A Second Visit To The Physio

I rested for a couple of days but I still felt that my glutes were a little tight and after chatting to my mother she suggested that I revisit the physio as he was best placed to help cure the problem. I had been thinking a lot about Mr Wagstaff and how caring he was with me and he did cure my hamstring issue so I had full confidence in his professional abilities. He was glad to hear from me when I called from the house phone and as he was free he told me to walk round as he didn’t live far, “I’ll get the table ready for you son” he said and I could tell in his voice he was pleased to hear fro… 阅读更多内容

发表者 britguy 3 年 前 12

I love cartoon

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发表者 curieux02 5 年 前 22

Married mature man`s first time cock sucking

I`m a man who never looked at another man until.. I`m a man who quite honestly who has never had even a tiny bit of interest in looking at another guy and being middle aged,married and plodding through life never thought i would. That however all changed last year in a steam room at a local gym and nothing like that would ever happen again but i must admit i still get aroused when i start thinking about what happened. I done shift work SO would make an effort some mornings to go to the local gym and most times you would only get a few guys around the sauna and steam room if any at all. After… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pullitte 5 年 前 37
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