. But I've finally come to learn that I've been Diagnosed with Dick Hard Disease. This condition is what has been responsible for making my chocolate man muscle pulsate and throb and get up several times a day without taking any steroids and supplements. This condition won't allow me to rest unless I bust a nut 6-7 times daily................sure… 阅读更多内容
It keeps on getting bigger..
It is like a natural disaster on my body, it keep rising in temperature............throbbing, pulsating.......sticking to my legs. It just keeps on getting bigger and more loving..… 阅读更多内容