Quick update

It's been awhile since last post, so thought I would put in a quick update. She ended up returning state side being apart for 9 months got to be too much, despite the greater freedom she had to "play". Needless to say the last couple of months have been focused on her getting as much of her work done for her master's degree finished and spending family time together. Because of current living arrangements it has been hard enough for us to find time to be alone ourselves let alone for her go enjoy and extracurricular activities. Needless to say the lack of sex the last couple of months ha… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hubby2bbcslut 9 年 前 3

Eight in 8 months

One of the worst parts of moving to an new area, let alone a new country, is not having any familiarity with the dating or club scene. Sadly the most effective way to arrange a casual hook up has been through Cragslist, XRMXX, and adult friend finder. As most of you, I'm sure, are aware that means sorting through a mountain of bullshit fakes, flakes, and illiterate morons. So far in the 8 months she has been over there we've been able to arrange 8 meets in that time, only half of which were worth the effort. Two of which where from this site billyblanks, and as mentioned in the previo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hubby2bbcslut 9 年 前 6

Memorial Day Weekend in the UK

Since several members have asked repeatedly for some form of blog posts detailing her exploits, I thought i would start with the most recent. So over the weekend she met up with http://xhamster.com/user/shadow2341 the 3rd XRMXX member in England that I have been able to arrange for her. Right now she is trying to sit through a series of presentations at the university with a very stretched out well fucked over sensitive pussy. Since I have not had a chance to see everything that has been recorded yet all I can say is that even after spending all day saturday and part of sunday mo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hubby2bbcslut 9 年 前 5
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