Ah, Cap d'Agde... This beautiful place in the south of France is legendary amongst nudists, libertines and hedonists. And so of course I had to make a pilgrimage there. It was early in the summer, June, and as always happens (well, at least it does with me) there is a particularly horny feeling in the air,. People are eager to feel the sun kiss their bodies, to expose their skin to the air and to the eyes of fellow beachgoers. At Cap D'Agde that feeling is even stronger than ever or than anywhere. I wasn't quite sure what to expect though. Once I had installed myself in a little bun… 阅读更多内容
A night in a kilt
It was about 11 pm, after dinner and a long day of work I felt like going for a walk in the neighborhood of my hotel in Paris. Ambling out with nothing special in mind, I suddently realised that I was pretty close to a club that I had been to several times, the Cupidon, and the idea began to grow in me that it would be fun to pay a visit. Within minutes, my legs had found the right direction and had placed me in front of the door. At the reception the attractive and smiley mini-skirted young woman asked me with a glint in her eye if I would like to wear a kilt. Huh? Why? Well, she explained,… 阅读更多内容
The unforgettable view
All guys get turned on by an peek up a woman's skirt, accidental or not. Guys, you know it. And ladies, you know it too. Anyway, I was at this swinger club some years back, a club in Paris that no longer exists. It was called La Plage, the beach, no idea why. The evening was just beginning and so people were just hanging out, chatting, checking out the scene, having a look at who they might get lucky with later. I noticed this woman who was no youngster, mid-forties perhaps. I found her striking, but not in a tarty or slutty way. She was quite subtle. Quite tall, she had a lo… 阅读更多内容
True stories
I'm going to put some stories here from time to time. Real stories, stuff that has happened to me. Episodes that really turned me on and that I like to remember by writing them up. I also really enjoy reading about the true experiences and the fantasies of others, so keep writing folks! Hope you enjoy!… 阅读更多内容